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Status Updates posted by spior

  1. Does anyone have the HUD from this file https://jkhub.org/files/file/1934-dash-for-jedi-academy-by-8t88/ ? I have a faint memory of making a TFU HUD like that, but I sincerely doubt mine looked that good, so anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AshuraDX


      http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Mods/Mini-Mods/113981 looks like that one


    3. AshuraDX


      which is yours appearently ^^

    4. spior


      Jesus Christ, that readme :(

  2. Say, old people, when ep 3 came out, was it a huge plot twist when Sidious was revealed to be Palpatine or did you see it coming?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bek


      What do you like about it Circa?

    3. z3filus


      ofcourse it wasnt a surprise; for years we knew he was sidious, do'h same actor -.- same voice = obvious

    4. MagSul


      I guess that was a potential surprise for anyone who hadn't seen the original trilogy back then! I did spoil Anakin's fate for someone in High School by accident. =/ He... hadn't seen them. =P

  3. Anyone know how to make a desktop shortcut for JKA MP on steam?

    1. Circa


      Right click on it? Or am i missing something

    2. spior


      To get to MP you need to right click -> Launch multiplayer. I'm asking how to make a desktop shortcut for that.

    3. Onysfx


      I was going to say go into the steamapps folder, but just realized you can't do that. I know there is a way, I've done something just like that with another game before...but I forget now.

  4. sooo... game of thrones stream?

    1. z3filus


      not yet...

    2. spior


      the episodes leaked anyway so :D

    3. z3filus


      I'm having difficulties finding the first ep in HQ :<

  5. The Fault In Our Stars is such a beautiful book. Anyone know of others like it? Just started getting into this book business.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      I recommend reading "The Adventures of palpatine and frodo baggins" Good book, but it's not out yet.

    3. scp_chaos1


      otro pendej%

    4. scp_chaos1


      no crees que mejor seria dejar esas curcilerias


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. scp_chaos1


      oye boba por que hablas con este curcil man

    3. scp_chaos1


      o todo poderoso szico puedes construir estos modelos en md3 y ponerles shader

      or all powerful szico can build these models and put md3 shader









    4. scp_chaos1
  7. Yey new guitar :))))))))))))

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. spior
    3. Circa


      Nylon strings are mostly for classical style playing. I recommend sticking with metal strings unless you are playing classical or other styles that are similar.

    4. spior



  8. If there's ever a JKHub achievement thing, I reserve the "Hasn't changed his avatar since he signed up" one.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. katanamaru


      I kept the same name since 2001-ish. I didn't use an avatar for years!

      You youngins get off ma porch!

    3. spior


      I think I have my name since like 2007

    4. Onysfx


      I got my around in 2005, when my first name was just "Onysf" when I needed a name for runescape. Hey...I have an idea! I'm gonna start a thread about how everyone got their name.

  9. Not much going on, eh?

  10. Since probably nobody at YouTube HQ noticed my joke, I named my account "Spee Or" because it wouldn't let me use only one name. I can't stress how proud I am of this.

    1. Merek


      @Onysfx, we have a genius in the house

    2. scp_chaos1


      revian es encerio

  11. I can see almost zero change with this background and the last one :( Some change...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      I was forced to reduce it to mush, to keep load times decent. That's how all the other backgrounds were as well. I wish I could keep them high quality.

    3. MoonDog


      Oh well. The cool colors are definitely nice.

    4. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      ...I didn't even notice that it changed.

  12. If there is a god, he is a cruel bastard for making barre chords so hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Artemis


      Barre chords are evil indeed.

    3. spior


      Especially when you have tiny tiny fingers...

    4. Flynn


      haha guitar...

      trumpet player right here

  13. Anyone a Magicka fan :)?

    1. Onysfx


      Not at all. But I knew a group of people who loved the game, played it everyday.

    2. spior


      Yeah well you should play it too.

    3. Boothand


      I've played it a bit with some friends! Very cool.

  14. Why can't I have only practical subjects? I get straight A's and B's on them, but the second I step inside a history class >BAM< F :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Maybe you should cut down that tree and make a bridge.

    3. Dai


      ^ Top Kek

    4. Flynn


      My history teacher is nuts, so...

  15. Only 3 albums to go and I will finally be able to say that I have DOWNLOADED Buckethead's entire discography. Now to listen to it :]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. therfiles
    3. spior


      I just needed a notification and since none of you were replying I had to take manners in my own hands.

    4. Bane_Ross
  16. I heard there was a bet.

  17. Anyone happen to know how I can play yt videos on my phone in the video player app? Stream them if you will. :|

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. spior


      No you misunderstood.

      I want to play the videos in android's video player. My phone is too old and the youtube app lags, I want to use the lightweight mobile version.

      I saw some friends with non-android (some old samsung) phones do it.

    3. CrimsonStrife


      Mine will do it if they're played in the web browser. usually requires videos to be embedded though.

    4. spior


      Nope, not what I had in mind either.

      Try downloading opera mini and go to youtube, that's the interface I'm talking about.

  18. shit man this distortion is making me wet myself

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MoonDog


      Fuck you autocorrect. Quick inserting and changing words.

    3. spior


      Well that may be, but in the studio they really did a shit job at mixing.

    4. MoonDog


      Oh yeah, I'm not arguing that. They don't have very good tone live or on albums anymore.

  19. Happy New Year from GMT+2 land ^^

    1. therfiles


      So does that mean you are writing this message a year later than me? Time travel?


    2. spior



      Sent from my iPhone 6 in my flying car

    3. Barricade24
  20. I bet none of you can reply to this status

  21. I am beginning to this this forum's software is the Apple of forum softwares. Looks shiny yet lacks features that the worst of their competitors have :|

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Circa


      Interesting. Maybe it will change in IP.Board 4, which we hope to get eventually after it releases.

    3. Xycaleth


      Might be an admin setting which restricts the allowed image extensions?

    4. Futuza


      ^^Mostly likelly for security reasons. Since you can put nasty scripts in signature

  22. So does anyone have a legit reason why they don't like this Google+ thing? The only thing that made me upset is the real name thing, which I easily avoided.

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Circa


      Compare YouTube to Vimeo. Which one is more simplistic. :P

    3. spior


      I still don't see how it was an awful decision, but whatever. I, for one, look at the glass as half-full.

      Also, Circa, I was referring to the comments when I said that. The entire site is a bit...bloated, I admit.

    4. Circa


      Ah. Yeah, the comments are fine. I don't really mind all that.

  23. I barely thought up my last Secret Santa gift, which was barely good too. Don't think I'll be able to participate in this one :((((((((((((((((

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The White Elephant
    3. spior


      Can I reuse the gift I gave last year? I mean, as a last resort, I might come up with something...

    4. Onysfx


      If it has to come to that, so be it...oh by the way, I TOLD YOU IT WOULD COME TO THIS! I WAS RIGHT!

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