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Posts posted by CrimsonStrife

  1. +1


    IMO they shouldn't use JKO animations all time and Kyle's same scream every video... It's cinematic so they shud make new animations in UDK. I also don't like that pull, but 0:04 - 0:07 looks good. Generally that movie is going to be good. Remember it's fan made. It's also one of the biggest project in JK history.

    You can't make new character animations in UDK, or Unreal itself for that matter.  You can do simple movements, like rotations and translations of objects, but that's it.  Everything else would need to be done in a software supporting animation and capable of exporting into Unreal, the most likely candidate being Maya, since it has the better export tools for UDK.  But given that they obviously haven't done so, you can assume that they have no animation experience, which explains why all the transitions look so damn sloppy.


    Eh, tbh this left me with mixed feelings all around.


    The animations didn't look very fluid at all.


    First off, there's some really minor issues in the effects being played. There's a random green explosion behind him, with no reason whatsoever. Then, the stormtrooper on the right fires a shot, and it goes straight through his lightsaber and his arm and Kyle doesn't even so much as flinch.


    When looking at Kyle pull people and swing his saber, he almost slows down and speeds up rather jerkily and it looks really bad just in general. The lack of definition in his body doesn't mesh well with the really high definition of his face. The wall run scene could have used some slow motion for optimal effect. When he lands from the attack on the Mark 1, he quickly jumps up and then pushes them away, and then quickly turns around. This looks really really awful. There is virtually no delay between anything, and the animation comes off as very static, as if there isn't any blending at all.


    That would be because there obviously isn't any blending.  From what I can tell of these videos, they didn't go through the process of creating animtrees in UDK, which actually blend animations, and instead are just playing them into the Matinee sequence, which is a sin upon sins.  If you're going to port content because you're either 1) lazy or 2) inexperienced, then fine, but at least learn the tools you're using and put some effort into things.



    I think it looks good apart from a few things. The cloth simulation seems off - especially since he has rather tight clothing. It's like there is a very local very strong wind on him all the time. 

    That is EXACTLY what they've done...when you create a cloth simulation, really only two things will make it move...either 1) another physics object collides with it, or 2) a "wind" effect.  Since colliding with it would look goofy as hell, they've gone for the wind option, which I saw a few videos on their Facebook page, taking place on Bespin, where Kyle is still and it works OK, not great, but not terrible, the problem is that (in UDK at least) wind is kind-of set in single direction, and it's a volume, the only way I can think of to move it or affect it's direction at will, is through scripting, which it seems unlikely that they're doing much of for this, since literally everything they've done can be done with Matinee sequences.




    The bumpmaps are extremely strong, to the point where it makes the scene look really terrible, most especially on the walls. Also, Kyle's clothes cause a rather nasty warping effect when viewed without any movement. Perhaps it's an optical illusion, not sure.

    I think that warping effect is the "cloth simulation" they've been using to make it look like it is actually fabric, except they seem to have it constantly going, and it looks goofy, especially if you're on a space station or in a building.



    The only thing this guy can be praised for is his knowledge of UDK.

    I wouldn't even go that far, these matinees scream of someone who picked up the software just for this purpose, and is learning by doing, the animation transitions are not smooth at all, and they don't seem to have a strong grasp on how to blend animations.  Not a bad plan necessarily to learn by doing, but for something this large (be it using ported content or not) it's a poor decision.  The Matinee editor is stupid easy to learn, you're basically just dropping in animations and sounds, etc like you would video clips into a video editor.

    Grab and eezstreet like this
  2. "Editorial use only," eh?


    Yeah, that one confused/surprised me as well.


    You may have already gone and read their info on that @@eezstreet, but I'll post it here for those that haven't.


    Basically this:



    • Products may not be used on any item/product for re-sale, such as a video game or t-shirt.
    • Products may not be used as part of billboard, trade show or exhibit display.
    • Products may not be used in any defamatory, libelous or otherwise unlawful manner whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with specific subject matter.
    • The material may not be incorporated into a logo, trademark or service mark. For example, you can’t use Editorial content to create a logo design.
    • The material may not be used for any commercial, non-news related purpose.
    Rules for Sellers:

    When you upload products for distribution, you now have the option to mark them as “Editorial Uses Only.” Editorial material is material related to current events, news, culturally relevant, social, and political issues meant to be used for a news-related purpose. 


    How can I use Stock Media Products marked “Only Editorial Uses Allowed” and/or Stock Media Products depicting another party’s design, product, or logo?

    Some TurboSquid Stock Media Products are labeled with an “Only Editorial Uses Allowed” notice on their product page. This is one way to alert you that the Stock Media Product has a depiction of another party’s intellectual property (“IP”), such as another company’s product. For example, a 3D model of a vehicle may include a real-world manufacturer’s logo, trademark, or other protected IP such as ornamental designs in the geometry.

    Even if the Stock Media Product is not labeled with the “Only Editorial Uses Allowed” notice, you must still keep in mind whether it features any rendition of another party’s IP . You can generally find this information by reviewing the product page and/or researching any brand mentioned on that product page.

    If the Stock Media Product has another party’s IP, it may only be used with that IP for Editorial Uses (for example in Creations such as an online or televised news story relating the other party’s IP). To use another party’s IP for other uses, you must establish whether you need to clear rights with the party outside of TurboSquid for the given use. The party may deny the use or ask for royalties. You are solely responsible for determining the need for and, if appropriate, obtaining any needed clearance, consent, or release to use another party’s IP.




    More or less, it sounds like a scapegoat allowing users to submit material using IP that isn't their own, and still sell it.  However the stuff that it can actually be used for once purchased is basically nothing but a stock image for a news article.

  3. Hmmm... seems to be hundreds of Star Wars models for sale on TurboSquid.com.


    Just because a lot of people do it, doesn't make it ok.

    As I said, this type of thing isn't likely to actually cause an issue, because even at those numbers, it's fairly small in the grand scheme.

    BUT it IS still copyright violation, which IS illegal, and therefore not something that JKHub can support, because IF it ever became a problem, they'd have a legal mess.


    You'll notice that even TurboSquid is changing the licensing for those such models, as the IP doesn't belong to the artist.

    Example: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-star-wars/808722


    Archangel35757 likes this
  4. It would seem to depend on how he negotiates the rights to the model with the artist, no? If the artist sells him the rights as part of their contract, then what prevents him from legally reselling it-- say on Turbosquid, etc.?



    how's it immoral if the artist sells him full rights?



    Well, that would be up to the artist and how he negotiates/sells the rights, no?


    In theory that's fine, and the matter of it being a moral issue is moot.

    The real way that selling said model would become a legal issue, is depending on what the model is.  If it is say, a Star Wars model, but it was made by a freelance modeler, then while yes it should be fine to pay the artist for their work, the actual selling of the mesh by either party would be copyright infringement, since it uses the Star Wars IP.


    From that point, it comes down to, would it actually be an issue?

    Well, more than likely not, no.  Because odds are it isn't going to be so world changing that it ever catches LA's or Disney's eye, BUT that doesn't change the fact that you would be tip-toeing along copyright boundaries.

  5. I wonder if not every (private) person would choose to do it this way. What would be the benefit of keeping the subscription all the way through a year?


    It would likely come down to the frequency of the updates, which, at least this early on will probably be quite frequent.

  6. So everyone on a team would need to buy it for themselves?


    At the moment yes, from talking to the licensing team (Helical needs to get our other ones set up) they are working on team licensing and such, but that is still a ways off.  So for now, the only option is for every member to have an account and pay at least the first month.




    So you could buy it for $19, cancel your sub and you only have paid $19?


    Exactly yes, BUT you would only be able to get updates and such for the first month.  So if there were a major update a few months later that fixed some issues, or added something you wanted, you would have to renew for at least another month to update.  Therefore paying another $19.  But even doing it that way, you wouldn't be paying for every month in between.

  7. I thought you guys might be interested to know, that you can actually get UE4 for only one payment of $19.  You can sign up, and cancel after the first month, and still use the software as you would normally, with the exception of updates.  You can then simply renew for another month every so often to get the latest updates.


    I'm not sure if this means an inactive subscription still counts as a commercial license, where you could still sell your products.  But you can certainly still use the entire engine.  You'd have to contact their support to find out how this affects commercial use.



    My favorite part:

    "Do I have to worry about a billing contract or penalties for cancelling my subscription?
    Your subscription payment automatically recurs, but you’re free to cancel at any time. There’s no penalty for cancellation.

    When you cancel your subscription, you won’t receive access to future releases of Unreal Engine 4, however your login will remain active, and you are free to continue using the versions of Unreal Engine 4 which you obtained as a subscriber under the terms of the EULA."



    Boothand likes this
  8. It's a good deal to get full access to an engine + monthly updates for a minimal monthly fee. However, I don't see many free game projects doing this like MB3.


    Well the UDK is still available as far as I can tell, so there is still a completely free option for non-commercial projects, but no source-code access there.

    The UE4 upgrade applies to those of us with COMMERCIAL UDK licenses, so I'm not certain how it might apply to any new applicants.

  9. UE4 subscribers can release games commercially by paying 5% of gross revenue from product sales to users (regardless of who collects the revenue). With this model, a game that sells to users on the App Store for $10 would incur a royalty of $0.50 (5% of $10), while you as the developer might receive $7 from Apple (after Apple deducts their 30% distribution fee).


    UDK developers have the choice of sticking with the current royalty and license system, or using the UDK under these same terms as UE4.  Also we get a free subscription to UE4 for a year.

  10. Sounds like a cool idea. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do in that regard. We are limited greatly to the forum software's functions. The best answer function is a built-in one. I can look into it further though.


    Technically it could be done...best answer is a mod I think actually, and not a stock feature.  Thereby it a similar mod could be made that did the above, but you would need a web developer willing to put in the time and effort.

    Boothand likes this
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