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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Predator's on Youtube. Before they take it down make sure you see it!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      I take it no one saw THX-1138?. I'm not sure how much an influence Coppola had on the movie but Lucas did his first and last serious movie with that one.

    3. NumberWan


      Not true. Not only have I watched it, but I also have it in my collection. :P

    4. Cerez


      Saw it. It's no 1984 (the novel), but it has some very inspiring cinematography, and world-building. :)

  2. Then post more screenshots... need to see progress..
  3. http://level-design.org/referencedb/index.php?/category/29 Found this late and forgot to ever mention it here. Its a pretty good site for design ideas.
  4. How can you not make a brush? Your doing this in Radiant, right?
  5. Is there a demo or this Nar Shaddaa map available?
  6. Here is a snippet from Wookipedia about NarShaddaa. But unlike Coruscant—which was only relatively rundown and dangerous on the lower and under levels of the worldcity—Nar Shaddaa was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime everywhere. I've never seen a Nar Shadda map with a polluted atmosphere, have you? Its just a starry sky. Also, they all look pretty clean to me as well. The crime part they got right. So, you can add in some pollution and decay and make a more honest Nar Shaddaa.
  7. This looks great. It looks like a huge improvement over what I played last time. Those rope bridges look really great and I like how all of that is interconnected. Could you maybe put some floating rocks in the middle of the lava? Does func_bob work in MP? I threw a floating crate in my sewer area and used func_bob and it turned out pretty cool.
  8. I'm glad they've got the old gang back in there too and that they are using less CGI. I just watched part of Robocop today and it looks way better than the new one, even with stop motion ED-209's and matte paintings. Hopefully the new films will look like the original ones a bit and these new actors aren't so wooden.
  9. I guess I should have mentioned "New Republic Army" instead of Rebels but its no big deal. I'll look at those episodes.
  10. Its an alright song. Personally, he's got way better songs than that. Overall, I think No More Tears (minus Zombie Stomp.. yuck) was probably his strongest album overall. A tad overproduced but still strong. Diary of a Madman and Bark at the Moon are 2nd and 3rd. The rest are about the same... most good some meh.. 1995-current the albums really aren't worth it. Scream and Black Rain are not good at all. Ozzmosis has a few good ones. Down to Earth has maybe 1 or 2 good songs on it.
  11. Black Sabbath had some really great stuff without Ozzy.
  12. I took a look through BehavED and didn't really see anything other than what you mentioned. Is that Rancor in JKA considered an NPC because no force powers seemed to do anything to it in that "rescue prisoners, gambling map" ? If it is you can check stuff on that.
  13. This is perfect for a crazy captions contest and noone has done anything yet! AHEM "You're line is Beep Beep Boop Whistle NOT Beep Beep Beep Whistle "
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwe-ozclQNc Got a good story to go with this one. July 97' I buy the Misfits "American Pyscho" after having gotten a few of the Danzig-era albums. Had this play in the car front to back countless times. Now, this song appears as a hidden track and starts playing like 5 minutes after the final song ends. So, when the album would cut out and no sound I figured it was a goof, especially going that long, so i'd start it over. So, one day I'm out with a friend and we're talking not noticing the silence and all of a sudden the stereo kicked in to this song I never heard of and scared the crao outa me while driving. I had this album about 4 - 5 weeks and never knew the song existed all that time.
  15. oh thanks... Never even knew it existed...
  16. Specifically during the Galactic Civil War & Remnant era, what were garrisoned Imperial worlds like? I don't read EU books or comics or anything but I do poke around on Wookipedia often. I started reading about the Imperial Army which is seperate from Stormtroopers and they are basically to hold ground already taken and not for direct assaults. So, they are more an occupation force. What I wanted to do was create a project on one of these worlds where the Rebels are seizing the planet and go through several battles along the way. I have ideas for a trench and bunker system, maybe take a town or destroy artillery or something. So, for those in know, what are Imperial garrisoned planets like? Are the battles long? Days, weeks, months, ect.. Any help would be great.
  17. Would it be possible to include an Imperial Army Trooper version of this as well, @Vade Parvis? They look pretty close. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Army_trooper
  18. There is a whole thread that I suggested over last summer that dealt with modeling tutorials since many people were being shot down over their requests. It WAS to be a place people who modeled or skinned could put together some tutorials or articles or whatever to guide new users on doing this themselves. This whole tris vs quads thing could have had an article written or linked to but the whole concept of that thread was pretty lost on most that posted in it.
  19. That's pretty cool.. What "series" from Star Trek is this from?
  20. I have for GBA, WII, N64, & Gamecube but I rarely play the latter 3. GBA is kinda fun.
  21. I'm glad you mentioned that iBuffalo one because I was curious how that was compared to the cheaper once. I mainly play SNES, NES, some Genesis games and I can use the SNES controller on all those. I'll probably order one of those.
  22. Yeah, you can even get adapters for original controllers that plug in to the usb socket. I know the original SNES controllers are tough which is why I'm curious if the usb aftermarket ones are as good. Most of my aftermarket PS3 PC gamepads crapped out one way or another. Usually the D pad.
  23. Some of the concept art from Star Wars 1313 would be neat to add in as well. It could even be cleaned up and less gritty if need be. I bet scenes from Blade Runner would be good ideas to borrow from.
  24. Has anyone ever bought one of these before? There seems to be several companies making them since they all look a bit different. How do they hold up?
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