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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. nope - I'm using substance designer here anyway. You can use these here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5wmg3ifot8lmu7p/Meshes.zip?dl=0 simple, relatively dense, meshes I made for previews with tesselation enabled
  2. my work has begun.
  3. about the indoor "stone" floor textures: There's some sort of directional grain visible - are you sure it was not intened to resemble wood?
  4. it's a walkway? I thought it was a gate or door of sorts - that means i'll have to change a few things. It'd be great if you could provide a ingame screenshot or describtion of how the texture is going to be used, as that changes the Environmental conditions it's set out to. A floor recieves a different knid of wear and dirt than a ceiling. Thick Rust like this would not accumulate on a frequently used walkway.
  5. Do you have the original Textures from Df2 for these? those are allready reproductions done by someone else, none pbr ofc but still not the original material, which I'd prefer to work from.
  6. If you properly blend the weights across your geometry you will get a better result.
  7. That rifle model is again very highpoly @@Langerd be careful when combining highpoly weapons with highpoly character odels - people that don't use OpenJK are very liekly to run into transform space errors.
  8. That creature rings a bell... Isn't it from the Movie Labyrinth?
  9. TIL: There's a Black Metal Band named Hoth that writes Star Wars themed Songs. And their Logo is shaped like a Tie Advanced, if you didn't notice.
  10. @@minilogoguy18 I'm not yet hapy with how the rust turned out, gotta reduce the height value on that and maybe decrease the spread a little. I'd love to teach you guys some more about Substance Designer and Painter now that we can actually use them to their full potential.
  11. Allright. Did a first draft of the texture @@Psyk0Sith recreated before I interpreted the drips on the surface as grease, could be rust though - I might change that and see what it looks like with rust EDIT: This needs a bit of tweaking but ... where will you be when explosive diarrhea strikes?!
  12. For this you'll have to add a bitmap mask instead of a plain black mask
  13. Just give me the Textures and I'll recreate them for PBR
  14. It does have filters. They are called layereffects if I recall correctly
  15. That's why I added the pictures But you should update probably.
  16. add a blur and a elvels filter to the height layer to first blur the engraving, then adjust the levels to sharpen it again this will widen the lines and add a slight slope to the edges it will also make it look much smoother Raw Painting: Blurred: Levels adjusted: here's an example scene: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sedq4izuiqv6g30/Example.spp?dl=0 done with the current release of Substance Painter (V2.5.3)
  17. Bumping this since with the move to GL2 all textures need to be redone. Bundle currently used textures by map (including base JKA textures), zip them up and drop a link here.
  18. well, isntead of doig conversion from Height to normal and overlaying that with the baked normal map - just import the height map into substance painter and blend it there. add a mask to that layer and beat it up to not make it as uniform
  19. You have to something about the detail lines there, they look like they were pushed into clay instead of having been chiseled out of stone.
  20. you really should. for comparison, take a look at the stats of my revamped clone model: now compare those to the stats of your saber... you should notice that somethings fishy when a saber takes up as much geometry as a full character model
  21. Dude, that lightsaber sits at 8k tris. I hope you won't try getting that ingame. You have to reduce the number of sides on all cylinders and also the number of faces in those spheres. You should also fix the smoothing, at the moment you have hard edges all over the place. Hard edges are split on export and their vertex count doubles.
  22. Probably gonna be a while, this project has been drainnig my creative fuel for a while now - I jsut dont enjoy working on it at the moment. I may come back to this or hand it of to someone I deem capable of continuing what I started. I will get the reworked version of the generic Phase 2 Cloe ready to be used ingame sometime in the next few months, but won't give any sort of ETA,
  23. Is this based at a highpoly mesh or jsut a big box you painted height detail on in Substance Painter? If it's the latter I can provide you with a simple bevel filter to bevel your painted height information
  24. The Shader does not fix the issue, it hides it by rendering all faces/tris as doublesided which decreases performance for the model.
  25. Looking good, Substance Painter is quite intuitive to use - you should be familiar with it fairly soon. It's not as technical as Substance Designer, which I still recommend you to learn as using both tools in a combined effort gives you more freedom in the way you work, every brush alpha, Stencil, Mask and Filter is based at a .sbsar file that was created in Substance Designer. With SD you can create your own parametric materials and brush alphas capable of doing exactly what you need.
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