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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. I feel dumb now.....
  2. show me the original and i'll get kyle posed like that in max and render that scene for you
  3. you could have found the Selkath here aswell https://jkhub.org/files/file/703-jkb-selkath/
  4. damn I thought It'd be possible because there's Jedi Random , I tried copieing from that but apearently it doesnt work =/ so I assume that's odne by code aswell ?
  5. @@eezstreet , @@Horatio Culver,@@Raz0r Finished the rodian but I need to know how to randomize the skin a npc uses because If i make 4 npc's using the 4 skins only the default head will be used for the rodians ingame as the new npcs dont appear at the base maps so do you know how I can do this eez or Raz0r ?
  6. yup that's my plan , we'll see how soon I can finish this though as I got a busy weekend and I might have to look for my twileks textures dunno if I still got them
  7. I soemtimes suffer from bad wireless lan , you know I got a sepperate room under the roof ,2 stories above the router depending on weather and interference I get pretty crappy rates or can't connect at all it's done now though , so lemme fire up max EDIT : I got the feeling I downloaded the wrong plugin..... I'll check the installer for additional stuff EDIT 2 : nope nothing probably version 5.0 was the wrong one http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=13525184&linkID=12544121 but I doubt it
  8. will do , still downloading , suffering from slow internet today -.- 3 kb/s dl-rate ftw ! -.-
  9. uhm I tried that a while ago but couldnt get it to work =/ will try again in a min lemme DL that
  10. that's actually not a bad idea.... I might infact do that sometime , I've started working at adding new heads to the merc model to add some alien mercs but pretty much stopped doing that after finishing the Devaronian I might aswell toss my twilek male heads in.....you'll hear from me so the current suggestions are : rodian mercs + rodian male heads human male + gran head & weequay head I wont touch Shiftee's trando , that's something I wont do without permission but maybe shiftee wants to join this project ? @@Darth Shiftee
  11. I've been wondering if it was possible to add a function to the game to let it scan for updates automatically maybe we could help that by adding some sort of version-file to our pk3's which the auto updater would compare with the version up here just an idea I had recently I odnt know if that's even possibly but I thought it'd be nice to have
  12. ah okay ,to bad
  13. V2 is out ! https://jkhub.org/files/file/1537-emperor-doviculus/
  14. I just stumbled across this : http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/114-npc-classes-and-their-descriptions/ look under beast classes class_fish..... ? maybe you could test that one sometime
  15. I really hope you're going to compile the plugin for max 10 aswell
  16. hehe I happened to have that skull model somewhere between my unfinished projects (WIP skeleton playermodel), thought I'd texture it really quick and make simple test anim for it to test your exporter
  17. well import the original gun model and align your model with the original , that's how I do it but I really wodner if there's an easier way to do it maybe @@Inyri knows something
  18. okay I got error 4599 with my creeper , which is most likely caused by some stupid mistake I made . I'll try soemthing else later but I'm in a hurry right now EDIT : works great !
  19. okay then , time to tackle dat creeper once more
  20. so I'm done with reweighting the torso and I've been experimenting with some shader stuff : I tried to utilize my "fake-bloom" shader here which went terribly wrong it's basically a slightly altered glowy specular shader I thought I'd try applieing it without altering the specular texture and well it came out very f*cked up.....
  21. just tested the max 6 plugin : worked great for me me , I successfully exported v2 of my doviculus model using your exporter and I didn't encounter any issues yet but I doubt there are any as the model looks allright in modview is it capable of exporting animations yet ? If so I'll test that aswell
  22. looks a little..... fat o.o sorta reminds me of but that might be the flat textures
  23. finished the staff , and i'm absolutely gonig to reweight him as I keep noticing more and more flaws....
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