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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Make sure that r_fullbright is set to 0 in-game.
  2. Sort of. I did that a long time ago, in an attempt to make enemies more dynamic, basically "playing" with the distance from the player, but it works well enough for melee enemies, setting their behavior to BS_FOLLOW_LEADER, setting the leader to Player, and setting the distance to 0 or 1 units. Basically it will stick to you like a barnacle, and if you force him to attack frequently it's death incarnate
  3. Isn't it impossible to scale a misc_bsp, at least in base JA?
  4. Oh, my gosh, I'm so drunk right now that I could speak all night about how horrible those angles in 03katarn and 04escapehouse are :P

    1. minilogoguy18


      Fix em and post pics.

  5. If you want to force them to chase you, you can set the player as their leader, set the appropriate behavior and follow distance through script. It's a bit of a hack, but works.
  6. Not an expert or anything, but if it is possible, this might be a good starting point. In my opinion however it would be more convenient to recreate the specific animations than to convert them.
  7. Having a bad memory isn't too bad in some cases, because the hundredth time you play Jedi Academy will be like the first time!
  8. Set a decently high distancecull value to the worldspawn.
  9. True, no Defel around, although there are some old werewolf models that could serve as a base for it. Defels are essentially shadowy werewolves anyway A Defel character IMO should also be only available as a reward of some sorts, as it would be too convenient to place him in a dark corner and take care of all the enemies unseen. As for the Noghri, it depends. Honoghr had some technical stations and spaceports where repairs could be made, so they did have some understanding of technology, but from the books it looks like they didn't have too complex biological or chemistry scientifical notions. And if we want to keep it in line with the way Noghri names generally go, a more fitting name would be Xanathe (Xanath? Their names generally don't end with vowels) of clan Bulth'ner.
  10. They actually half-work: you can put the ladder brush in-game, you can approach it and start climbing, but it will crash in a matter of moments.
  11. Not sure if it would work, but you could try to put a func_usable or trigger_multiple and link it to a weapon spawn. It seems to work with health and shield power-ups, so it might not work for weapons, but it's worth a try.
  12. A Defel, perhaps? They are nearly invisible in shadowy areas, and could have some use for stealth missions.
  13. Yep, as far as I know you can just input any and all console command like that. Found out this solution a long time ago in the comment section of a tutorial here on the Hub, while looking for a way to change weather.
  14. As far as I know there's just an ugly hack to do it: //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "yadda; cl_noprint 1; helpusobi 1; r_we rain; helpusobi 0; cl_noprint 0" ); It is ugly, but it's the only way to dynamically change weather without code modifications.
  15. I also discovered this when playing with weapons in the past, but never used it. Wouldn't the sound change work changing the muzzle effect?
  16. "Alpha 1, this is Flight Group Alpha using your target for attack!"
  17. I guess a mix of mission editor and original game props - the Death Star II was already in the game, so I think they just reused parts of it. I think.
  18. You should probably ask the team. I may be wrong, but I think I read somewhere it was Plasma who made the new wookiees? Anyway, can't wait to slash some bothans
  19. Camera will probably be a problem anyway. Keep the model too large, and the fighter movement and the model itself will most likely interfere with the camera view, but making it too small the model might disappear entirely, and that's not good if there's a front part you want to see. If I may suggest an option for first person view, I'd make it as the player with its weapons: a first person .md3 model of the cockpit, while the player currently in first person view won't see the whole model of the fighter itself. I think that's also the solution Skew opted for his "TIE Fighter" mod:
  20. The error doesn't refer to the fact that there are split meshes at UV seams - it is instead telling you to do that to export the model correctly. Basically run through all the edges of the UV islands in UV/Image Editor of the meshes affected by the problem, making sure to check Keep UV and edit mode mesh selection in sync, then, once the edges are selected, click on Mesh -> Edges -> Edge split. That should do the trick.
  21. Not quite, actually. If you get inside a ship and fly it to the trigger_shipboundary, it will slowly turn the ship to the target entity, but if you push an unmanned ship into the shipboundary it will explode. "Shortest offensive of all times", indeed
  22. Another way would be to use the MP code run by trigger_shipboundary, which slowly turns the ship toward a target entity, although it seems to destroy unmanned ships.
  23. Give yourself to the Blender side! It is the only way you can save your animations!
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