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Project configuration

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I'm thinking about implementing a series of configuration files that can be used to enable/disable certain features at startup, instead of making these all cvars as I feel like it would lead to unnecessary cvar bloat (also, autoexec.cfg for instance tends to be finnicky for developing stuff with).


Here's an example of what I'm thinking of, using the base game's method of parsing files:



    featureEnabled 1
    explosionEffect env/explosion


Some of the base game's cvars can be migrated to such a system:



    featureEnabled 1
    featureEnabled 1
    blockButton BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK


I want them to be pretty convenient to handle in code too, for our purposes.


Force powers and weapons wouldn't be an example of something that can be configured in this system, instead I am thinking of making those into external files/scripts somehow.

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