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Everything posted by Milamber

  1. Is this the one with the ja+ sabers mixed with some models make people who see the combination crash? If so just remove those sabers from the server.
  2. No you're not You should really take a look at the shoulder width Chalk, it's the most apparent mistake in the body.
  3. You look like Templars to me...Abstergo
  4. Well because Unity is a 1 time payment and Unreal takes royalties? That'd be the main reason for most people to pick Unity over Unreal I think. But yeah Unreal is the better engine of the two, no doubt.
  5. Tree editor in Unity was a bish I had so much trouble adding my own leaf mesh to it, kept going off axis, I always fixed it but it was kind of random refreshing and retries that did it, no solid process. Was working on this with Scoop: Scoop only ever got around to making the character control script though For the actual game that is, he made some advanced stuff on the side which was gonna get put into it at a later time. And yeah we never completed it, currently that game is on hold, or canceled, depends if we wanna pick it up again later or not. So with that being said, Got some experience with both Unity and Unreal editor (Unreal Tournament 3 editor actually) And imo, choosing between the two, Unreal is the better one to work with, but unity is quite nice as well (definitely beats working with Ogre3D)
  6. I kind of disagree with you. You can cover up mistakes you've made with more work, but they won't go away It's better to avoid mistakes early on, so that later you're complementing the work you've done, not fixing it/covering it up
  7. Shiftee did a good job on one of the starkiller outfits
  8. Quite harsh Ashura But yeah, what you pointed out was good feedback.
  9. Star Trek?
  10. Okay, please behave better here than you did on my minecraft server then Good luck.
  11. Are you the person who wanted to play on my minecraft server? I think you are. If so, Hi, still hate me?
  12. Tyvokka improved Plo Koon, the only one i seen before had a robe thingie, nothing suited for fighting. something along this style outfit maybe? Not the clone wars style in general though Smuggler from swtor hope trailer 3 star wars related suggestions from me at least
  13. I approve! *notes down on his "want to make" list*
  14. Neat, maybe when I'm done with the one I'm currently working on (too bad I been insanely slow with it)
  15. Yeah the only thing that stands out for me now on the latest vid was the weight still lacking, which you commented about. And the speed of the animation, which you explained last time. So if you fixed the weight I don't really have more feedback to give not without another vid at least.
  16. Few comments on the animation, stuff that I think looks odd etc: no weight to the steps (let the main body have some follow through?) check out the atst here: the main body is too level, let it shake some/tilt a little on the down steps? slow walk (I haven't been reading stuff in detail here sorry, so if this is something you been doing on purpose up to this point sorry xD) the hips don't have any height alterations which a normal walk would have, again, I know it's a robotic vehicle, but stuff that looks closer to real life is what looks right, when it's not the same we all go "hmmm something is off, but I'm not sure what". That being said though, I'm not sure if it would look good on that particular vehicle, since it doesn't have much of a hip joint to move around, but you could try? That's the problems I notice as of right now. Hope it helps and it's not bothering ya xD
  17. http://static.baseballtoaster.com/blogs/u/bronxbanter/2008/1004/0001/2234992576_cbb1c95d76_640.jpg
  18. you're not all that bad, but seriously it sounds like you're playing your other guitar *cough*
  19. As far as I have seen, it seems the intuos5 tablets are some of the best you can get atm. When we ignore Cintiq ofc. So I think the one you've got in mind would work fine
  20. what mini said, import the model, save out an image of the uv's which you can overlay on your texture. If you want to get fancy there's a way to remove seams completely in 3ds max using render to texture: I heard about those paint on model stuff too, never tried it though. So can't give you any feedback on that.
  21. nice setting with the skybox and the mountain idea, skybox looks a bit low res though. Might just be that the pictures are small that makes it look that it's more low res than the rest of the scene, I dunno xD
  22. WIP = Work In Progress You're welcome.
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