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Speaking of force lightning, was there any explanation anywhere as to the different colors? Because the jka force drain doesn't count, the whole red lightning effect is probably from constricted development time, so they just retextured it. In Kotor it's red too, but not lightning shaped. Palpatine's lightning is blue in the OT, and more violet in the PT, Dooku's is blueish, and Plo Koon's non-canon lightside lightning is either white or yellow, iirc. Now Luke's non canon lightning is red for some reason. Where'd he even learn the lightning anyway? Gods, so many questions!!


Force lightning can have different colors, but the standard force lightning is blue. Powerful dark siders use purple lightning, Luke and Plo Koon can use green and yellow lightning respectively. TFU Luke could use red lightning, the Son uses red lightning aswell. But overall force lightning is either blue or purple in most cases.


After training Luke in the ways of the dark side, Starkiller takes him to meet the emperor






Starkiller and Luke fake their loyalty to Palpatine and wait to strike him down






When the moment came, Starkiller and Luke didn't hesitate and cleaved the Emperor apart





bigphil2695, Jeff, Delmi and 3 others like this

Force lightning can have different colors, but the standard force lightning is blue. Powerful dark siders use purple lightning, Luke and Plo Koon can use green and yellow lightning respectively. TFU Luke could use red lightning, the Son uses red lightning aswell. But overall force lightning is either blue or purple in most cases.


After training Luke in the ways of the dark side, Starkiller takes him to meet the emperor






Starkiller and Luke fake their loyalty to Palpatine and wait to strike him down






When the moment came, Starkiller and Luke didn't hesitate and cleaved the Emperor apart







Show what happens after Dark Empire after this.

the_raven likes this

Force lightning can have different colors, but the standard force lightning is blue. Powerful dark siders use purple lightning, Luke and Plo Koon can use green and yellow lightning respectively. TFU Luke could use red lightning, the Son uses red lightning aswell. But overall force lightning is either blue or purple in most cases.

Well, that answers the blue and purple, also the yellow. Still not sure about green and red. Thanks for the answer though. The Son's red lightning is understandable, in a way, he was the personification on the Dark Side, after all.


The green is called Electric Judgement. It's the same power that also uses yellow lightning.


But why the different colours? :(


Edit: Huh, wookieepedia says Relin Druur, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo had black force lightning (apparently Relin's was black because it was based on his grief and not anger, not sure about Kyp and Jaina).

Luke's, Kyle's, and Jaden's force lightning was actually supposed to be emerald-green, not blue/ purple/ white (or simply green, as in Luke's case), and was literally called 'Emerald Lightning' (there's a debate on Kyle and Jaden, on whether or not the used Electric Judgement/ Emerald Lightning or the basic Force Lightning because they followed the Potentatium philosophy).


What's more, the page also says the following:

While most Force Lightning manifested itself as blue, it could appear in several hues, though whether or not the color is distinctive was unclear. For example, Palpatine, Darth Bane and Darth Nox had all used purple lightning. The Hidden One used white. Talzin and Mother were seen using green. Dark side users like Darth Desolous, Darth Tenebrous, and the Son, were seen wielding red. Jaina Solo also used a highly unusual color variant, in the form of black. Force users of the Eternal Empire used a form of yellow/orange lightning.[56]

Talk about colour coding <_<

Also, Talzin's green was probably because she was using (Sith?) Magic, not actual Force Lightning as, for example, Palpatine did.


Luke pulls Starkiller's lightsaber out of his grip and slashes across his mask






Luke shoots force lightning at Starkiller, seemingly gaining the advantage, but Starkiller blocks Luke's lightning and starts to move his lightsaber through the force unbeknownst to Luke





I...think I know how this is going to go. But Luke could also dodge it and the saber could stab Starkiller in the head instead. You never know.

The Punisher likes this

Before Luke could react, Starkiller's lightsaber swiftly makes Luke height a bit ''shorter''






Starkiller catches his lightsaber, Luke's lifeless body falls to the ground and his head rolled down the steps





Thought so.

  • 2 weeks later...


Considering all the hype around the revived Clone Wars, you're bound to eventually either make some TCW pics, or to receive requests for this. Keeping this in mind, i've made my own anti-request :lol:

  • 3 weeks later...

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