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The path of the Apprentice

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Yeah I checked the ones on this site, which ones do you have on MegaNZ? I only have your Samurai Vader and Rebels Maul.

Well the first few i found are those models, but perhaps I am missing few names:


Darkside Luke (based on Dark Empire comic)
Personal MB2 Kylo Ren (to fit my own taste - better hood and a little bit bigger lower part of his helmet)
Starkiller Outfit pack
Ben Kenobi (TFU body by Seven, head by MB2)
Guybrush Threepwood (based on Monkey Island 3) W.I.P.
Anakin Skywalker 1983 ROTJ version (original actor Sebastian Shaw)
Obi Wan (TFU original trilogy jedi robes with TFU Clone Wars General Kenobi head)
Anakin - Chosen One (SW CW)
Anakin VIII (concept of half Vader / Anakin for Ep. 8)
Ben Solo (as a Jedi fan artwork concept)
Flametrooper (from PinBall and torso of DT85's Ep7 stormie)
Rey "dark side" (fan artwork concept)
Rogue One Grand Admiral (Director Orson Krennic)
Gallius Rax (possible future Snoke) W.I.P.
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Guybrush Trheepwood "A mighty pirate" W.I.P. one of my most favorite characters from the good old LucasArts games "Moneky Island" (sadly the head is based on Monkey Island 3 and is coming from the TFU game) Body used is JKO's old version of Threepwood.

Version 0.1 (version issues: no matching colors, head is as it comes from TFU and needs a bit more thin body or to be strached), not quite sure what to do.



Lancelot, yeyo JK, DTIII and 2 others like this
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Darkside Luke (based on Dark Empire comic)

Anakin - Chosen One (SW CW)
Anakin VIII (concept of half Vader / Anakin for Ep. 8)
Ben Solo (as a Jedi fan artwork concept)
Flametrooper (from PinBall and torso of DT85's Ep7 stormie)
Rogue One Grand Admiral (Director Orson Krennic)
Gallius Rax (possible future Snoke) W.I.P.

Any on these?

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Wow that Luke head...when it is from? :-)

I believe the cancled Battlefront III (not the EA version from 2015). However it was interesting to see that few models are looking "amazing", while others are very very strange and bad. For example this Episode 6 Luke was "Ok", but still not so good looking and the one from Episode 4 was "wtf are you kidding me?!"

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If he released the body it can be done, because I didn't ported the body from BF-3 which is also a nice one. Also Seven have the EA Battlefront 2015 Luke which I personally find the most accurate so far.

Hello my friend!



Nice job!


Just FYI, Seven released his Han Solo (at least beta version). I think it should be on page 18 of his WIP (I think somebody, can't remember who ATM, posted a pack with Seven's ported models, somewhere between pages 22-23 of the WIP, hard to check on my phone).

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Ok guys, I was thinking about this and here it is I will ask you to select characters/models from my WIP page (from page 01 to 23), that ARE NOT yet released on the hub or in the pages with links.
Keep in mind, that some of the models are already dead, because when I reinstalled my laptop I forgot to backup my Mega.NZ account, so when i tried to reset a new pass their policies are very stupid, because I have to make new account with them and in both cases even tones of messages they cannot restore my old content. So I will try to use MediaFire and if the model you want is dead will try to recreate and maybe update it. Also few models might be in need of a better weights to work proper (for example: Han Solo / Luke Skywalker).

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