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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Why would you need to redo it if it's 3D? Even if you had normal maps, you'd want dynamic lighting to take advantage of it, and that means you'd need to recompile the map, and thus, it'd be super irrelevant since you can just use a misc_model_breakable entity for switch animations.


    And even if you kept it 2D, normal mapping is going to take you all of about 2 seconds to do because you're just slapping on a filter and saving the map, and then making a shader for that.

  2. I'd like to break the gentity_t structure into a class with unions for client/server, and then have a few derived types ie Missile, LogicalEnt, et al. But yeah I can see why that might be seen as slow.

  3. The builds are organized alphabetically, and they're named by hash, which is easily determined from the Github page for each commit.


    Anyway, just copy openjk.x86.exe into Gsmedata, you don't need or probably want the other crap.

  4. Guys, listen to Szico, if you're testing maps or models and want to QUICKLY go into game and do /map or /devmap to see your stuff in game it WILL CRASH every time if you're using the widescreen workaround with /r_mode -1/-2. What he wants is a FIX so it DOESN'T CRASH when using these commands, I should also point out that it crashes even when selecting a map in say solo mode. The only work around I know of is since I had a home hosted server set up already I would set it to the map I wanted and /connect to my own server then say spawn my AT-RT and test it that way since going through the menu doesn't work.

    FFS, I said like 10 times that this issue has been fixed. (It's listed on the OP...) Do people know how to read? I was saying that nothing is wrong with it in OpenJK at this point aside from HUD stretching..


    And if you're so inclined you can just grab the most recent version from buildbot links on the project page.

  5. https://github.com/eezstreet/JediKnight2


    What is this?

    Source code for Jedi Knight 2, with all the removed legal crap, and compiling under VC 2010. The product of about ~4 hours worth of labor, plus some additional time needed to add Multiplayer and collect all the source code for 1.02/1.03/1.04, which will go in separate codemp folders.


    Why not OpenJK?

    OpenJK has a bit of fluff on it that people might not want. Plus, it has JK2 and JA merged together for SP, which carries its own set of bugs. So I added this, with the hope that it will serve as an official "clean" source repository. 

    Omicron, Corto, Kaiser and 3 others like this
  6. Replace tr_main.cpp (code/renderer), that should be enough. As for the lag, I'm not sure on that but it should be because the Debug stuff has like zero optimizations while release has significantly more. FX gets really laggy in particular.

    Make sure you're grabbing release stuff from bin/Release, not bin/Debug.

  7. 1. slow running: compile in Release/FinalBuild, not Debug.

    2. not seeing any VFX: fixed

    3. menus items missing: run with +set com_jk2 1 in the commandline


    If you're going to do just a clean slate, it's going to take you around 8 hours of solid changing things (or 6, if you're fast) before it even compiles, no guarantees on it working. OpenJK is much quicker, but it isn't really JK2 friendly yet. I can understand why you wouldn't want all the goop though.

    Master Ridley, Corto and therfiles like this
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