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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@MagSul if you ever want to play multiplayer let me know
  2. @@ChalklYne not at all , the pivot of the bones rotation does not match the parrots beak , so it woulldm ove VERY strangely and it'd just look crappy
  3. well , I dont have the files anymore apearently but i'll try to get you a decent skybox going - but tha tis going to be a little more complicated than Szicos skybox , I'll need a gigantic sphere in there to represent tatooine and that will ned some decent textures but I'll give it a try
  4. You need a space skybox huh ? hm I could probably alter the setup I made for @@Szico VII's moonbase skybox lemme see if I still have those sourcefiles , otherwise I could probably get that thing set back up in little to no time
  5. I recnetly started playing War thunder , for the moment it's a WW2 MMO Flight simulator later it will feature ground and naval combat aswell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_SZDfj9kDE if you're interested - heres an invitation , anybody who registers by the link will recieve a startup bonus and I'll gather a small bonus aswell http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_15023665 or if you dont want to support me and dont mind missing the few extra credits but still want to play the game you can also register here : http://warthunder.com/en My Nickname on that game is ashuraDX , in case you couldn't guess that See you on the battlefield !
  6. @@therfiles you brilliant MF !
  7. I see , yeah I can imaigne that this would not look so pretty with base JA textures What if you took my texture I posted there and tried to edit that ? probably you could lower the contrast a little and adjust hue/saturation to your liking you mgiht have to make it tileable first though , In photoshop you can easily do this by using the offset filter , offset it by 50 % and then just use the clonestamp brush over the now visible seams
  8. some screenshots of the area and a description of what you exactly need will certainly increase your chances http://jkhub.org/topic/3184-free-textures/ check out this thread , might help you Edit : fixed a typo in the title for ya
  9. Dude requesting the same model 4 times in a row doesn't increase your chances at all If you really want that model to be made I'd suggest to start learning modeling yourself , ofc you can come here and aks for help whenever needed also @@MoonDog
  10. well I could probably contribute to the droids , but if you find someone with better equipment , dont let me do it my microphone sucks , but it might work for droid voices
  11. when I read that title this came to my mind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owKOjr3RS2I
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG6G4XBnvLQ I'M DIEING
  13. the textures look very flat and lifeless the jaw shape is off he has no nose (!) his legs are wierdly bent
  14. @@Xycaleth , feel free to shout out to mee once you uploaded a new version incase I miss it if you ever get an idea why your converter is not working for me let me know , I could probably get you a dxdiag or whatever might help to troubleshoot
  15. notice that his left eye is closed all the time (atleast in the concept) so rather than modeling a eyehole id close it off with 2 eye lids
  16. that's allready quite a bit closer , let us see a side pic
  17. still no success I have no clue whats going on here Edit : approved your new converter
  18. try looking for the overall shap and go by your eye , not your mind
  19. the side is not that bad but the front view is messed up ! just some quick paint overs for your reference , might help to get the shape right
  20. what bothers me way more than his arms is his head recheck your references , and probably you shouldn't freehand it all
  21. 1. Inside of his eye needs to be pushed in imagine seeing it from the top 2.FUCK THAT ODD ANGLE ! model his head & face just as it is doen on the ref pics I've shown you , dont have his "facialplane" slanted like this / , keep it upright | ! I bet that's gonna help a LOT
  22. haha , that was the first thing I tried - no changes
  23. Starting profile on 17.01.2014 at 15:45:44 Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista based Home Premium (32-bit), version 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 Program Executable: c:\base\FBX2GHOUL2.EXE Program Arguments: Starting Directory: c:\base\ Search Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Backburner\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live Options Selected: Simulate ShellExecute by inserting any App Paths directories into the PATH environment variable. Log DllMain calls for process attach and process detach messages. Log DllMain calls for all other messages, including thread attach and thread detach. Hook the process to gather more detailed dependency information. Log LoadLibrary function calls. Log GetProcAddress function calls. Log first chance exceptions. Log debug output messages. Use full paths when logging file names. Log a time stamp with each line of log. Automatically open and profile child processes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00.000: Failure starting the process. Der angeforderte Vorgang erfordert erhhte Rechte (740).(rough translation : The requested Process requires extended rights) Well , that's my lognote : I'M the noly user at this PC , there is no other user account
  24. @@Xycaleth I actually tried adding pause to my .bat before , sadly it just runs the fbxconverter , closes it and then says press any key to exit , same with your version
  25. I tried various things @@Archangel35757 (.bat , directly via cmd and drag&drop) nothing worked
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