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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Do you think what you are looking for can be located here? It looks like 3 of the pk3's are listed but we need someone that can read Polish. The translators don't make sense. http://chomikuj.pl/karigrajek/Gry/Star+Wars/Star+Wars+-+Jedi+Knight+3+Jedi+Academy/Star+Wars+-+Jedi+Academy/base,3
  2. If you fatten him up a bit in the middle and the face you'll have a dead ringer for the guitarist of Symphony X, Michael Romeo. I like the hunched look. I'm sure the midichlorians will help overcome the poor posture.
  3. I think 5.56 is the last version but its still available and works fine. I never went to their website or really kept up with anything because it always worked for me. I am noticing now that Radionomy or whatever took over I'm getting many more stations to search. I found a great Power Metal station out of Chile that wasn't available before with Shoutcast in charge. I even found that they have a video game soundtrack station that is listed on their main site. I guess its in their top stations list or something.
  4. That's pushing 20 years.. that's really cool.
  5. I think your line is supposed to be red, because when I target scriptrunner ---->---- trigger my line is green and does nothing. Door doesn't open. The other way around works. Good thinking on the wayback machine. Those Kengo tutorials were the ones I was searching for. I found them posted on Massasi's forums but the links didn't work. I never thought of using the wayback machine, even though I used it before. I'll send you whatever I find as well.
  6. The one thing that is strange on that tutorial to me is that the connection between the trigger and the scriptrunner is green in the image in the tutorial. That only happens when you connect the scriptrunner to the trigger. When its trigger to scriptrunner, it's a red line. Connect the trigger to the scrptrunner, compile, and see how that works. Some of this stuff is a pain. The tutorials I have are on NPC scripting and can be found here. Under Resources. http://www.student.oulu.fi/~lvaarisk/ Here is a link on some player animations which I found a few weeks ago from Lucasforums. Its not a tutorial but it helps a bit. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=97551 I'm in the same boat you are with the cutscene stuff. If you want to spend the time, go to Lucasforums old site and go page by page and see if you can find stuff. That's how I found out how to do the opening crawl from the movies. If its not written or pasted in the threads, though, the chances of those links being active are really slim.
  7. When I did it I could get the door to open but Desann had all his limbs. I found other tutorials for NPC's that helped more than this one for what I wanted to do so I just kinda let it go. Does a message appear on top of your screen that says it couldn't find the script ? If not, only thing I can think of is the linking between the trigger and scriptrunner may be reversed.
  8. No, like ever. Something you used then put on a new system and so on...
  9. I'm not asking for original versions, just program names. What's your longest lived program on your computer. Mine is most likely Winamp. I first downloaded it in 1998, found the streaming radio stations and have been hooked ever since. My second longest is probably Winzip which I had in 96' but replaced in 2010 with 7Zip.
  10. ok dynamic lighting.... that makes sense... Now, you mean move my tramcar to its stop point. And by change direction you mean give it a positive lip value?
  11. At the end of map 2 the player hops on a tramcar is shuttled off to map 3. When map 3 starts, the player starts in the tramcar and its moving. This part works well. The tram is made from a func_door. What I've noticed is that my tramcar appears to be affected by whatever light entities are present when it spawn into the map. Here are two examples. At the end of the catwalk is the tramcar. Notice the white light above it. The red light it has inside of it is was from the light entity in the tunnel from which the tram emerges. Here's another shot where I didn't use any lights in the tunnel. You can see that under the white Kejim light shader there is no white light, just black. Now, I can fix this easily by just using white light in the tunnel when spawning, which I will do. But, does anyone know why this happens?
  12. Hey, since they are already making this... .... I can use someone like you for some scripted sequences involving dialogue and subtitles and whatnot. If your interested let me know. I have two scenes I need done, one in game, one to close the game. Maybe some other smaller stuff if your up for it. Let me know.
  13. I did install those KOTOR models but they seem to be way off scale. If the player was 128 units high they'd be perfect. Is there a way to scale them down ? Anyhow, I did managed to use the white cylinder model in one of my other lab rooms and it fits in there. OH, the base commander will have his own personal bacta tank so that is where that will go.
  14. I don't think they are there. There are stasis tubes, though. The big stuff isn't the problem. Its the stuff you find laying around on a shelf, counter, or wherever where these games kinda lack a bit.
  15. Well, just for you I'll go out of my way and build something like that. I have no clue how the heck it'll fit into the story line but I'll add it in. i'll see what I can do with those other models. I made something similar, without the probe, to that voltmeter thing which you can find on some shelves throughout the underlevels.
  16. Well, Level 5 should be nearly finished today. Have to add sounds and a few more NPC's. I say nearly finished because I have a scripted sequence I have to start which will be the centerpiece of this level. So, anyone good scripting cameras, dialogue, and npc animation who would be free to answer questions I have let me know. I have some scripts to follow but I'm not that good at those things. Here's some more random screenshots of the past 3 maps. Even in a galaxy far, far away one cannot escape a Blue Screen of Death. Have a really funny e-mail you'll read from this terminal about it as well. Redid the floor to a grate. There is a broken steam pipe near the Stormtrooper. Here are Pande's chair models again that I use for benches and a conference room in the background. Still not happy with those chairs in the conference room but all the ingame chair models are too small to use. Small lab-like room. Some pill bottles on the far countertop and some sort of electron-microscope to the right. This is where i need props so if anyone has ANYTHING that would look good in here let me know. Here is a Kejim-like hallway with an elevation change.
  17. Nope Here is why. I made a decision when this project got beyond 2 maps that sometimes closed doors should remain closed. In other words, the player does not need to have access to every square foot of the facility. Now, I was going to make a power station of sorts but I just didn't like what I came up with. That part got changed. I made a smaller, generator like room that was supposed to go off the main core. I ended up hacking that in half and you only see it from a control room. In the picture there is a door and a glass walkway. One officer and two Stormtroopers run down that hallway when you reach the window and trip the trigger. You can't shoot them, they totally ignore you.. and that is that. The player can assume he's near the core, but, he ain't half getting there. Now, when released, I'm going to let anyone add their own story arcs based of my maps. As long as the original brushwork is intact, people can use and build off whatever to make whatever they want.
  18. If you mean my maps for 3rd person, no. This is strictly designed to be played in 1st person. There are quite a few textures within Nar Shadda, Artus Mine, and Yavin that could look like a Source map with the right lighting. I have no idea what Jedi Acadamy has. You can darken up the lights or used different colored darker lights and grungier textures and you can some up with some neat stuff.
  19. You can thank whoever made Black Mesa for that. It was just a screenshot I posted to show the reference... But thanks for thinking i'm capable of making something like that. If I new how to make models things would be easier but I never did that yet. So, I'm pretty much using Radiant for everything on relying on people like Pande for sending me models to use or converting ones I find for me.
  20. 2 of my favorite games! I can't wait for the one with Adrian Shepard to come out next.. Many of the design idea screenshots and stuff came from Black Mesa and some from HL2. The overall concept of one large or spread out facility came from those games as well. This is especially true in the more non-Star Wars-ish parts of the maps. You'll find containers on pallets. Shelves with boxes, propane tanks, wire wheels, and so on. Pande sent me some real life models that I tossed in and they work out great in those areas. I made a hover forklift, barracks, a close copy of the HL2 Geiger counter effect, a Chinese take-out, video poker machines, soda and snack machines. Hell, I even made a break room like you'd find in an office for the Rodians! There is even a Mad Magazine hidden on each level if you want to find them all. The Star Wars stuff looks like Star Wars. The other stuff doesn't. But it all meshes well and that good enough for me.
  21. Thanks.. they are rather nifty . I figured I'd post one up if people would like to copy it. They are super easy to make. Just make the physical terminal itself. Then, just make a brush 1x1 and cut the bottom at the same angle as the terminal. That's all it is for the buttons. I use the solid colors from textures/colors and they come out alright. I thought about making glowing shaders for the colors as that doesn't seem too hard. Next, group them around, obviously, Then, just cut out the area around them and use a different texture to seperate the groupings. You can raise or lower them too but I like mine flush. Finally, just look for textures and use your imagination and you can do whatever. Oh, and make sure you make them a func_group and make them detail. I stole the idea from Black Mesa... SHHHHH!!!!
  22. I'm glad you like it. I've been having a fun time scripting all the NPC's. That extra time that goes into them really makes the encounters fun. At any rate, here are some more shots Here is the finished Imperial Wok, or, the base mess hall. Here's the arcade area Here's a closeup of one of my computer terminals. In the game, you'll be able to access that specific screen type on any terminal throughout each level and you'll be able to read a different e-mail or message or whatever. Some of those will explain the story to the player. Some will have nothing to do with the story at all and just be there to explain something in the level. I'm going to make a training level to help people with ladders and the terminals so it'll all be explained to the player from the get go.
  23. The reactor got changed to a shuttle bay... lol. The small room with the cables and generator things got cut in half and redone since I lost most of it in my notepad++ manual brush deletion fiasco. That's going to be the power part.of this level. I wish you sent me that first image with the brick wall and walkway earlier. That would have been perfect in map 2. At any rate, I'm going to have some experiments done but its going to be on humans, not wampas...hehe..
  24. I don't know if you can actually pose them anyway you want to. I think your stuck at whatever pre-programmed animation choice there is in Behaved.
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