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Everything posted by spior

  1. ATTENTION EVERYONE! JKNazis hate fun. That is all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inyri


      Hell yeah, does this mean I get to grow a mustache? :D

    3. Nihilus


      You can have the mustache, but I'll have the Reich, danke.

    4. spior
  2. WAKE UPWAKE UPWAKE UPWAKE UPWAKE UPWAKE UP (and come to irc while you're at it)

  3. Okay, e-mail your host and ask him where he keeps his windows dlls <_<. Also yay, 6:30am D:

    1. spior


      Er yeah, forgot to explain. Put it in GameData, the cvar is sv_ignoreQueries. Set it to 1 to ignore both status and info.

    2. spior


      Loooooove me enough to unban Sta-- yeah, you're welcome :P

    3. spior


      um...no. It's a dll file ._.

  4. /me summons Cael to eye-arrr-see

  5. Nope It wouldn't have done that. As I said in a previous thread, it was pretty bandwidth savvy.
  6. Yes, yes you should.
  7. Linux is a kernel, GNU is an OS. Also that wouldn't have triggered it in the first place I scan for posts like this
  8. Oh c'mon now why did you lock my status? I can't be upset that you banned my bot for a really stupid reason :/? Sheesh. And as far as I remember, I called you that on IRC. <.<

    1. spior


      And another thing, I called you that AFTER you banned him.

    2. spior


      Yes, yes it does actually. I have every right to be mad at you after you did that. If I did it before, then it would've been a dick move.

      And yes, I tend to get touchy if people do stuff I find stupid. I'll (try to) stop. And no, I don't think you did.

  9. Er, sure why not.
  10. This place suddenly got a whole lot more boring.

  11. It's completely doable at least. Good luck doing it yourself. * SpioR runs *
  12. You don't need cURL or anything. I did it with pure winsock. Not so hard.
  13. user/pass are sent via cookies. jkh_member_id and jkh_pass_hash (I would know, BUT THAT KNOWLEGE IS USELESS NOW, ISN'T IT ;_; )
  14. lol yeah, good luck with that.
  15. He scans unread topics every minute. Used to be faster (5 seconds), but I forgot I was eating all of Cael's bandwidth
  16. I already have a GNU/Linux IRC bot Stop by #jacoders, #makermod or #spibot It's way more than just that though. (In case none of you know, irc.arloria.net) (We're ronery) You don't know who RMS is? For shame. No, that would be Linus Torvalds. Richard here is the founder of the Free Software Foundation. And fuck you for deleting his post >8( (I assume you did that, I hope my code didn't bork, cbf fixing it atm) Nevermind My code has nothing to do with yours (It's way better <.< >.>) I wrote it from scratch
  17. Do you still plan to continue learning C/C++?

    1. spior


      But you're going to switch to GNU/Linux, no?

    2. spior


      Visual Studio is Windows only though... Unless you plan to use an IDE completely unsupported by #jacoders :D...

    3. spior


      Well orite. You'll be on your own though, which really kinda sucks imo :P

  18. You're spamming just as much as he is. Ban yourself while you're at it
  19. What about me D:? Mine has a chatbox! You're just too jelly to include me <.< >.>
  20. How much does a shoutbox have to be moderated anyway? Aside from illegal content spreading and whatnot (but I guess that's a pretty big deal too).
  21. That could all be fixed by installing GNU/Linux
  22. =D... Thanks. Also welcome
  23. Jesus Christ...
  24. ...You have a stuff folder and it's still that messy? How is that even possible? Okay then make another one. Messy working places are bad working places D:
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