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In this picture, I've selected the Cheats Menu item and moved it to the right.



The properties window opened




Very super early WIP but there will be the functionality to edit .menu files from ingame so it's easier to make quick adjustments to the menus.



You need to have the cvar "developer" set to 1 in order to use this.


F11 - Enable/Disable ingame UI editor

F12 - Take screenshot


Main controls

  • MOUSE1 - Select itemDef
  • MOUSE2 - Deselect
  • N - Create new itemDef
  • DELETE - Delete itemDef
  • P - Toggle Property Window for selection
  • Arrow keys - Move selected itemDef
  • I / K - Stretch/shrink itemDef vertically
  • J / L - Stretch/shrink itemDef horizontally

Property window controls

  • ENTER - Edit property
  • Up/Down arrow keys - Scroll through properties
  • PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN - Scroll through properties (faster)


The properties window, creating new itemDefs, deleting itemDefs, and saving are not currently done yet.

I made a Developer Menu to test this feature out on, which will also have cheats and stuff.

SomaZ, Penekowski, Stoiss and 9 others like this
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Absolutely wonderful. Fantastic work! Perhaps a list of "shown" and "hidden" itemdefs? Sometimes, a lot of elements could be hidden and not accessible immediately. In addition, some action/mouse-overs draw itemdefs to a set point of coordinates (think the "glow" that draws on the Base JA menus). Would this be changeable?

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Great! In theory, would it be possible to have a tool that can render menus and let's you test them without having to start the actual game?

I'm not sure I understand the purpose of such a tool - you can do all of the editing ingame with this tool (for the most part).

In the future I am also considering making a binary menu format that will load faster and only be editable ingame.


Absolutely wonderful. Fantastic work! Perhaps a list of "shown" and "hidden" itemdefs? Sometimes, a lot of elements could be hidden and not accessible immediately. In addition, some action/mouse-overs draw itemdefs to a set point of coordinates (think the "glow" that draws on the Base JA menus). Would this be changeable?

This is part of the plan, yes. The controls and feature list are still subject to change.

therfiles and erfg12 like this
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