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Change Weather With Script

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As far as I know there's just an ugly hack to do it:

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "yadda; cl_noprint 1; helpusobi 1; r_we rain; helpusobi 0; cl_noprint 0" );

It is ugly, but it's the only way to dynamically change weather without code modifications.

redsaurus, Smoo and therfiles like this

As far as I know there's just an ugly hack to do it:

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "yadda; cl_noprint 1; helpusobi 1; r_we rain; helpusobi 0; cl_noprint 0" );

It is ugly, but it's the only way to dynamically change weather without code modifications.


Woah woah...@@Ramikad are you saying that the SET_VIDEO_PLAY key lets you just input console commands, change CVARS, etc?


As far as I know there's just an ugly hack to do it:

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "yadda; cl_noprint 1; helpusobi 1; r_we rain; helpusobi 0; cl_noprint 0" );

It is ugly, but it's the only way to dynamically change weather without code modifications.

Thanks! (This works with all cheat codes ? didnt know that OoO)


Answer me.. Because You are One Mysterious Character here on Hub for me - Your posts are ALWAYS helpful and great to hear! 



therfiles likes this

Yep, as far as I know you can just input any and all console command like that. Found out this solution a long time ago in the comment section of a tutorial here on the Hub, while looking for a way to change weather.


I think this is theoretically possible by exploiting a bug in SET_VIDEO_PLAY which allows you to run arbitrary console commands.


This is how it should work:

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "Clear the weather" );
set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", ";r_we clear" );
SET_VIDEO_PLAY is supposed to start an in-game cinematic, and it does that by running this in the console: inGameCinematic <your text here>

The semicolon in my script above means what actually happens is that this will run: inGameCinematic ;r_we clear

This means that it doesn't actually run any in-game cinematic, and instead it runs the r_we clear command to clear the weather.


Theoretically! Give it a whirl :)

Smoo, Noodle and therfiles like this

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