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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. just ordered 9 of their 10 Albums on EMP for under 90 € - feels like steam summer sale
  2. I'd guess a rancor class npc could work pretty nice for a flaf as it cant be pushed around , just make it team_neutral and it should stay in place aswell
  3. That's actually pretty nice ! @@Almightygir I really like the final product I was also pretty blown away by your Balrog , do oyu have any other WIP pics of that (aside of the 2 clips on your youtube channel and the finished shot on your folio) I really hope I get more freetime soon so I can get back to work at my projects
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwuQ6UHMQg perfect to relax after a busy day
  5. I'd guess a func_train should do the trick for the crate @@DT85 but I might be wrong as it's been ages since I last messed with gtk
  6. I got a standalone voxelconverter for .obj files somewhere on my ahrddrive , but that's a nice tool aswell I could also use 3d coat
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qenu-09L1Og
  8. higher res screenshots would be nice
  9. he's moving this week and it will take him some time to get back to business
  10. spankis Jedi Customisation had a unmasked Sharadd hett if I remember correctly
  11. that portfolio one , is another model , gir remade his revan some time ago but the remake never got ported into JKA
  12. personal preference , really try a few and see what you like best if oyu want to get into content creation for Jedi academy you might want to check out : 3ds max 5 to 2012 (these version have working exporters) Blender XSI Mod tool you could also try to use milkshape for weapons but milkshape is incapable of exporting charactermodels
  13. looks strange without beard and hair , stil looks amazing say @@Almightygir for how long have you been using Zbrush ? I gave it a shot once and got completely lost in that layout Mudbox is so much easier to use (to me) as it appears a lot more newbie-friendly
  14. You guys have to know : @@Almightygir only made the model , it was put ingame by @@minilogoguy18 or @@Inyri and the npc files were made by some random dude whose name I forgot so the bulkyness might have come from realigning this model to match the JA proportions
  15. you might want to rework those hands take a look t your fingers , are they BENT that way , so smoothly ? I doubt it (if they are , go see a doctor O.o )
  16. fantastic. got a Tendonitis (right wrist) . My weekend is fucked -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zappa_0
    3. katanamaru


      You going to get corrective surgery?

    4. AshuraDX


      well I dont think so , it seems to heal pretty good on its own for now . I might have gotten the wrong term during my quick google search for a translation of the german word anyway It healed without external help the last time I had it , in my left wrist back then

  17. I might do this if I ever finish my starkiller
  18. @ the other artist might have been me @@ChalklYne YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD YOU LAST WEEK ALLREADY =P
  19. dude - YOU DONT NEED THE R2 skeleton , playermodel r2 doesnt work in MP aswell the game code prevents your from playing as any character that doesn't use the _humanoid skeleton so the only way to actually play as this bugger will be by making him a vehicle so you can just use your custom skeleton for the MP model
  20. Nice ! as I just red the description of your third progress vid : do you know this site ? http://anatomy4sculptors.com/
  21. no hands ? or are you oging to recylce the hands from another sculpt you made ?
  22. I was thinking of maybe starting a short tutorial series that will cover some basics of modeling ,UV mapping , texturing and shader basics for models (and getting the simple model ingame) I wont cover creating character model and getting tha tingame for now , but that might follow some time later, I was rather thinking of either creating a weapon model(gun or hilt ?) or a map object the question is what would you guys prefer ? then feel free to suggest soemthing that should be created during this tutorial it must not be too complex so that beginners can follow my steps , and it should not be too dull as I want to cover quite a bit when it comes to textures and shaders I plan to include atleast 2 different materials when it comes to texturing and I'd like to have some glowy peices at the model , as people keep aksing how to make shit glow for their skins I thought of splitting the whole process up like this : 1. Creating the model 1b. UVW Unwrapping/mapping 1c. preparing the model for the game 2.basic texturing (quick & dirty) 2a. Advanced texturing (more work , but will turn out better in the end) 2b. Creating textures for shader stages(will build up from the advanced tutorial) 3.Shader creation (can be skipped if you chose to only follow the first part of the texturing tutorials) 4.getting the model ingame & working additional stuff depends on what will be created during this series
  23. Soemthing about his ears feels wrong... I cant put my finge ron it but the shape of the lower half looks off to me, aside of this I got nothing to criticise great work as usual !
  24. if you want me to texture thast it's going to take a while but send me the files i'll have a look at it
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