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Clone trooper Phase 2 armor

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I just got back and just had some suggestions, theres always the possibility that I have no idea what Im even talking about, so take that into consideration as well. I can totally relate to the frustration though, Ive unwrapped SK alone maybe 100 times lol I know how much of a perfectionist you are, and youd be much more frustrated if you noticed the adjustments needed yourself after releasing it because no one would say anything prior.


Also, look into the angle of the semisphere on top of his head in yours and the ref pic. It almost looks as if the ref pics semisphere is tilted back to maybe a 5° angle where yours is perfectly horizontal. I couldve been wrong about the height of the helmet as well, it looks ok at a second glance. Just things to keep an eye on, I trust your judgement on these things more than my own lol

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I'm so sorry.


But since I figured we'd should get all points that need to be made out of the way now, I figured I should post this.



1) Rather minor, but the back of the head fin could come down just a tiny bit more.


2) The side depression, or whatever you want to call it, needs some adjusting.


3) I have also noticed that clones seem to have a tight seal around there helmets as shown.




Finally there is this small adjustment on the back of the helmet. I have checked with a clip from the film and can confirm that this should be a straight square.



Again...so sorry.

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Makes sense for variations, but you should be able to squish the UVs (minus the helmet, hands & possibly shoes) with no overlapping into a single 2048x sheet. It's just that you're going to have more texture sheets for accessories in the end.


Wait... 2048 work in Jk??? But .. without mods? Openjk etc ?


My Luke model works in base, doesn't it? :P

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@@JAWSFreelao Arms and legs will share a single texture map. but I'll organise it so that you'll have the arm related parts on one side and the leg related parts on the other - so isntead of having 2 rectangular maps we'll have a single square map.


I just retouched the model:


still have to adjust the lowpoly, but I'll leave that for another day

JAWSFreelao, Circa, krkarr and 1 other like this
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if anbody here who wants to help me owns a bluray copy of EP3, please get me some good screengrabs of clones from various angles - I mostly care about the simple "non special" troopers for now

just basic clone armor, paint job doesn't matter it's only the shape I need



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Here's a decent back shot:



And here's a decent full bodyshot of a Shock Trooper.



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high poly torso

Looks pretty accurate to me.


My few recommendations are that the two chest squares could come down a little lower and maybe a little bit longer.


I'd also maybe take another look at the shoulder straps. They seem to be more of a narrow lines. Check the 212th reference I posted above.


I also don't believe that the armor has the circle spots near the shoulder straps.

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