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  1. Futuza liked a post in a topic by Circa in WHY IS THERE NO TUTORIAL HOW TO MOD MOVIE BATTLES 2?   
    Movie Battles II and most conversion mods with their own clients have their own folder that sits alongside the base folder. So pk3's would go in that.
    As far as tutorials for modding it goes, they only have a couple differences, otherwise it's the same. Not a lot is discussed about MBII here, you are better off heading over to their forum if you have questions about their mod.
  2. ancanar liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy - Dynamic Glow?   
    This is what it should look like. It makes the glow bigger and more full.

  3. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    I've done a lot of pieces on the side I haven't shared yet here. So here they are! Most if not all are OC's of mine, and my friends.







  4. ancanar liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy - Dynamic Glow?   
    According to your screenshot, dynamic glow is disabled in the settings. It says so in the console.
    Keep in mind older integrated graphics don't support dynamic glow.
  5. uubly4 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Missing items on Korriban   
    So I had this problem on OpenJK, not JAEnhanced. I have no idea what causes it but my fix was start a new config. Go to Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced/jaenhanced/ and open jaenhanced_sp.cfg with Notepad.
    Scroll down past the lines that start with bind (these are your control key binds) and find the lines that start with seta. Delete every line that starts with seta. Save the file and launch the game. Downside is your graphics settings will be reset but this method you won't lose your binds.
    If that still doesn't work, you can try renaming it the file so it creates a whole new one.
    I recommend starting the mission over from the beginning when trying again. You will know it worked when you see this in the first main big room (NOT after you already went through and broke the things in your screenshot above):

    Instead of this:

  6. uubly4 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Missing items on Korriban   
    The first save of that mission. If none of those solutions work, I'm not sure what else to do to help. It worked for me. Sorry. Maybe someone else will know more.
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by MrLaay in Jedi Academy SP remade in Minecraft [DEMO - only up to hoth2]   
    For the recent Hekathon speedrunning event DrMeowington, a fellow jka speedrunner, and I have recreated the first Act of the JKA Singleplayer along the Speedrun route. You can see us run the map for an unsuspecting crowd of JKA speedrunning legends here:
    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1807641558?t=05h50m5s (at the Timestamp 5:50:05)
    We have implemented Quicksave/Quickload mechanics, Force Jump I, aswell as other small gags and referneces.
    In addition we have found an old Minecraft mod kept alive by ZeithComms that implements Quake1 movement into Minecraft. Since the Mod was open-source I have adjusted it to replicate Quake3 movement instead. 
    Here is a more in-depth Showcase of the map
    You can download the map along with the modified Squake Mod and the Resource Pack we made for this here:
    Alternatively: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ll_7Opj3w--wZSvWTwmHnJ0WCldwJ8aD/view
    We plan on finishing the other levels aswell. First we want to finish up the Speedrun Route, then we'll tackle the parts of the maps that are skipped in the run and lastly once the maps are done we plan to turn it into a fully working Adventure Map with enemies and objectives.
    If you would like to help on this project or hava any questions,feel free to dm me at Laay#6969 on Discord.
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: April 2023   
    Finally back to making progress reports again! Yay! Don't ever move my friends, it's very stressful.

    During the course of this month, more work was done on Operation: Knightfall, and the 3rd gameplay level has been completed for the most part, with a few minor bugs to iron out. Despite this, this level should be completed in the near future.

    And as before I received a pretty sizable number of characters to bring into the mod. The following is a list of new characters I've been suggested recently which will be coming in the next update.
    - Ajunta Pall
    - Darth Andeddu
    - Lord Dramath
    - Sio Bibble
    - Sev'rance Tann
    - Blue Squadron Pilot
    - Luke Skywalker (Pilot) (Updated Model)
    - Rodian Pilot
    - New Republic Guard
    - Adalric Cessius Brandl
    - Praetorian Guard
    Additional work was done on the code side of the mod as well which should see to the fixing of a few bugs which have plagued the mod (and even the base game for that matter) for a long time.
    The game should no longer crash when loading a save game containing a vehicle which was spawned from the console It will be possible to progress through the force power selection menu during the Jedi Academy campaign even if all force powers were maxed out via the "setForceAll" command The game will no longer attempt to apply the last skin used when changing characters via the playermodel console command Trip mines will now be granted to the player when they're selected in the weapon selection menu during the Jedi Academy campaign. CONCLUSION
    It's been good to return to the mod and we're really looking forward to bringing more stuff to you all. There are of course other things that we're working on but I'm not quite comfortable to show them off just yet.
    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  9. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Source of Luke Skywalker-style robe from Jedi Knight: Enhanced Screenshots/Trailer   
    That is my personal model I made for myself. I hadn’t planned on releasing it but I won’t say I never will I suppose. 
  10. Iron-Wolf98 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Source of Luke Skywalker-style robe from Jedi Knight: Enhanced Screenshots/Trailer   
    That is my personal model I made for myself. I hadn’t planned on releasing it but I won’t say I never will I suppose. 
  11. Circa liked a post in a topic by Vahisht in Porting new model into Character Creation screen (SP)   
    Thank you so much, the second tutorial you linked has been extremely helpful, and I have managed to port the model successfully.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by OCD2 in Work in progress: New Republic Prison Ship from The Mandalorian   
    Custom chairs, new grating, and more. 
    One more detail pass, before retexturing.

  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZeroRaven in The Raven's Nest (thread for my WIP)   
    Beginnings of a very familiar cabin.
    Going smoothly with the plethora of reference material available to me 😁

  14. BobbyDahl liked a post in a topic by Circa in Lightsaber stances positions   
    Should just be a matter of changing the frame number in animations.cfg in models/players/_humanoid for each stance to match the frame number of the strong style. Just did it in about 2 minutes here for you.
  15. Zelanter liked a post in a topic by Circa in Issue with running the mod   
    Nothing should go in base unless you plan on playing the base game. If you're only going to be playin JAEnhanced, your other pk3s can go in the jaenhanced folder, although it does load pk3s from both, it does not load DLLs from both.
    The folder structure in the ZIP file is how it should be in your GameData alongside the base folder. The readme says to drop everything in GameData and that should be all you need to do.

    Not sure what else to tell you, other than make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. Maybe try launching the .exe as administrator.
    You should try going to Documents/My Games/jaenhanced and deleting the files in there as well, its possible you had a weird graphics setting causing it.
  16. Zelanter liked a post in a topic by Circa in NPC Won't Spawn   
    Oh. Your issue is probably that it's loaded before the assets, due to the file name coming alphabetically before them. Rename the pk3 to zAhsoka_Tano.pk3 and it should work fine.
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by theNEMESiS in Reminiscing about Jedi Academy   
    was heart warming :-)) 🍻
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by theNEMESiS in Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    20-25 guys making a game in 10 months, then patching it once, VOILÁ :-))
    absolutely great you caught them! 
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in AHSOKA - Disney+ Series   
    In August, AHSOKA will be released on Disney+. And the result does indeed look interesting and promising. While I'm not into The Clone Wars or Rebels (I'm not really a fan of Filoni's heavily continuity-driven stories), this show will definitely land on my watchlist.
  20. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in November 2003 Jedi Academy PC Gamer Magazine Ad   
    Same here. I think Fallen Order had a really good saber building feature but it didn't feel as special because it wasn't YOUR saber. It was Cal's.
    Can't wait for a game to eventually have those elements to create your character and saber from top to bottom like I imagined JKA and even KOTOR to be when I read the ads and the saw the back of the CD case way back when.
  21. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in November 2003 Jedi Academy PC Gamer Magazine Ad   
    Love this. There was an official wallpaper similar to this too I think that Lucasarts put out. I always loved the sandstone and carved letter look of JKA's marketing material.
  22. scp_chaos1 liked a post in a topic by Circa in The story of the cavern and SCP Chaos Ops WIP Advances   
    Every time I see screenshots of your maps they blow me away. I can't wait to check this mod out.
  23. Circa liked a post in a topic by skew in Jedi Fighter updates   
    Hey guys,
    It's been a few years since my last update but I will be trying to work towards a release soon.
    Quick update:
    - Trying the built in saber knockbackScale as a hitstun with my own damage system. Video below. It seems to work well enough, but it breaks the knockdowns from kicks and, in certain cases, results in ridiculously far knock backs, so I'll be adding a knock down when the knock back exceeds a threshold.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by Omega in Omega Skincare Workshop   
    TK Trooper in the works

  25. Circa liked a post in a topic by scp_chaos1 in The story of the cavern and SCP Chaos Ops WIP Advances   
    Hello again, for all those who are wondering where the main inspiration for the next three maps, well, the inspiration comes from an album: The Gallery by Dark Tranquility (Because I'm a fan of Metal Music), from this album I was inspired by its aesthetics to create the new environments that have been created and are in the process of being created:

    Since 3 months ago, I have been working on these maps, well let's start with the presentation of them (Note: The credits section is updated every time there is a new update): 
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