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The Trick For People Who Want Diffrent Guns For Npcs.

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There is a weapon called Weapon Jawa. This is not one of the main weapons. The weird thing is that spwaning it or giving it to player will crush your game because game cannot load the model. What is my point here?

The point here is that when enemy is killed he drops the weapon. You not always want this to happen. In the ext_data folder we have weapons.dat which alows us (not 100%) edit weapons properties. This is my trick here - 

1. - If You know how to model here is a trick. Player will not be using the Jawa weapon so we dont need a MD3 (first person model). What we mostly have to focus on is the glm model. So! Make a model with the tags BUT MAKE EMPTY MODEL!
2. - make glm and MD3 versions of the weapon with tags ONLY!
3. - put them in the pk3 in the base folder and in the weapons.dat gave the paths of the weapon to Your new empty weapons model
4. - make a script where You give this - 


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_JAWA" );
set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL", "models/weapons2/bowcaster/bowcaster_w.glm" );

5. Make in the gtkradiant npc to use this script or runscript and give it to the named npc in the game.
6. Your npc should be using bowcaster that is shooting like crazy little projectiles.

YOU CAN USE EVERY GLM YOU LIKE!!! The most important thing is the tags placement. Have fun ;)
therfiles, Smoo, zahar and 1 other like this

First time I actually read a suggestion in the Request & Suggestions board! It's a very ingenious way to give custom weapons to NPCs, you can also give a proper model to the jawa gun and add a new weapon to the game. 


First time I actually read a suggestion in the Request & Suggestions board! It's a very ingenious way to give custom weapons to NPCs, you can also give a proper model to the jawa gun and add a new weapon to the game. 

Also!!! You can play with other scripts here. You can make enemy shot faster (SHOT_SPACING) but with lower aim . Downside is when enemy is shooting we cant change the sounds.. and it is 100% for script work :/


I also discovered this when playing with weapons in the past, but never used it.


Also!!! You can play with other scripts here. You can make enemy shot faster (SHOT_SPACING) but with lower aim . Downside is when enemy is shooting we cant change the sounds.. and it is 100% for script work :/


Wouldn't the sound change work changing the muzzle effect?


I also discovered this when playing with weapons in the past, but never used it.



Wouldn't the sound change work changing the muzzle effect?

Yes but i mean when i use the weapon jawa for npc to use other weapon models. 


Clever stuff! I had a similar idea a while back. VERY useful for mods spanning several eras. You can give a Stormtrooper an Imperial E11, a droid a droid blaster, an SBD his wrist rocket, etc etc. Thanks for sharing the idea! :D You can honestly do this for any weapon in weapons.dat

Langerd likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

The only problem is that the new weapon JAWA clone cannomt have custom effects of projectiles, wall impact and flesh impact. 


i know about the unfinishede jawa weapon.

also bryar pistol of kyle katarn.

these 3 weapons use in common the same effects for shoots of blaster pistol.

i ever thinked that is a little shame because they are too rendundant into original game.

so in my mod i coded the weapons for have 3 different effects arrays, so they are completely separated and stand alone weapons.

WP_JAWA is a sonic weapon ...

pity is not possible to customize weapons efx and sfx without code hacking. also, the code edit for assign cutom efx to weapon at second opf NPC or user's classes is not compatible with EF_BOUNCE function and so for changing with code effect of WP_FLECHETTE i removed the bouncing of projectiles ._. (same on bowcaster alt fire weapons :\ )

should be really wonderful a little code edit of ext_data weapons.dat file with new field that allow to modder to add custom effects on the weapons and models at second of class users.

so is possible to doing that without code hacking. maybe also changing damage that npc do with weapons when shoots into the same customizable ways.

in that  mode, also with with 64 AI classes x 32 weapons, with something like that available, also without adding new weapons in the code every modder with no c++ knowledge can recycle physic and weapon slots and get all weapon they desires!



(i know how to customize that on code, but i cannot again customize weapon icons, weapon descs and weapon models with code editing :( ._. )

so my suggest is: why not do that on some coded mode version of openjk?

weapons fully editable with weapons.dat, without any code hacking needed... should be a wonderfuil dreams that become true!


@@Langerd you are a totally genius! great idea about the WP_JAWA. pity that this require scripting for fully working ... but for mod developer is a great suggest

Langerd and Vade Parvis like this

@@Langerd many thanks for your hint!!!

i remember that in my mod i removed weapon model leaving only and empty tag for many weapons because NPC shoots projectiles by hands with magics.

now i know how can i equip also weapons without create a new weapon for every evenience



 1- custom efx and snd for an AI class for a weapon

2 - change shoot animation to rifle \ gun animation for the desired Class

3 - give weapon model with icarus script as you told to NPC. (or maybe with code? i think is possible do a workaround on icarus script but i need to see how.)

4 done.

Langerd likes this

@@Langerd many thanks for your hint!!!

i remember that in my mod i removed weapon model leaving only and empty tag for many weapons because NPC shoots projectiles by hands with magics.

now i know how can i equip also weapons without create a new weapon for every evenience



 1- custom efx and snd for an AI class for a weapon

2 - change shoot animation to rifle \ gun animation for the desired Class

3 - give weapon model with icarus script as you told to NPC. (or maybe with code? i think is possible do a workaround on icarus script but i need to see how.)

4 done.

Well of course editing code will give us more possibilities ;) 

Asgarath83 likes this

Well of course editing code will give us more possibilities ;)


Yes, code remove 99% of limitation of JKA... but is hard @.@

so, the workaround like your idea is ever the more better and fast solution.

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