NumberWan Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 It's a new trend, as it seems - in most projects they use the old sketches and concepts for various Star Wars material. Clone Wars show (and that's one of my favourite locations in the whole series) - the large plaza, created by McQuarrie for OT, but Coruscant never made it there. We also can't see that in the prequels, but the area is shown in later Clone Wars episodes. So I feel, that J.J.Abrams understands this and is (more importantly) have heard, what fans say about new trilogy. I also think, that he is one of the people, who knows and likes the benefits of such shows like Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and classic Star Wars - most images are taken from those. One of the latest news is that another actor from Game of Thrones joined the team of Star Wars. But this is most likely a rumour. It is notable though, that in the mentioned show this actor (Miltos Yerolemou) had the part of a duelist master, who taught a little girl to hold her sword. So perhaps we might see someone effectively wielding a lightsaber? Bek likes this
Tempust85 Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 They could easily get Ray Park back in, just put a helmet on him. Some of the rumors I've read sound like complete crap story-wise, I hope none of it is true. Everyone wants Jedi Master Luke Skywalker leading his Jedi Academy with Kyle Katarn as a Master. They could then do a Kyle Katarn solo movie on his origins. That's how you do it JJ! P.S Leia and Chewie need to do it. z3filus and Archangel35757 like this
Archangel35757 Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 Yeah -- it will be a trajedy if there are no "Jedi" and Luke has been a prisoner for almost three decades. And Kyle Katarn should have a role-- since he stole the Death Star plans back just before Episode IV... many Bothans died indeed-- they should have just had Kyle Katarn deliver them to Princess Leia personally! Speaking of Bothans... the new GoT Guy is 5'-3" ...perfect height for a Bothan-- he kinda looks like one as well.
z3filus Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 It's a new trend, as it seems - in most projects they use the old sketches and concepts for various Star Wars material.Agreed. So the new Stormtrooper in episode 7 could resemble, this image I found on google,Ralph McQuarrie’s original Stormtrooper concept art for Star Wars: New Hope ( 1st film )This is just one of many concept art images, but this could be the legit new trooper outfit.I'm just concerned about tha sword in his hand, was it part of the plan originally to havesome sort of plasma-sword wielding Stormtroopers as part of the imperial army? Anyone? ..and could we see more characters, robots, villains (etc.) designed by this, Ralph McQuarrie dude?I dont know any, my best friend Google didn't much help me out, perhaps a new protocol droid?
NumberWan Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 @@DT85They said, that no Kyle Katarn in Episode VII for sure (unfortunately he is part of Legends section now, but I have his action figure near my working place and Legends can't change that ). It was rumoured, that there will be a hint towards such characters as Kyle. I guess that means, we will see some former Rebels, even if they weren't in the OT. I guess the part with stealing the Death Star plans is also no longer canon (too bad, and I hope in Canon section that remains the mystery rather than explained then). @@Archangel35757It is good, that most rumours remain rumours now. One of the news mentioned, that the Jedi Order is nothing like what we are familiar with. Jedi Order didn't manage to restore itself to the state of the Old Republic time, and Luke, yes, somewhere away and has been for 30 years. Even if there are not too many Jedi in Episode VII, it is possible, that we will see the organization in Episode VIII. Perhaps Luke established the Order away from the known Galaxy and then left it to seek the unknown... There are also a lot of theories surrounding Yavin IV, but it is most likely not the Jedi Academy place. @It actually was - the lightsaber wasn't a unique weapon. There were many variants, for instance, that it was a weapon originally carried only by Emperor's knights. It was a weapon of stormtroopers in other scripts. Speaking of which, every SW generation presented a new lightsaber technique or other novice. E.g. Dark Forces II showed various colors, TPM introduced the double bladed saber (though it was known earlier), AotC presented Dooku's saber (and 2 sabers at once - Anakin), and RotS - a villain with 4 sabers at once. TFU showed an alternative way of holding this weapon, while Rebels also introduced a new lightsaber of the Inquisitor. As for the droids. One of the shots published in the net shows a new model of astromech droid (which seems to be quite old even by the time of Episode VII).The one you found: This droid model, as seen on early concept for C-3PO, will appear in Star Wars Rebels series, a concept was released, and one video reveals his 3d model.
z3filus Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 @every SW generation presented a new lightsaber technique or other novice. E.g. Dark Forces II showed various colors, TPM introduced the double bladed saber (though it was known earlier), AotC presented Dooku's saber (and 2 sabers at once - Anakin), and RotS - a villain with 4 sabers at once. TFU showed an alternative way of holding this weapon, while Rebels also introduced a new lightsaber of the Inquisitor. I bet if there will be something new to lightsaber duels, its going to be the use of force powers. We've only seen Vader throwing stuff at Luke, Dooku trying to crush Obi and Ani, Yoda vs Palpatine tearing down the senate.I think it would make the audience ROAR if they saw something like TFU on the big screen. I know I would scream like a girl.
NumberWan Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Hey, nothing special these days on Episode VII. But today we have this picture of vehicles from the upcoming movie. I guess one of the ships will be seen standing in the hangar (or outside). We'll probably see it from the same side as it was in Episode IV - VI. I mean this one: Hopefully, we will see some more pics on the new vessels, including the starfighter, presented earlier... By the way, was there any news on when we would see sort of a trailer? Spring 2015 perhaps?
Circa Posted September 10, 2014 Author Posted September 10, 2014 I would guess Summer 2015. z3filus likes this .!¡!.
NumberWan Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 More screenies leaked. This time we have background characters, it seems. You can see them right here. Some of them reminds me of Jedi Academy... Through that link you also watch a small video, but it's nothing special, just the entrance and some people at the distance.
z3filus Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Link to the video @NumberWan mentioned.If they will be shooting outside those hangars, then we're probably looking at Yavin or Naboo.Here's another aerial image of the site, you can see on the right side the falcon and xwing from the earlier RUMOR HAS IT, THEY HAVE MOVED TO IRELAND TO SHOOT THE BEGINNING OF THE FILM.More news about this rumor (spoiler)
NumberWan Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Ireland was used as a shooting place a month ago or so - I guess it's some sort of a new planet with greeny rocks and ocean, but bear in ming, the shooting took place for 2-3 days, so we will see one scene only perhaps... One of the spoilers on Underworld site it that this location is used to show Mon Calamari homeworld. Today they posted more pictures of the vehicles in Episode VII. I also see one new, not seen before. Mini-Update: the pictures above show the actual Star Wars scene, not the hangars, where decorations are stored to be filmed elsewhere. Franfully I didn't think this that far, for it's the ships that caught my attention more... So some spoilers here... Those characters (which remind of JA) are... They are believed to be Rebel/Republic troopers. It is also said, that they appear in several scenes! The source says, they saw a concept art of those characters: these soldiers are also seen in a piece of concept art that features Leia talking to a group of Hutts! You can read more here A planet from EU. Absolutely unconfirmed, but Korriban is likely to appear in Episode VII. Though in this case it would be called Moraband (I don't like this name). A planet from OT and changes in timelines. Some say, that we will see Dagobah again - Luke went there for some reasons, perhaps to hide as well - just like Yoda did once. The other thing is that Luke haven't been seen for 10 years (not 30 as stated before) by his friends. Episode VII and the Prequels. It is said, that one character from the prequels has a link to this new episode. In my opinion it's the most obvious line of Skywalkers and Amidala, who also had relatives on Naboo. But some say, we will see some connection to count Dooku! Perhaps someone from Serenno, perhaps a direct relative... Star Wars Rebels and Episode VII. We know, it was said before, that the show would have some connections with the film. The most obvious one is the Inquisitor. We might not see him in the film, but the very organization of these guys fighting Luke and his friends. Underworld mentions vehicles and technologies, seen in Rebels - might continue their way to Episode VII too. Hasbro and Episode VII. Here they say, that Hasbro is already working on the new line of toys (action figures) for Episode VII! One new female character mentioned before. Kira Solo is the possible child of Leia and Han, but her name might have been changed since the first rumour.
z3filus Posted September 16, 2014 Posted September 16, 2014 Ireland was used as a shooting place a month ago or so - I guess it's some sort of a new planet with greeny rocks and ocean,but bear in mind, the shooting took place for 2-3 days, so we will see one scene only perhaps... One of the spoilers on Underworld site it that this location is used to show Mon Calamari homeworld Mon Cala( also known as Dac) SW expands beyond the movies and I never knew of this planet, however I get the idea that its a mix of Gungan and Bespin-underwater.That kind of environment is best created on green screen, inside a studio. Then again, I heard JJ Abrams prefers real settings over CGi. Green hills, huge rock formations + CGi and movie props =DagobahYavinNabooMon Cala/ Dac Either that part of the image is photoshopped or they might be using cardboard cutouts - look at the shadows.
NumberWan Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 BIG Spoiler here. A photo of an actual thing from Episode VII. This one has been rumoured long ago, when G.Christie was announced to appear. It was said, that one of the Imperial commanders, played by the above mentioned actress (though it might be not like that at all now), wears a silver armour. Well, you can see that one in the picture released today. Info by SW Underworld.
z3filus Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 could be hoax, that looks like a swtor roleplayer
NumberWan Posted September 25, 2014 Posted September 25, 2014 It is said, it's genuine. Of course it can be a fanmade stuff, but yet they say, that the helmet is based on the sketches for the film. And it's an actual helmet. But the hood won't be used. Not sure about the other parts seen here. The blue screen is also clearly seen in this pic. As far as I remember SWTOR uses a different design - close to Episode III to be precise. Other helmets include bizarre concepts, forms. Or are based on those seen in KOTOR series. This helmet looks like the one (white) before.
z3filus Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 ...this helmet looks like the one (white) before. Let's compare! ...and now I can see the similarity, but I still argue that looks like a SWTOR character
Archangel35757 Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Looks like an version in-between a clone trooper helmet & an EP.4 Stormtrooper helmet. z3filus likes this
Tempust85 Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 It gives me a darktrooper feeling. NumberWan and Bek like this
NumberWan Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Silver helmet was rumoured long ago, but it's not a usual element in the Imperial army. It's more like special forces or something.
Tempust85 Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 I'm going to suggest its a dark trooper, until I read otherwise.
Bek Posted September 26, 2014 Posted September 26, 2014 Silver helmet was rumoured long ago, but it's not a usual element in the Imperial army. It's more like special forces or something.Special Forces yeah, but perhaps Dark Forces?
NumberWan Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 Some more news on silver armour. Be careful. There is a different design in the net now, though I believe this is an earlier version of what we've seen recently. It is said, that most stormtroopers in Episode VII are white (there is even a scene mentioned by one of the actors to include hundreds of them). However the so-called special force of silver stormies is a group of troops on the service of an Imperial aristocrat, who is interested in acquiring Sith artifacts (though he himself is not a Force-user or so it is believed). This Imperial is played by Adam Driver. I feel, that the recent rumour of relation to count Dooku comes from this story here...source I hear, that Anthony Daniels completed his shooting in Episode VII. I guess 5 months is enough (and okey) for C-3PO to appear in the film. I wonder if R2-D2 is also done. I am asking, because the difference in scenes might mean, that the two might have been split again as it happened in Episode I, Episode IV (briefly) and Episode V. Tempust85 likes this
Tempust85 Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Found a set photo: Bek, Wasa, z3filus and 4 others like this
NumberWan Posted October 2, 2014 Posted October 2, 2014 When I read today's news and rumours I was for the first time VERY-VERY shocked. I must say, that only a few things in the Galaxy would make me react like this. Below is the description of what I read on SW underworld. Beware the spoilers, because this time they are really intimidating. Not to say some are close to true plot of Episode VII. So the story does happen 30 years after Return of the Jedi, and most characters (new ones) don't care about what happened during the grand rule of the Empire, and moreover - they don't know (much as people these days don't care much about World War I unfortunately), more than that the Clone Wars are more like a legend now, and almost nobody can truly explain what happened there... The character of Kira lives on a desert planet (which is not Tatooine) among the old crushed AT-ATs, it is here her home. At one point she joins another character on acquiring a ship (possibly the new X-Wing), which are transported from one place on the planet to a hangar with that large pig, shown several months ago. It is unknown, but Kira is looking for Luke Skywalker for some reason. The change is that it is not her, who finds his lightsaber! New-new characters (with appearance description). It is said, that a new alien is present in the plot (perhaps even two, one with blue skin). There is also a new droid model, which is something like R2-D2 and Chopper, but smaller than either of them. He is silver and has red stripes. Main Villain (I don't believe it) It was quite a surprise to learn, that the new villain would be Luke Skywalker himself! Some have already drawn a similarity here with certain books - the Dark Empire stories. However Luke seems to be different here - the new villain is more of a cyborg, with arms and leg replaced, as well as some pieces on his face. The only similarity with Luke of the past - is the cloak like in ROTJ. Personally I don't believe they would turn Luke into such a creature. There is a rumour, that Kira is looking for Luke. knowing something to draw his attention, however she doesn't expect to find a monster instead of an old hero. Why I don't buy it (regarding the previous spoiler section) I think, Luke has become too iconic to switch sides in Episode VII. he is in no way Abakin Skywalker who becomes Darth Vader. If he were on the Dark Side, it would need a very strong explanation. One user suggests a good idea, that someone is imitatin being Luke Skywalker, but actually he is not. Luke is hiding, and perhaps the evil forces want to drive him out of his shelter through the actions of Kira. Btw it is said, she joins the evil forces in the end of the film... It is also strange then, that Mark Hamill has a beard similar to Obi Wan Kenobi in Episode IV. Why he would need that then? Max Von Sydow role revealed (curious!) We all wondered, what would be the part of this 85-year old actor. Some said he is a new "old Jedi master", but some mentioned a Sith Lord or an ordinary Imperial officer.SW Underworld sayd the next: "Max von Sydow character is Star Wars: Episode VII is not an ancient Sith Lord or a supernatural being with an awesome voice. He’s a beaten man. He’s old enough to have lived through the Clone Wars, seen the Intergalactic Civil War unfold and then the aftermath of the fall of Emperor Palptaine. He’s no longer a man, he’s a cyborg. His eye is obscured by a ocular viewing device, most likely from a past injury which mean the could no longer use the eye with any ease. One leg is entirely cybernetic now, almost like a Super Battledroid but with metallic claws where his toes would be. He sits at a bar drinking, wary, and old. If you have an oddity, a rare weapon, you might want to bring it to him for evaluation." Also, the folks at Badass Digest added their two cents to this story:"According to my sources von Sydow is playing a key character who gets the story in motion. Remember that I told you the movie begins with the discovery of the lightsaber? Well, it isn't Daisy Ridley who discovers it but rather a blue alien guy. He brings it to a salvage yard where Kira - that seems to be what Ridley's character's name is, or at least what they're calling her on set - sees it. She's hanging out there with von Sydow, who is an old cyborg dude, a guy who maybe has dementia. He talks a lot of nonsense. But as soon as that lightsbaber shows up, he gets lucid. He recognizes it. He begins to talk about the old days, name drops a couple of Prequel Trilogy characters, even. And then, after Kira and the alien leave he makes a call to a mysterious figure. "It's here," he says. But who is he calling?" In short: His character is someone, who survived both the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, and the only character who can tell the two new generations both about the pre-Imperial time and of the rule of Palpatine. About Silver Stormtrooper (McQuarrie influence noticed!) (NEW) It is very likely, that this stormtrooper is played by Gwendoline Christie... Though I don't understand, why I've seen her wearing Rebel uniform. Perhaps she left the Empire? While many discussed the armour, it is now revealed, that this troops might be using a weapon - close to Jedi's lightsaber. This was thought at one point in 1970 to be the main weapon of stromtroopers. One of the planets has a name (spoiler as it is) We've seen a photo with many hangars and X-Wing in there. It is said, that this is a new planet in Star Wars, but Episode VII will show us - as some sources say - the Yavin IV base. We will see the old hangar and the former Rebel base. There are also presumably photos from Ireland set, but most claim them to be fake. It is said however that: the planet which reminds that island in Ireland with rocks and sea is a place, where the evil tower stands with a thrown room of the main villain. Another suggestion is that Luke Skywalker is hiding on this planet in a cave like Yoda on Dagobah.
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