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Everything posted by spior

  1. Why don't you have a "Stuff" folder? That's where I keep all my junk.
  2. So who's up for a game of Jenga?

    1. therfiles


      how can we play online lul

    2. spior
  3. How come UTF-8 is the only acceptable charset for this site ;_;? I am almost sure that's the reason the HTML shit is happening

    1. spior


      Nevermind, UTF-8 doesn't /seem/ to be the issue.

      Exibit A:

      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jkhub.org/public/style_images/jkhub/_custom/js/jquery.js"></script>

      <script type="text/javascript" src=



  4. C-c-c-c-c-combo breaker

  5. I can't seem to find Makermod in the list. It is now rendered invalid.
  6. God damn it I always forget who you are. Ever played makermod or something? Also welcome
  7. The end of the world is DEFINITELY the best one yet. 5.5/apple/26, motherfucker.
  8. This guy, whoever he is, is now confirmed for having shit taste.
  9. Using the classic theme apparently helped. EDIT: And I got no Aero theme so fuck you, Cael D:
  10. When you're free, stop by #jacoders

  11. You sound so much like me it's not even funny Welcome
  12. You know, when you're connecting to a server and you see that text "Welcome player #<random numbers>". That's the motd coming from the update server. If we had our own, we can send our own message. But yea, totally unrelated to the bar EDIT: Actually, it /might/ not be the update server. I am 90% sure it is, but I could be wrong. JKA uses a lot of servers >_>
  13. I actually made mine look even worse. But hey, performance boost.
  14. Why doesn't JKHub just run its own update server and display news through jka itself there? It could be used by default for that new "patch". Making an update server is shit easy, but we just have to get people to use the new patch.
  15. Wow, I haven't updated my status in a month. Why did August fly by so fast ;_;

    1. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent


  16. How come I can't log into Stallman! It says it'll be activated in 1 minute. Blatant lie right there.

    1. spior


      Er, probably. I kinda twinkled around and used a wrong password a bunch of times while debugging. Reset it! :P

    2. spior
  17. AV? On a phone? Lol. I am perfectly fine with my Common Sense 2013 Enterprise Edition Seriously though, with a single core 800MHz and 256mb RAM I can't really afford it. Plus I don't install random apps and surf porn sites on my phone so I'm probably good.
  18. There was an article somewhere stating that "Most android phones are infected with malware"
  19. God damn it, even the HD2 has ICS now ._.
  20. I really should've given the extra $100 for a Galaxy S instead of getting a Galaxy Ace tbh... Oh well, was my first smart phone. Can't really say I had any experience
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