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Everything posted by spior

  1. It's pretty much leftover hate from when it was the lowest of the low. I hear IE10 is (going to be) pretty good, but I wasn't much on the interface.
  2. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. spior


      I can make it post a pony on #jkhub every time someone posts. See how you like it then :D

      I'm looking at you OmegaSigma.

    3. CaptainChar


      i dont think others wouldn enjoy that either

    4. spior
  3. I have confirmed that calling send() in 2 threads at the same time is bad ju-ju.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      to bad im never having kids, take that smoke it fairy

    3. spior
    4. spior


      printf("pls go\n");

  4. I do. And I may or may not mock people who are crazy enough to use the other one
  5. It's not fear, it's disgust. What kind of fucking retard likes this syntax? printf("Herpa derp derp\n"); looks way better than cout << "Herpa derp derp" << endl; (Although the second option is easier to understand, I guess. Which brings me back to the "fucking retard" bit)
  6. cout? namespaces? iostream? Just kill yourself already.
  8. What? That was actually legit? I thought it was just #jacoders being #jacoders What on Earth are they thinking
  9. Wanna know how to break out of a while(1) with no break; ? Use threading. It somehow magically seems to do that <_<

    1. Didz


      Sounds like a user error 8D

    2. spior



  10. I don't think they matter in SP. sets is server info setu is user info seta is archive and set is just for this game session
  11. Sure is fun when Winsock decides to randomly close itself. Who else but Winsock?

    1. Didz


      Sounds like a user error 8D

    2. spior


      Sounds like a shut the hell up >:[

  12. Oh JKHub. Your HTML's grown since the last time I messed with it. They grow up so fast.

    1. spior


      Whatever it is, it broke some stuff.

    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      You mean Caelum broke some stuff, not it.

  13. Cool. Let me give you a quick rundown of 1.01: 1. Makermod is the best mod ever. No questions asked. 2. If someone tells you it isn't, they're lying. 3. Seriously. Best. Mod. Ever.
  14. You've probably never been to 1.01 if you think all we do is fight. Also hi, I guess.
  15. Wellp, my favorite word is banned.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MUG
    3. Jango40



      pinkie pie

      rarity rain

      rainbow dash

      apple jack


      No, they're fine.

    4. spior


      Where's Twilight Sparkle :[. Also yeah, I guess, 8th favorite.

  16. So #jacoders were thinking, what if I made SpiBot notify us when a new post is posted on JKHub? Would you mind if I did that? It won't post, just crawl.

    1. spior


      > not replying

  17. Makermod used to have a building event at X-mas before. People would build trees, snow men and etc.
  18. Hey, how much did your girlfriend cost? I'm looking for one, but they're so damn expensive and scream when I try to bargain for the price
  19. I just hope MS fixes windows 8 in some SP. Seriously, just get rid of that autistic looking piece of shit called Metro, or ModernUI or whatever it is. Other than that, looks fine. Faster boot times are pretty neat. Especially if you have an SSD to go with that
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