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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. Please tell me it's normal to still screw up power chords after 6+ months of guitar ;_; This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll probably have to find a ... *gulp* ... teacher

    1. spior


      Metronome and the likes, I think, should be left AFTER I learn proper playing. It's pretty hard to practice with no teacher as I have no idea if I'm practicing it right or wrong :c

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  2. Please tell me it's normal to still screw up power chords after 6+ months of guitar ;_; This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll probably have to find a ... *gulp* ... teacher

  3. Please tell me it's normal to still screw up power chords after 6+ months of guitar ;_; This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll probably have to find a ... *gulp* ... teacher

    1. spior


      Really? Kinda hard to imagine Metallica playing in front of a billion people and Kirk accidentally muting a string.

      Well that calmed me down a bit at least.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. Please tell me it's normal to still screw up power chords after 6+ months of guitar ;_; This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll probably have to find a ... *gulp* ... teacher

    1. spior


      Screw up as in, not press hard enough, press on the wrong part of the fret, ring finger completely misses 5th string, not being able to move from 1 p. chord to another...

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  5. What's on my mind? What does that even mean? Isn't everything we are thinking about INSIDE our minds? How do we even know whats inside our minds besides the physical brain-stuff? For all we know, all our thoughts come from an alternative dimension occupied by midgets wearing yellow shoes that looks like cheese. Cheese I tell you!

  6. what happened to spibot

  7. So...I succumbed to MLP.

  8. So...I succumbed to MLP.

  9. So...I succumbed to MLP.

  10. So...I succumbed to MLP.

  11. The Roman Emperor

  12. The Roman Emperor

  13. The Roman Emperor

  14. Locking your status to get your point across seems like a pretty weak move.

  15. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  16. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  17. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  18. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  19. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  20. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  21. Why you change your name?

  22. Anyone know of some good music organizing thing? I usually use WMP, but it seems to dislike Buckethead and made like 90% of his albums "Unspecified" genre which sucks :<

  23. Anyone know of some good music organizing thing? I usually use WMP, but it seems to dislike Buckethead and made like 90% of his albums "Unspecified" genre which sucks :<

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