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[WIP] DEMP2 Makeover

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I have started a thing. I'm slowly chipping way at the High Poly version of the model.

Nice looking model !! But .. i must say - the concept of this gun is a mystery to me.. how You are holding this gun. It is very weird concept

yeyo JK likes this

Looks really good so far. But let me stop you a minute and ask, why not re-imagine the DEMP2 as a Jawa ion shotgun instead? It would make sense and we would have more classic Star Wars guns. Just a thought.

Daniel and Lancelot like this

been there, done that (long ago)

Holy Shit Ashura!! I just ... had flashbacks... 


You are Again One of the best Modders here on Hub and i remember Your older works. I remember this Jawa Pack of Yours. The Ion Jawa weapon was simple but i rly liked the idea of this weapon to replace the DEMP2 .. in my opinion one of the worst desinged weapon for jedi knight series.


been there, done that (long ago)


When I started getting into modding I tried to give your model to the WP_Jawa data file, but failed horribly. 

AshuraDX likes this

That CA-87 is not up to your current standards. Come on.

Indeed, that's why I said it was long ago :P


I'll stick to the DEMP2 Concept as I promised @@eezstreet to overhaul it a while ago.


I will also stick to my plan of remaking all guns, including the E-11 and DL-44 I did previously for the DF2 and JK:Enhanced mods.

Langerd likes this

Indeed, that's why I said it was long ago :P


I'll stick to the DEMP2 Concept as I promised @@eezstreet to overhaul it a while ago.


I will also stick to my plan of remaking all guns, including the E-11 and DL-44 I did previously for the DF2 and JK:Enhanced mods.

I always thought that it would be better thing to replace these guns with something diffrent - more star wars original style or to use the original weapons (blaster pistol E11 and even bowcaster are only guns that we see in movies ... and lightsabers yeah but i mean blasters only). I made new flechette model and Heavy repeater. But i didnt use any new texturing methods in newer programs. But i rly happy with the resaults.


I always thought that it would be better thing to replace these guns with something diffrent - more star wars original style or to use the original weapons (blaster pistol E11 and even bowcaster are only guns that we see in movies ... and lightsabers yeah but i mean blasters only). I made new flechette model and Heavy repeater. But i didnt use any new texturing methods in newer programs. But i rly happy with the resaults.


I'll make more classic Star Wars guns in the future. Not all of them, but some more for those who wish to replace Jedi Knight's guns with movie guns.


I would like to see this one evolve into something a little more believable than just a hi-res version of the current DEMP2. If I may...

Noodle likes this

I'll make more classic Star Wars guns in the future. Not all of them, but some more for those who wish to replace Jedi Knight's guns with movie guns.


I would like to see this one evolve into something a little more believable than just a hi-res version of the current DEMP2. If I may...

What makes the DEMP2 less believeable? Why should you be able to find a makeshift Jawa crafted weapon in an imperial environment or any encampment that is not on Tatooine? I consider a state of the art anti-droid rifle fabricated by Merr Sonn Ammunitions, which are widely known through Legends EU and also in tge new Canon EU, to be far more believeable.

Bek likes this
  • 3 weeks later...

can that gunsight even see over that spatoon-shaped barrel? Will you post a sideview?


That's one of the features I would say make this gun "less believable". But Ashura didn't sound too welcoming about my opinion, so I just left it there. His model, his call.


I would say that it looks more "Star Wars" than the original model. A few more details, like an energy clip of some sort, iron sights, something like a heat dissipation device around some part of the barrel and voilá!




This concept barrel for a DEMP 2 looks believable.

While it fit's with the look of some improvised weapons seen in the OT, I feel that it doesn't match the Demp2s Description/loretext. And therefore I'll stay closer to the original design.

Tempust85, Wasa and Vade Parvis like this
  • 8 months later...

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