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Get ready for the scrimmage match!

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The scrimmage match will be held on Saturday at 3PM EST (GMT-4). If you haven't already, download the Clientside:


We may also play on some of the maps in the map pack:


The server IP address (it may not show up in the server list): scifi.jk3.in:29077


Mass summon:


@@Darth Futuza















Futuza, Seven, Stoiss and 3 others like this
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So no longer streaming, as it turns out my work computer is...very iffy when it comes to streaming and lags like hell :P


Anyway, hopefully some of you had fun, from here on out we're going to try and do some more matches with eezstreet debugging a server while we play on it so we can fix some of these crashes.  Hopefully it'll still be stable enough to have some fun and also fix some bugs in the process.  Thanks again everyone for helping out today!


The server address will be: to connect to.

Feel free to also post any bugs you noticed from today's match into this thread as well, so we can sort them all out later after today and make proper issues and bug fixes for them.

JKG Developer

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