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Everything posted by AngelModder

  1. The inherit issue with that would be that I would have to include the MD3, and that's as good as handing them the piece.
  2. Thanks. Well to be honest I think originally Shadow just liked the sky box, most people like sunsets.However after the second one released the community just sort of insisted it was bespin due to the sky box and other texture chosen. I suppose some where along the way even he did as well. During the span of time I knew him it was always just Bespin in his opinion. While not built on The Cloud City Facility we all know and love from ESB it was some thing similiar, hidden and cloaked away during the Jedi purge. The ability to make changing skyboxes already exsist, however map lighting and shadows are baked into the surfaces and are static, so while the sky could change the lighting would not. This would look rather odd. The best choice would be to choose a point of time you like and have one nicely blended theme then try to develop a theme that's not concentrated and would look odd at times. In the Warzone variation of this map It will have the ability to succesfully change from night to do, so that's some thing you'll get to look forward to.
  3. Outrider will be in it, just not like you expected XD, in a MUCH better way, but I also wanted some thing a bit original. Years ago Ockniel and I both entered into a jk2files mapping contest. The theme was Taris and we took second place. I designed the hanger interior and the Ebon hawk inside of it. We ran out of time and due to a rush job I never really got to do with it what I had originally wanted. looking back at the old map file I almost used it again in this. However after having learned so much since even then I felt it just sucked. So the Rhino was born. You can't make a map un-compilable, however certain entities erase them selves during decompile. Setting brush work to these specific types of Func's will make them be erased apun decompiling the map, Ergo no one can steal your shit. XD
  4. Alot of things already are md3. However certain things like the ship etc will not be infact I'm having them written off as an entity. The reason for that is when kids decide to decompile this it will erase it and other area's and details I do not wish reused in other maps. Lets face it people do it. I've always had an issue with people using my materials and such. Even asking me honestly just kind of gets under my skin in a weird way. As for the Rhino, if any one's going to turn it into a vehicle it will be me, no one else. :/ just how I am.
  5. Brush count 17K entity count 1600 Finished product I estimate will be about 18.5-19k brushes. Entities at about 2048.
  6. The textures are ofcourse not final, just a template to get the concept together.
  7. The exterior color scheme will be red and white. Pucture 1950s american malt shop feel. Touches of chrome etc sleek feeling in a weird way. The interior curvey and smooth. Blue lighting for interfaces etc with that strong 50's feel.
  8. The Ebon Hawk was always my favorite ship. So I decided to take the design and play with the concept as if it were being designed in more modern star wars times. Some where between episode 3-4. Folks you've gotto remember this also has to be able to fit an interior while not draining the engine of more computation.
  9. Started work on the ship for the hanger. I think it's gonna be some thing new and unique...
  10. only one complaint... Too much clothing! XD
  11. A little before and after shot I through together today. Amazing how it's changed
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ryvhdiunsiwsa6/openjk%202017-08-18%2019-34-44-42.avi?dl=0 Not the greatest quality videos. But this is a short video of one of the secret area's I've been working on recently for jedi's Home III and a small video of a quick run through during some testing of the Demo map, Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/tvraqmx7imzebny/openjk%202017-08-16%2007-43-51-08.avi?dl=0
  13. A small meditation garden within the temple...
  14. A suggestion involving lighting. Stick to shader lighting, not only does it compile faster, look better, and have a lot more versitility but it also makes you think about your lighting and lightsources as the surface emmision becomes true value. In other words you wont just be placing and orb and even the light fixture it's self end up lit, rather the said surfaces that SHOULD be casting light will correctly do so. Try to avoid the ambient key and value in world spawn, maybe for a little color blending use like ambient 15-25 and then your said color you want the shadow lighting to have, but honestly if your maps coming out too dark, that means you need more lightsources, and try using a bounce of 3 or 5 in your map during light compile. Honestly past 5 it's just not worth the extra time it takes. If you have any further questions etc you can always PM me on here and I'll see what I can do to help you! Another thing to really study is your texturing. Base textures can still be very usefull to this day, but only if used correctly. It comes down to application. Scaling for one, most base textures are a bit blurry by our common standards today so scaling them down a bit hides this.
  15. The look you will all soon have on your faces!
  16. Ceremony hall WIP. 2 rooms to go after this, the Gardens and class room A!!! The demo sectiopn has already been cut out into a seperate map, compiled and ready to go!
  17. An overhead and sideways view of the map thus far XD
  18. All entities count during compile but that HARD limit is 4096, but theirs say a Light entity limit (not applicable to shader lights) That's why most folks use shader driven lighting and just a few entity ones here and there for special circumstance. Asgarath is correct about Misc model, sadly though there is a light entity limit. A lot of folks think theirs not but sadly there really is.. I've ran into it a few times. Then again I had like 4k light entities. In game is another issue though, there lights dont count as they're just markers really for illumintion information for the engine to bake into the surfaces. I believe misc model doesn't as asgarath mentioned. Info null and not null dont count either, and I could be wrong but I believe target position doesn't either as again sort of like lights it's just a cord ref. What Im more or less looking for is maybe a Cvar like R_speeds that gives me some information on the entity count atm during game play. So far all reserch has yeilded nothing. Which si weird as it seems like some thign you would want for building SP bs in Q3 games. Like you Langerd I'm a bit confused if it means the map overall or just in said active area's visible to the player(s).
  19. Alright so I just want to make sure I play it safe with JH3, i know maps can only have 1024 active entities in a map at a time, and 256 entities active in say one portaled off area at a time.. I believe that doesn't count Misc Model's and Misc model statics, but other shit. They really need a more precise list of this some where on the tutorial section, what counts and doesn't count and how certain situations may change this. Any ways back to my main question is there a Cvar to show me how many entities are running in my map actively? On the note of portalling (areportal doors etc) if entities are areaportaled off and not even running atm (no ones in the room) whilst on a server do they still count against the active entity check list?
  20. Alright so im officially schedualing the first alpha test for 2 weeks from today. The first 12 folks to PM me will be involved with that. After that I will be releasing a small section of the map as a DEMO and a trailer probably about that time curtesy of Iffo Atm I am predicting a October release. I know thats a bit further then originally planned but I just got my Visa to stay in Holand for the next 5 years, so it's back to work for me. So less time to dedicate to JH3 to make a long story short. XD
  21. AngelModder


    LMFAO best reborn skin ever!
  22. Alright so as I mentioned earlier the glass was temproary till i could get what I wanted to put in the windows set up. A note about these windows, the stained glass is a func_door and via a button in an administrative office you can open and shut them based on your needs. This was a bit of a trick to do actually. I wanted to create the illusionof depth, as if they were transparent. However as these windows were put here as yet another FPS protection measure they couldn't be set to actually be semi transparent. So I used an old simple trick, using the textures glow map to transpose the area's on the opposite sides of the glass. The illusion for the most part works as long as you dnt go over thinking perspective as you move side to side or up and down. Hmm some times even I have to take the easy way out. The courtyard is still a bit of a wip.
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