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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Tried "Run as administrator", don't know if that's the same thing, but it still won't work.
  2. Sorry to keep dumping my tech problems on all you guys, but here's another one: I have a brand-spanking-new laptop running Windows 8.1 or 8. I'm perfectly happy with it, except for one thing: I can't run any programs I download. Whenever I download a .exe from the Internet and try to run it from my downloads folder, it will give me some error message. A few of them: "This app cannot run on your PC""The setup files are corrupted""The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect"However, if I download the program on another computer, put it on a flash drive, and install it from there on my laptop, it will (usually) run fine, the one exception being flash player. Flash player will download and start to run, but after I authorize it to make changes, it will just do nothing. This is starting to get reaallly aggravating, so I would appreciate any input you guys had on this. And I promise once I get a Steam that I'll start trying to skin and actually submitting to here. Thanks!
  3. Ok then, thank you all. Marking this question answered!
  4. SNOW!

    1. Onysfx


      ^ :) for you. I wish I we got more snow. I can't stand an overcast day if there isn't any kind of weather.

    2. Flynn


      It's alright for me. We got a five-day weekend! (Instead of a four-and-a-half day one XD)

  5. Alright thank you all for the answers! Great help. One more question tho: I know they have developer packs, like all of Lucasarts' games in one place. Would it be better to buy all of those so I can play any one I want, or just a select few such as JK3, Battlefront 2, and KotOR?
  6. @@Serenity937 Can you also just go in-game to the setup-mods section and run them that way?
  7. So, as I have a new laptop and it sadly has no disk drive, I had a few questions about Steam. Mainly: Is it possible to mod off of a Steam version of JK3, and How to/It it possible to install mods on Steam games. Thanks!
  8. Type 1 Civilization is finally out! Listen to it here: http://soundcloud.com/skeletorixmusic (PS sorry for all the self-plugging lately)

  9. I've only ever played JKA all the way through, and only ever attempted that and JK2, but I really enjoyed the combat system in both those games. Would love to see JKA remade with the same/similar combat system, and much much much more in the way of decisions and plotline, instead of just "dark side or light side".
  10. Go read about the Kardashev scale on my new website! sitetitlegoeshere.wordpress.com

  11. Love Firefly. "I am a leaf upon the wind..."
  12. About the NPCSP- yes please, for cheaters like myself, easier npc spawning would be awesome. And I guess it might be useful for people who actually make mods... Awesome mod sir.
  13. People like Korriban. I personally love to spam it with cheats...
  14. I would be making an attempt to skin right now...if my computer would RUN ANY FREAKIN PROGRAM I DOWNLOAD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Flynn


      I don't know if Windows 8 is the problem, since I can dl an program on another computer and install it on my laptop from a flash drive just fine...

    3. minilogoguy18


      What programs are you trying to run? You should still have compatibility and run as admin options just like older versions of windows.

    4. Flynn


      OpenOffice, a youtube to mp3 converter, GIMP...

      It will give me an error like "the setup files are corrupted" or "this app can't run on your pc", even if I try compatibility settings.

  15. I'm so close...EP soon...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flynn


      Me too...if no one minds I'll promo it here...

    3. Circa


      I can help you out with anything like that if you'd like.

    4. Flynn


      I mean I'll just put a link to the soundcloud on my status. Hopefully my followers there will like it enough...

  16. As a big fan of all the books that have been written fleshing out the canon around the movies, I'm cautiously optimistic. I think Abrams should do his best to make a good movie first, without trying to pander, but if it goes over anything in the books, I disregard the story. Also from a canon standpoint, The Clone Wars is complete crap.
  17. One of the most amazing electronic artists I've ever heard, and he's only like 20... So yeah anything by http://www.youtube.com/user/itsmadeon/videos
  18. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. spior


      Because you're acting like a friend, Flynn :]

    3. Onysfx


      Heh, at my school I went to, you'd think it would be all the Jocks and sports guys who are the mean ones, and the nerds the nice guys...WRONG!!! Other way around. The so called "smart kids" thought they were so superior to everyone else. Interesting how things turn out isn't it? And I agree with spior, it's not even worth pursuing the girls...although your hormones will force you to, so...well good luck...

    4. Flynn


      hm alrighty then this should be fun thanks guys


  19. My main enjoyment is playing the game, but for me, mods make it and keep it interesting. I personally have zero, zilch, nada experience with modding/mapping/skinning. My preference is to leave modding to the experienced ones, and just to comment on their work and be part of these forums. I don't expect to post much, if at all to jkhub. That being said, I would really like to be able to skin well, if I ever had time for it...
  20. Flynn

    Rebel Vanguard

    Aha! I knew someone on here also played Battlefront. Great skin sir.
  21. Some daily disturbance for those of you who haven"t seen this yet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C_HReR_McQ
  22. Hey, any of you guys that like electronic music: Check out my stuff at https://soundcloud.com/skeletorixmusic

    1. Ory'Hara


      conquelyst is nice :D

    2. Flynn


      Yeah he is, he's a good friend of mine as well


  23. Flynn

    Hello All!

    Well, I wanted mods to keep the game interesting. I found (gasp) filefront first, but I didn't like how it was so unorganized. I think I just did a random search for "Jedi Academy Mods" and found it. Much, much better than filefront... Nah, I'll let others have the power. I'll just be the silent assassin removing it from them...
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