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Posts posted by ent

  1. If you (common you) do not want to make the requested models, then why to even reply? Everyone has different tastes. All I see is people started shitting on the TS's request and tell him how2request. Very disrespectful. Please, stop, people.

    If someone likes the TS's ideas, then they will make it. If no, then none will.


    Even if he wasn't serious about it, you still cannot be sure about it, and it's not a reason to act worse. Respect other people's feelings.


    Rhetorical question to the guys who was telling the TS how2request: have you ever created any worth-playing model, or just any model?

    therfiles and Barricade24 like this
  2. So can you take screenshots in jaMME with the dof and motionblur, without having to export it all as frames?


    Yes, output (either video or screenshots) can have motion blur and depth of field together, without post-editing requirement. The screenshot above is what the mod captured. No editing. (The screenshot doesn't contain motion blur though.)

    Omicron likes this
  3. It won't be hard for uncompressed AVIs.

    For compressed ones you'd need to add decoders (aka hard).


    Just curious: is there anything wrong with ROQ? Why instead? Why not additively?

  4. Nice!


    I am a bit busy nowadays, guys, and have no time to work on that feature. So you will have to wait until I deal with my problems, and then I fix some little bugs and send you new jaMME for tests.

    I will get back to business in a month, I hope.


    So, , you are in! Just wait some time.


    To other guys: you can still reply to this topic and ask to be in testers team as well.

  5. tl;dr version: please, help me find cool Star Wars images to create rewards for JO and JA.


    Hi, guys.


    Some of you probably know, some don't, but there is a way to get rewards in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. They come from Quake III Arena. They are disabled in the game code by default. But they are unlocked in some client mods like smod, ja++, jaMME or joMME.

    The problem is both JK games don't have assets for them. And I decided to start making my own and keep them close to original Q3A theme. So what I currently have:




    Reward names from left to right: Capture, Defence, Assist, Impressive, Humiliation, Excellent.

    Original rewards are shown on top. Then my remakes on 2nd string, and "base" images for them. There are currently only Capture and Defence.


    So I came here to ask you, guys, help me find interesting images to complete JK rewards. Images must be Star Wars related.

    I know many of you know a lot of interesting sources with some art of Star Wars, so maybe you could suggest me some interesting sites with cool icons which I can base my rewards on.


    Also feel free to criticize my 2 already created icons, maybe they should look another.


    Additional info about every reward:

    Capture - you captured your flag in CTF game mode.

    Defence - you killed an enemy nearby your flag in CTF game mode.

    Assist - you killed an enemy flag carrier and your teammate captured the flag just after that in CTF game mode.

    Impressive - you hit two times in a row with Disruptor.

    Humiliation - you killed someone with Stun Baton (and lightsaber too? I don't remember).

    Excellent - you killed two enemies in a row (time difference is 2 or less seconds).


    How it currently works with Q3A assets:



    Thanks in advance.


    P.S.: optionally someone can record voiced version too since rewards in Q3A are image+sound. Would be awesome too.

    P.P.S.: possible to embed a video from dropbox?

  6. Little offtop: you won't believe but I found your video before this topic. Today I wanted to find if people posted anything jaMME related on the internet, so I googled it and found your recent post on JAWA. :)


    I am very glad that people use the mod and make more cool videos.

    Your video is nice. Feel free to ask any question.



    - use anti-aliasing (or higher resolution, but AA is adviced), since your video is slow, "sharky" edges are rather visible

    - try to use built-in post process - dynamic glow

    Maybe something else, but I cannot think of anything more right now. I will update list if something new visits my mind.

  7. Why to exclude, @Circa? You got my wrods wrong. By alternative I meant extra way, not replacing. So public guys will still be able to use regular download. As non-public ones too.

    Everyone will choose the best way for them. When things are optional then it's fun fun.


    Excuse me for offtop again, the TS.

  8. That would, @Circa.

    Is being blocked on most public network the reason to not use or why was it said?


    Keeping direct links and links to torrents as alternative download is the best way to handle.

    This could be also very useful for this forum. Alternative is not replacement, rite? But it's already offtop, soz.

  9. assets0.pk3/sound/chars/[charname]/ - there are sounds from SP used in dialogues etc for every character with [charname]

    assets0.pk3/sound/chars/[charname]/misc - there are general sound like pains, jumps, taunts etc for every character with [charname]


    Those SP sounds have odd names, but I heard @SiLink renamed them all, so much easier to use them with proper names. Ask him if it matters.


    People make different medias with JK like videos and pix, and none asked permissions. I bet it's fully legal if you not gonna sell anything.


    P.S.: legality of any action also depends on country.

  10. ff99d8a81c5ffff46bc0cc9d765b887f.jpg


    Hi. Seems like me and @Scooper finally could make working new jaMME feature - creating custom animations.


    I said some words about it in the latest jaMME release, but the feature wasn't completed. To remind you how it looks/works, check this out: https://db.tt/42ebPrjM (old and broken one, sorry) and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39650282/basketball.png


    Currently it is hard (or not?) to control this animation feature and it probably has some unexpected bugs. So before releasing this, I would like to polish it well. And I need your help in it.


    So if here is anyone who is interested in the feature and can help to test it, reply in this topic, please. I will send you working version in PM.

    Also if you don't understand something, feel free to ask, I will try to explain.


    Thanks in advance.



    Boothand, Stoiss, Omicron and 1 other like this
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