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Everything posted by Milamber

  1. Alright xD just didn't really agree with the topic title, didn't mean to step on you mate
  2. Tbh I don't feel that's very watchable. Quality isn't very good, and in general all the odd camera crossovers and weird camera angles just makes it a "no" for me. I feel a lot of people who make machinima should read up on some basic theory before they start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPDNnCLj-qk this series was fun, and with the limitations of filming in spectator, did a really good job.
  3. As far as I know the majority of servers are saber focused, so not quite sure where you been playing Captain
  4. I tried finding them, no luck, talked to the guy who did the ports, he lost the files as well.
  5. And now we wait for the G-Man mod.
  6. Armored female zabrak (based on a request) just gotta fix weighting on it, then I'm probably releasing it. It could use more work on the textures, but I'm really tired of it, rather just release it and come back to it later. Honestly wondering if people are even gonna be interested in it though xD It's kind of specific and not star wars related at all, but we'll see.
  7. I was gonna say that DT xD oh well, what the guys above me said, good model though.
  8. I agree with DT, you've done the head over like 5 times (guessing) and you keep focus on it, yes your overall head modeling has improved a lot from the start (seriously it has). But you seem to fail at noticing the landmarks of the face and nailing those down. Seems like you tend to rush into having a head so you skimp on the details? Dunno how you work so can't really tell. But I'd think it's safe to say that after the 5 tries (?) you need a break, work on the body There's still strange stuff going on there.
  9. Take a good look at the lips Chalk. His top lip is huge, and the overbite is too extensive, also the top lip is really flat from the side view :/ The nose looks really really sharp/pointy from the side view. (mainly in the texturing but still)
  10. Chalk, you tried tiling that texture? It might be seamless as you say, but if tile that one a lot, that huge variation in color is gonna stand out like hell xD
  11. xD I love how you presented the murder doors, funny.
  12. don't make the eye sockets THAT dark, and add more shadow to the actual eyeball, the eyes are really popping out so much because you're keeping them so bright, so the contrast is making him look all googly eyed. see? still looks like the white of the eye even though it's not even close to as white as yours I know yours is still a work in progress, but try to fix those things before you present it, because it distracts people from where you might need the feedback more than just a tiny shading issue. Also, I agree with Futuza, the skin color of the previous version is a lot better. The skin tone you have now is overall too dark and desaturated, the values aren't all that bad I'd say, except with the eye sockets (http://navate.deviantart.com/art/SKIN-a-tutorial-Part-1-144294636 someone linked you this before, it's good )
  13. Milamember? :< The shading messup is a result of the glm importer you're using, it doesn't import the normals correctly. Right now I don't remember how to fix it though <.< been a while since I actually used that one, or the normal process with having to use carcass and all that.
  14. I'm guessing you were told to go apply to one of the clans hosted with clanname.jkhub.org domains, you've gone to the wrong link mate, go get the right one so you can apply to the clan you wanted to apply to This is a community.
  15. I have yet to try zbrush properly xD It's the plan for summer vacation, I knew of decimation master in zbrush for simplifying models, but never really seen anything showing off any good retopology tools in zbrush <.< But I'll take your word on it ^^
  16. If zbrush is your strongest point, why not get it looking right there then do a retopology based on that using 3dcoat/topogun/whatever? But yeah if you're saying you're done that's fine xD And overall it seems you learned how to do heads a lot better since you started on it, it's not quite starkiller yet, but it's someone else quite alright. Gotta admit I still dislike those ears though.
  17. You can get something that looks like him with an insanely low poly count, the point is just getting the vertecies right You should focus on that still Add more loops once you gotten the ones you have working.
  18. You're back to a circle shaped head mate, starkiller's got more of a long square head, use your reference for what it's worth Do the line stuff
  19. Got skype/xfire? Would be easier to have this back and forth thing live xD
  20. Yes I know, but he DOES have a non-duckface look. It's pretty much only about removing a little of the dent below the lips between the lips and the chin, and in general pulling the lips a little in. But not gonna pursue the matter any further Just adding my feedback to this project.
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