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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. it's on hold , I kinda lost interest in working at this model for the moment
  2. model , will be combined with effects to make it more believeable , I might retouch the modeled part though but I'm busy with school stuff atm
  3. I was referring to the fire part and Ithink my texture could definatly use some touching up
  4. you can use either Overlays or another method Szico has shown me , which I havn't really used yet I'll dig up the shader for ya , this was supposed for a puddle one of the barrels I made for szico should leave in the map but somehow the decal effect didnt show up , while the shader itself worked fine when applied to a patchmesh in GTK gfx/moonbase_labs/puddle_decal { qer_editorimage gfx/moonbase_labs/puddle surfaceparm trans polygonOffset q3map_nolightmap { map gfx/moonbase_labs/puddle alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite } { map gfx/moonbase_labs/puddle_env blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE depthFunc equal glow tcGen environment } }
  5. is anybody feeling like texturing my flaming skull ? I'm to lazy to do so atm
  6. I just recently gave an example for what you wanted help with in this thread http://jkhub.org/topic/2575-making-env-mapsshiny-for-weapons/
  7. wrong the specular texture is the texture that blends in when a surface on the model is lit strong enough
  8. ofc there is somebody'd just have to model a few armro parts , match them to the skeleton and voila , you get living armor
  9. here's the cheap way for getting voiceclips from games : 1. get fraps or any other game recording software (I can recommend Xfire as it's free) 2. start whatever you chose to use and the game you want to get voice clips from 3.in the game's settings disable music and soundeffects, so only the voice is left 4. play the game and record the cutscenes or whatever you want to get sounds from using your recorder 5. once you're done , stop recording , exit the game and covnert your video to a mp3 file , just look for a video to mp3 converter 6. now you'll have to cut your hgue mp3 file down to smaller pieces containing only the lines you want and save all of them as mp3 again , I'd recommend using audacity 7. done ,I believe you can figure the rest out yourself
  10. just for everyone , I'm at it , kinda I'll stuff it somewhere inbetween homework and workout not sure If I get to it today
  11. might look good , might not you'll have to try that but all texture must be power of 2 size
  12. @@CaptainCrazy nothing , really just the file names and you mgiht want to play around with the alphaGen const value for your env map
  13. it's all in the shader files , I'll document one or two of my files for you Edit : there you go , If you need further help let me know models/weapons2/illrian2/w_saber <- target texture path , it doesnt have to exist as an image but your model has to load this texture for the shader to have an effect { q3map_nolightmap { map models/weapons2/illrian2/w_saber <- texture path for the first stage blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO <-default blendfunc , no Transparency rgbGen lightingDiffuse <- makes this stage the diffuse stage of you shader , in 3ds max this would be your diffuse/color map } { map textures/common/env <- texture path for the second stage blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR <- blendfunc that works similiar to the "Overlay" blendmode in photoshop detail <- prevents this stage from being rendered from far distance alphaGen const 0.5 <- I think you can guess what this does , if you dont this sets the stages opacity to 50% (I use this to tweak the intensity of the shine) tcGen environment <- This makes the stage an Environment map , which is exactly what you asked for } { map models/weapons2/illrian2/w_noshine blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA <- Soft-Edged alpha default blendfunc , this stage overlays parts of my now glossy Texture to cover the gloss effect in some places rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/illrian2/w_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE <- I cant tell you more about this than that this blendfunc is usually used for Specularity stages , I havnt experimented with changing this detail alphaGen lightingSpecular <- only draws this stage when the surface is lit bright enough , (makes it a specular map) } } I got one more for ya models/weapons2/w_starkiller/red { q3map_nolightmap cull disable { map models/weapons2/w_starkiller/diffuse alphaFunc GE128 <- Hard edged alpha , above 50% opacity will be opague and everything below will be fully transparent blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/w_starkiller/cr blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/weapons2/w_starkiller/specular blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map models/weapons2/w_starkiller/ir blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE <-this blendfunc gives you alpha depending on the brightness of your texture map , white = 100% visible , black = 0% visible detail glow <-this enables dynamic glow } }
  14. get proxmate
  15. that saber would take me approx an hour to get done might do it tomorrow will see about that though
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN75im_us4k holy shit....this is awesome
  17. I could do the flaming skulls pretty easily by altering this guy here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzYYLhBbXfE could even include the laugh as some sort of taunt or something then make the noghri weapon invisible , place it i nhis mouthz and make it shoot fireballs , I think the noghri gun would work best for this as it leaves a DOT(Damage over time) effect on you and with altered effects It could turn out decently
  18. this and I think the skin texture is too perfect/too smooth atm probably slightly wider cheekbones I dunno you can tell it's Kyle though May we see a side pic and maybe a 45° shot ? the face might aswell be too round , mainly the jaw line
  19. ... I might try this some time
  20. we could also make all weapons use the same kind of ammunition and NPC scaling was allways possible in SP just look at the jawas or ughnaughts the meshes are the same size as any other character model
  21. Version (1.0)


    Starkiller's Lightsaber AshuraDX **************************** MODELS : AshuraDX(AshurathehedgehogDX) TEXTURES : AshuraDX(AshurathehedgehogDX) E-MAIL : ashuradx@yahoo.de VERSION: 1.0 ***************************************** Description : the new , better , version of my starkiller saberhilt which was supposed to be released with my starkiller playermodel but as chalklyne craves it that much I decided to release it earlier, here you go buddy ! how to get them in SP : 1.open the cheat console by hitting ~ or ^ 2.type : helpusobi 1 3. type saber "x" replace "x" with one of the following Starkiller Starkiller_blue Starkiller_green Starkiller_purple Starkiller_yellow Starkiller_orange
  22. not feelung like worknig on my Starkiller stuff atm bud , sry but the hilt is completely textured and I added color variations , I'd just have to get it ingame @@ChalklYne just submitted it
  23. you can rescale character models via their NPC file so that's not going to be a problem I can kinda see problems incomnig with replacing the forcepowers for secondary weapons we cant bolt a model to the players hand which will be shown when using the specific force power without any sort of code mod unless we place a model righ tin the .efx file at the origin of the "weapon" effect
  24. I'D suggest using the base JA lambda shuttle as reference , model around it and model some of the textured details or if you're fine with a lower quality mesh just take the base JA shuttle and edit it a little
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