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Everything posted by Keyten

  1. Maybe, it's due to katarn saberstyle with bryar altattack.
  2. Some notes: 1. Saberthrow force must switch to the saber from an other weapon? 2. Detached eweb loaded without model when I finished the hoth2 and loaded the hoth3 3. Staff sabers are still unthrowable.
  3. Redsaurus, what do you think about usable noghri stick? And "pickuppable" parameter in the weapons.dat.
  4. I am not a good animator, but I can try to help you Btw, my dual backhand stance (you can use it): https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2ef773b5a819%2Fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzanim.pk3 Screenshots: http://cs618318.vk.me/v618318464/1a932/twCPZpwmwW8.jpg http://cs617627.vk.me/v617627464/1c188/tlL0g5J-7h4.jpg http://cs617627.vk.me/v617627464/1c190/Pzkz6PBfb5o.jpg http://cs617627.vk.me/v617627464/1c1a8/c1hVNbWgsbg.jpg http://cs617627.vk.me/v617627464/1c1b8/dNt-XGwr9SU.jpg P.S. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fextrajka.ru%2Fforum%2Findex.php%2Ftopic%2F106-animatciia-v-ja%2F&edit-text=
  5. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/c2e1afe50c75/Makermod%20Reborn.zip
  6. Wow, looks very great! I want something like this in base maps.
  7. Do you use OpenJK? Maybe, they are use one of basejka crash bugs?
  8. Just add to the all .sab files (on your server): saberStyleLearned tavion saberStyleLearned desann
  9. Ok, thanks No, I don't like that water, sorry.
  10. http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-mod-releases/works-progress/7804-water-slime-shader.html http://www.moondrunk.se/DP_animated_water_Moon%5BDrunk%5D_v0.3.pk3
  11. You can't create custom GLA for NPC, only for GLM-model. 2. No. 3. No. Creating animation in Dragon: https://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fextrajka.ru%2Fforum%2Findex.php%2Ftopic%2F106-animatciia-v-ja%2F&edit-text=
  12. SweetFX works with JA on rd-vanilla And: https://code.google.com/p/qindie-gl/downloads/list
  13. Or unbind the altattack key and remove it from the controls menu
  14. As I know, EpicLoyd tried to create something like this And japhysmod from Xycaleth: https://www.google.ru/?gws_rd=ssl#newwindow=1&q=japhysmod https://code.google.com/p/japhys/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3nJ5e9iFw4aAwIPVdxQIMQ
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0LcgsT7ZpqWM1I5M0pLOU43dTQ/edit - OJP http://www.moddb.com/mods/serenitysabersystems/addons/serenityjediengine - EoC
  16. Just make npc with 5 styles and playermodel him P.S. http://vk.com/rujka?w=wall-107874_15342 -- my cheat npc, saber and swoop
  17. Good idea, thanks I will add basic templates. And some other things, such as hex / named / hsl colors and default values.
  18. Hey, what do you think about JK menus markup lang? For example: <menuDef name="quitMenu" visible="0" fullScreen="1" rect="0 0 640 480" focusColor="1 1 1 1" descX="320" descY="426" onESC="play('sound/interface/esc.wav'); close(quitMenu); open(mainMenu); setcvar(r_fullscreen, 0)"> <itm forecolor="0 0 1 1"></itm> <itm visible="0"></itm> </menuDef> <template name="itm"> <itemDef name="really_background" group="none" style="WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER" rect="156 154 320 240" background="gfx/menus/main_centerblue" forecolor="1 1 1 1" visible="1" decoration /> </template>Result:
  19. Noghri stick when used by player crashes basejka too
  20. They are not my work too The models ported for MB2 by Lt. Claim, but removed from the MB2 forum now.
  21. Most of the force powers use effects (assets1/effects/force and assets1/effects/mp for drain). Push / Pull refraction is hardcoded. And Protect, Absorb and Grip use shaders (I don't know grip shader, sorry).
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