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Having two sites with such similar urls will cause problems so, in order to avoid confusion and in the interests of fairness, we should nuke both sites and relocate them to new addresses. Doesn't matter which one was first, what matters is that people will come here when they want jkhub.net and go there when they want jkhub.org. Things like that will cause mass confusion and civic unrest and in order to nip such issues in the bud we must act now. The only prudent course of action is to destroy both sites and rebuild them with new urls.


Having two sites with such similar urls will cause problems so, in order to avoid confusion and in the interests of fairness, we should nuke both sites and relocate them to new addresses. Doesn't matter which one was first, what matters is that people will come here when they want jkhub.net and go there when they want jkhub.org. Things like that will cause mass confusion and civic unrest and in order to nip such issues in the bud we must act now. The only prudent course of action is to destroy both sites and rebuild them with new urls.

That was so funny I almost laughed.


Well in a strict sense that's the right conclusion, but then again people who try and really want to find a page about jka will find this page and people who want to find a page about df2 will find jkhub.net.


I am T-800 from JKHUB.NET. I want to point out that our community is not at all against your community - I hope that's understood. Some of the things we have said on our site were for fun and shouldn't be taken as us being in a rage about the name thing. I actually suggested a JKHub like site for JO/JA because this past week or so we have been discussing whether or not to let JO/JA stuff on our site. We got a bit of a shock when KamOn discovered a site just like I had suggested but with the same name as ours! I hope your site is as successful as ours as been!



Caelum, MUG and Miha like this

Don't worry - I don't believe your site was created because of my suggestion. Coincendental things do happen. It was just shocking to find about you right after my suggestion. LOL. Anyway, our site administrators have all been sent emails and we are waiting to hear back from them. We are a friendly community and just want to settle things peacefully.

Caelum likes this

Might I suggest some kind of message saying something along the lines of "Looking for the DF2/MotS site? Go here" and a link to .net, and a similar message on .net pointing here, that way neither site will have any potential visitors getting lost.


Caelum, JKHUB Level Commentaries is a series of video based level reviews started by Gibbagobba, a member of our site, quite a while ago. Once it took off various other members started their own commenteries. They all post their videos on youtube. Look for the links on our site and check them out if you want! Oh, by the way, I'm glad you joined our site - it will make discusions easier.



Caelum likes this

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