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Posts posted by ent

  1. @MaceMadunusus, the main parts of the mod are cgame and the engine (split to renderer DLL and rest in EXE). The engine provides new demo player and some new trap calls aka new API. Cgame gives some demo control feature and features for moviemaking. All new trap calls are added to the end of list so the engine should be backward compatible (just as a replacement for jamp). I tried to use it as just playable engine with JA+ mod but there was some errors on ghoul2 part when I was connecting to a server. I did not debug it enough because it wasn't my goal to make it fully backward compatible but I can dig into it deeper if necessary.

    The engine and cgame are mostly base-like. I did not add something incompatible. But cgame has a lot of additions and important bug fixes. There are some mod detectors for japlus, base_enhanced(in new incoming version), NT(in joMME) etc. So I thought I could get only cgame part from MB2 to look what I can use to make it compatible.

    The releases I make usually include some changes in both cgame and the engine.

    The source is opened, so if I add compatibility for MB2 demos in the mod then I think it should go public partially. But if you want to keep top secret then I could probably only temporary "join" MB2 devs team and add some changes to cgame part of code. It will be also playable and support new demo player because there are mostly additions. You can of course make it by your own, but I probably need to explain many details.

  2. @lervish, I wanted to make it compatible, and even asked a user @Onysfx to post about it on MB2 forums to attract MB2 users so they could ask MB2 developers give me come codes. But it was ignored so I could not make anything.

    On MB2 forum: http://community.moviebattles.com/threads/39692-Jamme-for-MBII?p=777239

    If you want it so much, then contact to developers and ask them to provide me some codes. I don't know other solution... Oh yeah, they can always make it as their own feature since the code of jaMME is opened.

    I personally prefer adopting jaMME for MB2 than visa-versa.

  3. If you're on Windows, you can use MeGUI for transcoding your video to a nice compressed format that services like YouTube.


    You specify your input video file, and setup output encoding settings. Safe bets for the formats are h.264 for the video, and AAC for the audio. I use the Nero AAC encoder for the audio, but I can't seem to be able to find it on the Nero website anymore.


    With MeGUI, you can do batch processing so it can run over all of your videos at once.

    That's what uncle ent uses including exactly those codecs. :]

    Didz likes this
  4. When float contains rather big value that does not even let to have number after the point (for example, 123456780. or 123456789.) and we convert it to int ((int)floatVar or automatical conversion) then it does wrong conversion. For example 123456780. -> 123456780 and 123456789. -> 123456780 (different float values to the same int one). (The values are just examples so I doubt those ones are actually problematic.)


    And randomizer does this if you send big seed (>100000000 I think): 




    If to set toolset v100 (VS 2010) we get this:





    So the conclusion: VS 2013 with default toolset (v120) cannot handle big numbers correctly.

  5. You still need to provide the DLLs when compiling with VS2010. It might be that people already have the redistributable for VC++ 2010 installed so they don't get the error, but same rules apply anyway.

    You are right. I am being based on the fact that most of users have VC++ 2010 Redistributable installed. And according to this it's not worth to provide those DLLs (I still don't know which exactly) for those few users (0.01%?! ;p).

  6. It's a bunch of DLLs and I dunno names of rest so...
    I will just build with VS 2010 toolset in future releases and none should get this error again (maybe Windows XP users only but they follow the instructions in this topic).


    Why not 2013? Because with VS 2013 Windows XP users won't be able to run the application at all. And there is also problem with randomizer and numeric data types.

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