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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Well the reason you can't find him is because he's dead lol
  2. Sorry that was the impatient 16 year old side of me I just really like KOTOR mods
  3. When do you plan to release it?
  4. Take it away guys ....
  5. Well actually the entire pack has Npc and he is one of them Could you do a tutorial for that ?, I really want to get deeper into modding
  6. Awesomeness
  7. Welcome to the JkHub!
  8. This feels familiar...http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/449929-jedi-revan-w-i-p.html
  9. Your right the only way I was able to really learn modding is by coming here, even Ashura has helped me out before how about this one http://ultimateshowdown.forumotion.com/t30-weapons
  10. What will it feature?
  11. Don't forget Quinlan Vos
  12. Thanks for the new wallpaper! B)
  13. Woah this looks awesome, I always wanted to see T3-M4 in the game, but I have never seen any on filefont or the Hub so thamk you for woking on it. I plan to edit this mod so that T3 follows you.
  14. Could you PM me a the skin so I can test it out?
  15. Nice clean up
  16. Bek

    501st Stormtrooper

    Great work, but this needs to be updated with Dt's new stormie model
  17. Shame the t2's are ported
  18. here's some concept art from TFU for reference: https://www.google.com/search?sa=G&q=shadow+guard&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=xvavFFBRWOtgWM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcS-KjaXIq-qRK_StlSrYBeVYTePSJV2ReSEnWVlohB05btD1gWLcw%253B359%253B664%253BBjQliW2NcuU91M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.deviantart.com%25252Fmorelikethis%25252F1824194%25252Fdigitalart%25252Fvector%25252Fscifi%25253Foffset%2525253D10%25252526view_mode%2525253D2%25252523skins&tbs=simg:CAESYRpfCxCo1NgEGgIIAAwLELCMpwgaOAo2CAESEN4F3AXWBcQHtQe7B8cGyAYaILJraIlYAxum5SoMU6ZpWni3YMM404uFR_1ZYq5-6d8mqDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEHAUhLQw&ei=ZMvhUpq0L6HNsQSx74DwDg&ved=0CDoQ9QEwAg&biw=1040&bih=894#facrc=_&imgrc=xvavFFBRWOtgWM%253A%3BBjQliW2NcuU91M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffc02.deviantart.net%252Ffs70%252Ff%252F2012%252F147%252F7%252Ff%252Ftfu___emperor_shadow_guard_by_cachorro1139-d51bzva.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.deviantart.com%252Fmorelikethis%252F1824194%252Fdigitalart%252Fvector%252Fscifi%253Foffset%253D10%2526view_mode%253D2%2523skins%3B359%3B664
  19. Thank you so much Circa! you can't believe how hectic it can get when you lose your Gmail account
  20. Yes my account on this site is legit ( lol@gmail.com ) and I would like Hidden Bek to be my username. Also thanks Circa! for saving my account, I should have just wrote down my password
  21. When I tried to sign in on my Youtube account it said my password had been changed. Shocked I tried to submit a password recovery form, but later Google told me that my account was deleted so I submitted a bunch of account recovery forms before they permanently deleted it. Sadly none of this worked and I had to make a new Gmail account. Luckily I was still signed in on JKhub on my computer. After about a week my internet provider Fios had gone out for my house due to an unpaid bill. After about three days that had pasted I realized I had been signed out from my JKhub account, having no choice I had to make a new account to replace the old one ( also before all this I had forgoten my password to Jkhub account this lead me to make a new one, but of course I never wrote it down )
  22. my actual Gmail account was accidently deleted by me about two weeks ago, but I was still sign in on my computer
  23. Hey guys this is Dead-eyeBoba, but since my Gmail was account deleted by Google my account here was also unusable so I think I should re-introduce myself. If you guys have questions or just don't believe it's me then I will gladly clear up all confusion.
  24. For model reference I would use the Krayt Dragon in KOTOR on the tantooine level
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