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Dark_Apprentice *JKA Pack*

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Ok guys, some of you know me and others don't. As I felt really busy at my new job and the other projects, that I am working on, and the life in person is getting in mature levels (assuming weddings at some near future and working on my new solo project, planning tours and stuff like that). I thought, that I want to release my small Jedi Academy Models Pack. This pack will contain few of the Frankenstein & Re-skins, that I have made in the time spent here. I know, that there are people, who will enjoy them and people who would like to see those models released. Personally my own goal to start with the Frankensteins, was not to make those models for me, but for people, who are not able to create models on their own, and to give them a results, that are as close as possible, to their wish/imagination, because I know how it feels, when someone really wants something so bad, and can't have it for some reasons (assuming, no skills to model or illegal problems caused from porting models and so on).

Those models, that are shown below, are: finished versions, work in progress (open to edit/change/re-make/re-skin/re-frankenstein if you want) & unfinished, that need someone better in the knowledge of Blender, than me (a.k.a. TFU Shaak Ti /version 2/ - not shown in the picture below & Rey with the costume at the final scene from The Force Awakens, when she met Luke on the island.)
So I am giving those to you people, because I don't want them to become "one with the Force", if my computer blows up/ gets on fire or something like that.

* Poe Dameron (Resistance outfit) [Frankenstein/Reskin  - in need of a re-texture on Mercenary's Kyle face]
* Shaak Ti (TFU) Version 01 (Frankenstein) [Version 02 is a W.I.P. as .Blender / .Obj / .3Ds file needs foots instead of boots/shoes and the lower robe to be fixed].
* TFA (Ep. 7 Reskins) for Z-95 & X-Wing basic JKA vehicles.
* Cybernetic Maul  (Frankenstein)
* Custom Clone Wars / Rebels Darth Vader  (Frankenstein/Reskin)
*  McQ's Luke Skywalker concept  (Frankenstein/Reskin)
* Re-Textured "realistic" ANH Darth Vader
*  LEGO TFA Old Luke  (reskin)
*  General Hux  (reskin/franki)
*  Force Unleashed Jedi Leia (reskin/franki)
*  TFA Rey (with the robes from the final scene, when she find Luke) /Franki-Reskin/
*  Ben Kenobi "before ANH / few years after Order 66" (Frakni/Reskin)
* ESB Hoth Leia (franki/reskin)
* Jake Lloyd aka matured "Anakin" (franki/reskin)

Omega, Jeff, Lancelot and 6 others like this

Sorry if this sounds rude,but if this is a release thread where's the link?

If you try to read a little bit more careful my message above, you will notice this part, that I will make in bold font to jump up. That means, that I am currently working on this pack, I want to finish few small details here and there, before it's gonna be released. Also the release of the pack will be sent in JKHub and will wait for approve as soon as I send it. Assuming this will happen in the next few weeks, because I have no time during the week (only weekends).


And I Quote myself:


"I thought, that I want to release my small Jedi Academy Models Pack. This pack will contain few of the Frankenstein & Re-skins, that I have made in the time spent here."


Hello again to everyone in here! After an amazing hard week at work and not only, I am finally able to take some time over my JKA Pack, before it is ready to upload in here. Before that, I would like to turn to the entire Stuff in JKHub for advice on my READ ME document, since it contains a lot of information, but I need everything over the "CREDITS" section to be in 100% perfect, in order to upload and release this pack in JKHub. 

Lancelot likes this

OK, The JKA Models Pack is ready and sent for approval in JKHub. Let's hope it will be released very soon in here.


Hell yes! I can't wait to check the McQuarrie's luke skin. It looks amazing.

dark_apprentice likes this

The pack is already here guys! May the Force be with you and have fun using those models or editing them. I am glad, that i was able to help to some of you and hope, that in the future I will still be able to spend even some less free time on JKA, because I will never stop loving this game.




A great job! It'll be fun to fool around with the McQuarrie skin in some space maps!


This pack has many qualities, first of all really nice compilation you got there.

Now i would like to know if there is some possibility to soften the pack with only: Poe Dameron, Shaak Ti (TFU),Cybernetic Maul ,General Hux,Force Unleashed Jedi Leia ,Ben Kenobi and Hoth Leia?


This pack has many qualities, first of all really nice compilation you got there.

Now i would like to know if there is some possibility to soften the pack with only: Poe Dameron, Shaak Ti (TFU),Cybernetic Maul ,General Hux,Force Unleashed Jedi Leia ,Ben Kenobi and Hoth Leia?

Sure, you are free to make it on your own :)


Left a comment on the actual file page about this, but Vader's cape is completely transparent when viewing him from the front in-game. Any way to fix this?


He needs a shader file.

dark_apprentice likes this

Left a comment on the actual file page about this, but Vader's cape is completely transparent when viewing him from the front in-game. Any way to fix this?

What @@Kualan said above. I did respond you yesterday on your comment there, but seems the tagging is not on the notifications of the users. I did not included any shader or sound files, because i didn't had enough time to finish all of the models. Most of them are released as W.I.P.s open projects and so on.

You could try to add this one and save it as a "t_vader.shader" file put it inside the .pk3 file or just use the original Toshi Vader model and replace it's textures and the "model_default.skin" files. ;)






        map models/players/t_vader/controls
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/controls
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
cull disable
        map models/players/t_vader/cape
        alphaFunc GE128
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/body
        alphaFunc GE128
        rgbGen lightningDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/body
        alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen lightningDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/head3
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/head3
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/helmet
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/helmet
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/mask
        alphaFunc GE128
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/mask
        alphaFunc GE128
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/controls1anh
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/controls1anh
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/controls2anh
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/controls2anh
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/detail
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        //alphaFunc GE128
        map models/players/t_vader/detail_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/helmet
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/helmet_spec
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
        tcGen environment
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/players/t_vader/mask
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/t_vader/mask_spec
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
        tcGen environment
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
DarkForcesII likes this

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