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Everything posted by afi

  1. Is there anything outside of the code that could cause that? Ext_data, scripts or anything?
  2. Hey, I've got a problem with my code. My sabers don't deal any damage anymore, there is not even an effect or a noise when you hit the enemy, it's like I don't even hit him. Ît's only with sabers, all other weapons deal damage. Recently I deleted all base sabers and added my own to the assets. I did some changes in the saber code but nothing that should negate the damage. Anyone got an idea? I'm using openJK from January 2014.
  3. I had a long break but I'm back on working on this. Recreating assets atm. Might do videos soon which should help me to stay motivated.
  4. Eezstreet implemented xbox 360 controller support
  5. afi

    avi instead roq

    I think razor worked on some alternative for roq
  6. Oh yes, at least we know the music will be awesome... I'm a huge John Williams fan
  7. I know that. What I meant was: With all the work they would have to put in recreating all the assets it would be almost as much work as creating a new game (and before you start an argument about that, I know that creating a game is more than just recreating assets). I know that they are not allowed to do a SW game. And I know that it's a violation of the EULA. And I know that it would be better if they would do their own assets. Still, I don't care as they don't hurt anyone. And whether it's artistic valuable or not is another story. I don't know if the movie is going to be good.
  8. They don't make anything from scratch and they don't pretend to do so (or do they). They are making a movie. If it was a game with stolen assets it would be different, it's not like they share or even sell JKII-assets though. They import them to UDK because that engine looks better than what we have in JKII and then they film it, that's it. I don't see how this could be a problem. If they would have to recreate all assets they could also just make a new game.
  9. As long as it looks good (and compared to movies done in id-tech3 it looks great) I couldn't care less
  10. Those commands are protected for a reason
  11. TPM is the one I watched most cause of the saber fights followed by RotS. But with getting older I became more of a fan of ESB and RotJ. Those saber fights in the new movies are still some of my favourite SW-moments though.
  12. I know it won't happen but I wish the movie was about the time between EPIII and IV. I also dislike how they treat the story that is actually already written about the time after VI. It will be really confusing for people who read the books and see something completely different in the movie. I'm really, really pessimistic about this movie after their last announcements even though Abrams did a good with Star Trek and even though John Williams is doing the soundtrack.
  13. I wouldn't say that Chivalry is "way too simplistic". The skill ceiling is not as high as in a game like Quake but it's far from being simple. You can perform 5 different attacks, you can active block, feint and drag (which pretty much works like poke or "aim" in JK except for the fact that you can't increase your damage by doing so) etc. The only real problem that this game has are the bugs and the class balance. It's way more complex than Blade Symphony which feels like a Jedi Knight 2 on drugs for casuals (at least back then when I was playing it) The problem that I see with compJA (if it ever will get a release) is honestely how you want to attract people to actually play it. Most JK players will stick to JK and the rest of the people will be scared by the graphics. That's pretty much the same problem that all these Quake clones have.
  14. Blade Symphony is not a good game (so far). The animations are really weird and the combat is kinda random. And the community is small and already full of idiots. Imo Chivalry is the only good multiplayer melee combat game since Jedi Academy even though it's obviously quite different to JK. But there are still a couple of JK players in chivalry (for example tehjumpingjawa, Nerevar, cptdno, myself...). Afaik Blade Symphony is still in alpha though so there is still hope
  15. How is it hate when someone says that he doesn't want to play openjk?
  16. Why is the wiki broken?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Gotta love when updates kill the skin! Should have it fixed soon(ish).

    3. Ping


      The wiki is somewhat back - first edits to it: Mangrewo updating his clan's rank list.

    4. Ping


      Because it is of critical importance to have all ranks of all members always up to date on the jkhub wiki.

  17. Great. You should make a post in the official forum: http://forums.tornbanner.com/forumdisplay.php/15-Chivalry-Modifications-amp-Maps
  18. We had this discussion before. The reason why JKHub is only about modding is because there is no reason for (competitive) players to stay here.
  19. Eez you're missing the point but I'm gonna explain it. I don't know anyone who played 1.00 because the sabering was (supposed to be) different. Everyone can read the readme to the 1.01 patch and see what changed. The reason is that the community in 1.0 is different. Back in 2005 the 1.0 community was actually quite big and for me there was no reason to switch, cause all my mates played 1.0 anyway. Personally I switched to 1.01 cause I started playing in the ESL which is not possible in 1.0. Obviously 1.01 is the better game (less lags, less bugs, code-mods) but for people in 1.0 the reason to stay was never the gameplay. It's a bit hard to explain, but 1.0 is a different, way less competitive community. Everyone know each other, a bit like a village to say so. The 1.0 community is actually a bit like the JA+ community. It's much about chatting, having cheats on the server and having fun on singleplayer maps and stuff. This was 1.0 at least for me. I hope this helps.
  20. Ye, eez please stop this "it's not logical to play 1.00"-talk. There was a reason why I played 1.00 for years even though I only visited it a couple of times after 2007. There is actually a tool that allows you to switch between 1.0 and 1.01 that is called "patch commander". All it does though is switchting between two gamadata-folders. I'm not sure if that file is actually legal but it should be no problem since you can reproduce these files with the sourcecode anyway fuckthepolice Personally I just have two copies of the whole Jedi-Academy folder for 1.0 and 1.01
  21. This or (what I did) remove .net 4.5
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