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  1. Xioth liked a post in a topic by Circa in How to properly adjust your sword (not lightsaber) length   
    This won’t change the model itself, only the effective damage radius it has. If you want a sword to be physically longer, the model will need to be edited in a modeling program like Blender.
  2. ooeJack liked a post in a topic by Circa in If you message us as soon as you submit your file   
    Please stop. There are multiple people that have this habit and it’s obnoxious. It happens way too often, and just results in pissing us off. We already get notifications for submissions.
    We will get to it when we get to it. It’s not as simple as pressing a button, so we have to set aside a bit of time to take care of them.

    If you get directed to this thread going forward, you are guilty of this and I, or another staff member, are asking you to stop.
  3. Droidy365 liked a post in a topic by Circa in If you message us as soon as you submit your file   
    Please stop. There are multiple people that have this habit and it’s obnoxious. It happens way too often, and just results in pissing us off. We already get notifications for submissions.
    We will get to it when we get to it. It’s not as simple as pressing a button, so we have to set aside a bit of time to take care of them.

    If you get directed to this thread going forward, you are guilty of this and I, or another staff member, are asking you to stop.
  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by Ramikad in Contest participants   
    It's more a matter of time than participation, from what I understand. The two-months time frame you picked for the Mandalorian contest will probably draw more participants.
  5. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is...
    and his Nightsister Zombie.
    This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody!
    We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want!
    Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest! 
  6. {JoF} Atlas liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    Some people have asked for an extension, so y'all have until the EST morning of Monday the 26th. Particularly after I've had some coffee. ☕
  7. NAB622 liked a post in a topic by Circa in BSP Menu   
    Went ahead and uploaded the images to Imgur and replaced them until Nab either get's his site secured with SSL or uploads them elsewhere.
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by NAB622 in BSP Menu   
    Thanks, that helps a lot.
    I intend to treat that entire website as an archive. Eventually it will be completely replaced with a new site altogether, and the tutorials will be removed in favor of the video series I plan to make. Unfortunately, because radiant 1.6 is quite the dumpster fire, that led to me starting upgRadiant, and I won't be doing any video tutorials until it is finished. But they are coming..... Eventually.
  9. Mandalorian liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    What an epic episode, wow. Despite Boba’s pudginess, he still looked so good and was such a compete badass. Completely redeemed his character from canon’s perspective and lived up to his persona, heritage, and Legends/EU name. I really really hope they keep him around for a whole other season or two alongside Mando, or maybe even be some kind of competitor later on. Hearing his voice in the helmet while piloting Slave I gave me legit chills.
    Seeing Tython was great as well! Even if it was a small area, it was definitely based on the Legends appearance, so I’m glad for that.
    Dark Troopers looked even more like the Legends version than I expected. So glad.
    The remaining episodes can’t come soon enough!
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by Ruxith in Ruxith's Repository   
    What a difference some tattoos make ?
  11. bigphil2695 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Giant NPCs   
    Are you asking how to fix the camera so you can actually see properly when using large NPCs? It’s not something you can fix via the NPC itself, you would have to use the camera commands like cg_thirdpersonrange and cg_thirdpersonvertoffset. You could make a cfg and put those in there along with the playermodel command to automate it into one command.
    Or just use @therfiles’ handy CamSP mod to do those in a nifty menu.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Rmvsallen in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    By all means. I want to throw zero shade at whoever made the battle droid model in 2002, it was a different time, but it's well past time we have a new droid to fill all the places it did. As long as credit is given then people can do as they will with the droid!

  13. ZeroRaven liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    @Rmvsallen amazing work! Would you mind if I used the model to update my Prequel Conversion at some point? Replacing that old model would be epic.
  14. Rmvsallen liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    @Rmvsallen amazing work! Would you mind if I used the model to update my Prequel Conversion at some point? Replacing that old model would be epic.
  15. Circa liked a post in a topic by Rmvsallen in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    The image about says it all, I did about every droid-y thing I could think of doing aside from making a rig for it or something!
    I hope it gets through mods okay and everyone can enjoy the droid-ness like I have been!

    It's above 50 MB (342 MB) so I submtted a link to the file instead of direct upload on JKhub, I don't know if I can post that here or anything so I'll just let JKhub handle it.
  16. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    What an epic episode, wow. Despite Boba’s pudginess, he still looked so good and was such a compete badass. Completely redeemed his character from canon’s perspective and lived up to his persona, heritage, and Legends/EU name. I really really hope they keep him around for a whole other season or two alongside Mando, or maybe even be some kind of competitor later on. Hearing his voice in the helmet while piloting Slave I gave me legit chills.
    Seeing Tython was great as well! Even if it was a small area, it was definitely based on the Legends appearance, so I’m glad for that.
    Dark Troopers looked even more like the Legends version than I expected. So glad.
    The remaining episodes can’t come soon enough!
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by Plague-Angel in Razor Crest Map WIP   
    Started work on the cockpit today, been putting it off for a while now and after the last episode I feel like putting it off forever! ha ha

  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by Teancum in The Mandalorian   
    Do you think Boba put the armor back on and thought he needed to lose a little weight?
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by Noodle in The Mandalorian   
    My first thought when the Razor Crest got killed was "oh no! that poor mapper is gonna suffer so much!"
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mandalorian in The Mandalorian   
    Back from the dead! Last episode was a dream come true for me.
    Boba getting his armor back and Slave1! Teaming up with Din! Dark Troopers too!
  21. Circa liked a post in a topic by OCD2 in The Mandalorian   
  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by Devil_hunter96 in Modding force jump and force push   
    See? Even more apparent my lack of programming skills xD 
    Anyway, I've started to download all the things I need to give it a try myself. Apart from already having a couple courses of C and C++ from some online platforms.
    Thanks again for the assistance.
  23. Plague-Angel liked a post in a topic by Circa in Razor Crest Map WIP   
    Even more impressive!
  24. Devil_hunter96 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Modding force jump and force push   
    To clarify, @Asgarath83 is talking about editing the code directly, not simply putting values into an cfg file. You need to fork OpenJK or whatever mod you are going to be using, assuming it’s open source, and edit what he references above.
    If you have no prior knowledge of this, it’s probably best to learn basics of how programming works first.
  25. Asgarath83 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Modding force jump and force push   
    To clarify, @Asgarath83 is talking about editing the code directly, not simply putting values into an cfg file. You need to fork OpenJK or whatever mod you are going to be using, assuming it’s open source, and edit what he references above.
    If you have no prior knowledge of this, it’s probably best to learn basics of how programming works first.
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