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Map Not Showing Up In Menu

Go to solution Solved by NowhereDoge,

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I have finished my map with the help of many great Tutorials on JK Hub. Though the final step of making my map a .pk3 Is a tough one for me.

I have put the corresponding GameData/Base folders into the Pakscape folders. I have followed instructions perfectly yet, no matter what I do, the map will not show up in my menu to load on multiplayer. What am I doing wrong? 

I have also opened other maps pk3 files and compared to mine. I dont have a botrout yet but from what I understand I dont "have" to. I also dont have anything in Pakscapes- Texture folder. This is because the lesson says nothing about it and I have no clue where JA hides their texture folder. I also have the .arena text file done in the scripts folder of my pk3. I really could use the help





Edit: I was dumb and made the file .arena.txt when it should have been just .arena, not sure when I goofed that but this solved it. 

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Your map probably needs an .arena-file. It's usually located in GameData/base/scripts.


If you find it, open and edit it with the Editor (the text editor from Windows) or Notepad++. It should look like this (taken from the ffa.arena script):

map "mp/ffa1"
bots "Reborn"
longname "Vjun Sentinel"
fraglimit 10
type "ffa team"


The red marked lines are the most important parts. In the first line, you have to enter the name of your map file (without .bsp).

In the second red marked line, you have to enter the name of your map.

In the third red marked line, you have to enter the mode you want to play your map with (duel, ctf, team, siege and ffa are possible).

Keep in mind that you don't have to enter commas when you want multiple game modes.

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Thanks for the help but I have already added the arena script with the correct lines. I put it in the .pk3 like the tutorial said to. I have compared everything to other maps and it still will not show up in menu. I can however, do the /devmap and /map in game and it loads.

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Your map probably needs an .arena-file. It's usually located in GameData/base/scripts.


If you find it, open and edit it with the Editor (the text editor from Windows) or Notepad++. It should look like this (taken from the ffa.arena script):


The red marked lines are the most important parts. In the first line, you have to enter the name of your map file (without .bsp).

In the second red marked line, you have to enter the name of your map.

In the third red marked line, you have to enter the mode you want to play your map with (duel, ctf, team, siege and ffa are possible).

Keep in mind that you don't have to enter commas when you want multiple game modes.

nyffIy0.pngHere is my script thats in my .pk3. Is this right?

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That's it. And it looks like it should. Is "ImpSnow" the name of the .bsp-file? If not, you must enter the name from the .bsp-file in the first line.

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That's it. And it looks like it should. Is "ImpSnow" the name of the .bsp-file? If not, you must enter the name from the .bsp-file in the first line.

Yes ImpSnow is the name of the .bsp. I was lazy with the long name so i just copied. With that in my .pk3 it should be fine right? Its still not coming up in mp.

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Yes ImpSnow is the name of the .bsp. I was lazy with the long name so i just copied. With that in my .pk3 it should be fine right? Its still not coming up in mp.

Try this: Enter devmapall ImpSnow in the command prompt. If the map is loading, that's fine. If not, there must be another problem with the map.

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