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Rogue One: Death Trooper and/or Shore Trooper and/or ''Tank''(?) Trooper

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Suprised no one has requested this. May have simply missed it.


These are bloody gorgeous. Could someone please make them? Top lad ;)


Death Trooper


3D Printable Model: http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-model-death-trooper-helmet-rogue-one/











Shoretroopers: From Star Wars Celebration


3D Printable Model: http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-shoretrooper-model/ (Idk if official but Id be fine with something like this until we get official pics of the back :) )

3D Printable Model of Helmet: http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-model-shoretrooper-shadow-stormtrooper-helmet/










Tank Trooper: 3D Model of helmet: http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-model-tanktrooper/

Body we havent seen yet, will update when we do :)


Thanks! :)

Omega and Langerd like this

Probably will happen once the film comes out, maybe not until it comes out on Bluray/DVD, so people have screenshots from various angles, etc.

Aye haha i understand. Just putting this out there ;)

  • 5 months later...

There is a Movie Battles pack called "Claim_modelpackV2". The Shoretrooper (has 2 versions, regular and "Captain" with blue markings) seems a little bit out of proportions (It might be just me but the legs seems smaller than the rest of the body, or might be jnust the armor).







KyleKatarn1995 likes this

There is a Movie Battles pack called "Claim_modelpackV2". The Shoretrooper (has 2 versions, regular and "Captain" with blue markings) seems a little bit out of proportions (It might be just me but the legs seems smaller than the rest of the body, or might be jnust the armor).








Man i wish there was a Scarif map.

Jeff and GPChannel like this

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