z3filus Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 (edited) " The Force Awakens " sounds to me a lot like " The Phantom Menace " and the fact that the title speaks of the force itself, further adds to the rumour thatthis trilogy will end Lucas' fantastic space opera and that throughout the new trilogy, there will be major revelations about the prophecy and the sith.I doubt there'll be more that 9 episodes of Star Wars, which is why I choose to belive the rumour about Plagueis being the main villain in the new trilogy. EDIT: that image must be a troll, the font is weird and it looks like a joke by Steven Spielberg. Edited November 6, 2014 by zeƒilus
NumberWan Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 @I still think the Galaxy will be as if most people have forgotten of the past (and history) due to the overall disarray in Galactic affairs, be it technology, culture, trade and other. It looks like J.J. actually listened to the fans (which released a video recommendation for him), and "the future is old" (not shiny and new, but dirty and rusty).
z3filus Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 @I still think the Galaxy will be as if most people have forgotten of the past (and history) due to the overall disarray in Galactic affairs, be it technology, culture, trade and other. This is only 30 years after the Emperor was killed, in a world where some species live up to 180 years old, it's hard to think they would've forgotten so much,I mean, it's not like Tatooine is the center of the galaxy of a sudden; there are still planets like Coruscant, where the Jedi archives were probably not entirely destroyedand ofcourse there are many other civilized planets with education system for billions of inhabitants. Obi-Wan learned about Kamino from a fat old restaurant keeper. I like the rusty, industrial look of the OT, but I'd say that the galaxy is doing well. Sure they would miss the time before the empire, when the Jedi kept all safe,but as some of the released concept art reveals, the Empire is in ruins, not the Galaxy. We've been shown a wrecked AT-AT walker in the middle of a desert.But we have nothing that would indicate the newly formed republic being torn apart, or that any planets would be in disarray. Looking at the digitally remeasteredversions of the Original Trilogy, we can briefly see Corucant and Bespin, both still being wonderful and huge metropolis. Why would've that disarrayed in 30 years?
NumberWan Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 @It was revealed in earlier rumours, that the Galaxy doesn't care for the Galactic Civil War any more, and even less for the Clone Wars. It is true, that some people do remember (one particular character in Episode VII is supposed to be the one, who remembers all these wars and reminds the new characters about them). However even with technology it is possible to forget a lot. We must remember, that during the 20+ years of the Empire there was only one truth. The mechanism of propaganda among other things wiped out the facts from the memory of the ordinary people (I am sure the mass media would have their part in all this for the Empire), who don't know, what really happened. The Jedi were deemed traitors, the Emperor was attacked (and according to Tarkin novel no one truly asked the question, why he looked so terrible), the Clone Wars a scheme by traitors to the Republic, and the Jedi Archives destroyed with other sources rewritten according to new doctrine of the Empire, "which exist for ten thousand years". I must say, there are examples in real life, when people forget things in 10 or 20 years - change of ideals, instability and review of the past (the revanchist views actually). The best example - the USSR. If asked, people who lived there would describe very differently the events and lifestyle of those times, depending on their views and activities in last 20 years. The next generation would receive knowledge of these and have their own new opinion, which would have nothing to do with reality. As the Empire collapsed, some planets (like Tatooine or Nal Hutta) didn't care much about truth, while others (Coruscant or Mon Calamari, Naboo, etc) would pay much attention to banning the ideals of the Empire, reversing the already established order of things. Even though some major events would be remembered still, people care more for reestablishing the Galaxy now, when the Empire is gone and without the previous pressure from dictatorship certain systems would fall into chaos, because there is no longer democratic or Imperial institution in existence. Only the vacuum of ideals and logical ways, previously known. Possibly someone else on the political arena is creating a new ideology, based on neglecting the Empire more than referencing the traditions of the Old Republic. I guess we will see such figures or hear about them in Episode VII, while the true struggle against the evil would lie on the shoulders of old heroes and younger ones.
Tempust85 Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 By "The Force Awakens" it could just mean that the Jedi order is reborn & the sith come out of hiding once again. z3filus likes this
Lamented Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 The title is awful imo. Maybe it'll work for some people later but... Why not something like...Return of the SithVeil of the Dark SideThe New Rebellion (as in a rebellion has been formed against the New Republic)Guardians of the Galaxy (too late)The Imperial RemnantsRise of the InquisitionLegacy of the JediThe Dark PresageThe First TrialThe Dark HarbingerBalance of the ForceA New ConflictThe Light SaviorsErosion of Lightetc.Not a fan of the title. Now I'm not going to blame anyone who uses the metaphor, "You can't just judge a book by it's cover." However, when it comes to Star Wars movies, the titles play a huge part in conveying what's happening/what's going to happen. As far as I know, the New Republic reigns with peace across the galaxy. The light of the Force would have REAWAKENED by Return of the Jedi. And a Star Wars movie shouldn't exist without a conflict--so clearly, some dark bulldozers are gonna come in and start being blunt activists (a light way to put it.) If anything, it might have been better to use "Shroud of the Dark Side" or any of the titles I put up.
Circa Posted November 7, 2014 Author Posted November 7, 2014 You can't say much about that since we don't know the plot yet. Rumors don't count. If a title has to allude to the plot, you can't really give what you think it should be instead of the official one until you know the plot. z3filus and therfiles like this .!¡!.
Lamented Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Perhaps, @@Circa. But how do you awaken the Force... Luke has a new Jedi Order already. Can't be much more lively than that. Like I said, a title with "The dark side" in it might've been better.
Circa Posted November 7, 2014 Author Posted November 7, 2014 Luke has a new Jedi Order already. Can't be much more lively than that.Says who? I think you're reading into it a little too literally. .!¡!.
Archangel35757 Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Perhaps it is the force awakening in Daisy Ridley's character... after all Luke had no inkling he was a force-sensitive... but still the title sucks. Lamented likes this
Lamented Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 @@Circa, what can I say? I'm a lifer. And I mean a critical lifer. It means I'm so invested in such a small, little part of the world that I take it way too seriously and end up being pathetic. Makes me look lame, sure. But hey, it's all worth it when it comes to examining Star Wars. Well, for me, anyway.
hleV Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Doesn't SW have a new logo? Why was the old one used for "The Force Awakens" pic?
z3filus Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 You can't say much since we don't know the plot yet. Rumors don't count.
Circa Posted November 7, 2014 Author Posted November 7, 2014 Doesn't SW have a new logo? Why was the old one used for "The Force Awakens" pic?That's a good point. Forgot about that new logo. But even the font used for the title doesn't look final either. I'm sure it was a quick little teaser that their social network management came up with. therfiles and z3filus like this .!¡!.
NumberWan Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 There was a new logo of Star Wars, not Episode VII somewhere, and though I like the design, I guess it's important to preserve such minor details as Star Wars font, Star Wars starting music theme, "A long time ago slogan" and other things (like Rodians being Rodians, etc). For now I am eager to learn more about Luke Skywalker (as the latest news were posted yesterday), the new teaser and continuity. For now:(careful: this one consists of some fresh spoilers, "very dangerous putting them together") There are two versions on certain stories of Luke Skywalker! (the first one I posted a few days ago)First one - is the scene, which revels, that Han Solo finds Luke, but the meeting is not warm at all. Acording to the source, Luke looks crazy here, he has a scar and his clothes are dirty (and difficult to see the color of his cloak, brown or black), also no description whether he is a Jedi master or a cyborg, as some speculated before.In this scene Han actually points his gun on Luke (!), and tries to reason with him. The character of Adam Driver (believed to be either a villain or a noble Imperial to become evil later) is also nearby, watching them from a short distance. He wears a dark official suit of some sort. Second one - after the events of Return of the Jedi Luke comes to Tatooine - there are plenty of reasons to do that. He learns something about himself after goind deeped into history of his father, and this changes him. So much, that he now is more powerful than before. It affects him greatly and something terrible happens on tatooine, which is described as more barren and desolate than before. Also something like a large cataclysm takes place there, with craters everywhere. Luke is afraid of his power and hides himself in an old Fortress of a long forgotten Sith Lord on Mon Calamari. It's kind of prison, where the Dark Side creates a chain for him (not sure if it turns him to the Dark Side there). Some of his friends know all this and try not to be in touch with him. Skywalker also has visions, which reveal to him some terrible events in the future. He also sees the past. The future events are related to Han's son, who will bring chaos according to visions (the sone is possibly played by Adam Driver). Luke wants to destroy this man, believing he is dangerous or so... Han doesn't believe his old friend, and that's where the conflict starts. The rumour says, that Han is responsible for Luke's death in this Episode... If so I am sure Luke will become Force Ghost as Obi Wan. it's more likely this is just a rumour. While all this happens, the real bad guy acts, while all others think, Luke got crazy and must be stopped. Source: http://www.starwars7news.com I also can't wait to read some sort of an interview of Gwendoline Christie for instance. Btw, there was an interview with Robert Englund (he played Freddy Krueger) about Mark Hamill getting the role of Luke Skywalker many years ago. You can read more here. Bek likes this
z3filus Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Very interesting, be it just rumours and conclusions, or not, some of that makes sense. By now Luke should have reached a much higher level.He is the son of Anakin who, to this day, is said to have born from the force itself. Ani became very powerful and his fate should frighten Luke. Even the Emperor saw Luke as a threat when Luke had just began his journey as a Jedi. Sidious even concidered him to be a powerful asset. Skip to 1:23 --->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaBlw1gNWdg&feature=youtu.be&t=43s NumberWan and Angel Soul like this
Barricade24 Posted November 7, 2014 Posted November 7, 2014 Very interesting, be it just rumours and conclusions, or not, some of that makes sense. By now Luke should have reached a much higher level.He is the son of Anakin who, to this day, is said to have born from the force itself. Ani became very powerful and his fate should frighten Luke. Even the Emperor saw Luke as a threat when Luke had just began his journey as a Jedi. Sidious even concidered him to be a powerful asset. Skip to 1:23 --->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaBlw1gNWdg&feature=youtu.be&t=43sOr maybe Palpatine was the father all along. Bek likes this
z3filus Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Or maybe Palpatine was the father all along.Who knows... though the prequels did reveal that Sidious had his eyes on Anakin already during the Geonosis conflict.. The fact that Lucas even started to work on the prequels to show how Anakin became this dark and feared character standing on the Emperors right side,- and the fact that Lucas added a line for Palpatine in the latest film ROTS, telling Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise - how one could create life,makes me think that Lucas had to create a prequel, to sort of , lay the foundation for finishing up the story he started back in 1977 = how it all ends.
NumberWan Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 @I always felt, that the story of Plaguies and even Maul was sort of a plot conceived some years before TPM. The books now explain many things, but I guess that when Plaguies was alive, he wanted the Galaxy ruled by invisible Sith for the most part and perhaps only much later revealed their presence. He still - seems so - followed the traditions of previous Sith orders. Unlike his apprentice, who did what most of the predecessors couldn't even imagine of. Sidious was like enjoying his victory (soon to be) over the Jedi, the Republic and even the moment of surpassing the Sith as the Sith. The moment he tells Anakin about the Wise Dark Lord, is actually sort of a nod towards what is gone and the fact that he - Sidious - managed to fool him. And it is him now to gain all the power in the Galaxy, not the feared (and very much dead) Sith lords of the past, who laid foundation for the philosophy and teachings, which triumph now in one single person - the Emperor of the Galaxy. But enough of them in Episode VII thread. =) It's obvious, that Palpatine would be at least mentioned in Episode VII. It's unavoidable. But perhaps we will see a large statue or a bust, or even a hologram of the Emperor. There was also a rumour before, that the daughter of Carrie Fisher would reprise the role of young Leia in the film. Some said it would be either a hologram or a memory vision from the past. From the time she was on Alderaan. Nothing else explained, but I thought, what if they wanted to make stronger connections between films and use this one to show that the Inquisitors (or other new enemies in Ep VII) existed as early as 0 ABY, during the Emperor's reign. Yes, SW Rebels prove they existed at the time, but Episode VII needs links with prior movies, so that the Saga looked as a whole. Perhaps this would show as Leia and Bail stand on Alderaan talking during the arrival of some sort of Imperial delegation or more likely an Imperial investigation to find the Force sensitive children and take them away to the Emperor. At the time Leia might have seen that as another Imperial cruelty and injustice, but with certain events in Episode VII a long forgotten story might have got a new meaning, and she suddenly remembered. Theforce.net also posted an interesting article regarding the new title of Episode VII.You can read it here Perhaps @ would like to read it
Lamented Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Perhaps @ would like to read it Wow, I did find that quite interesting, thank you! But the title still feels cringeworthy. :|
z3filus Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 (edited) I think that rumour was confirmed. Carrie Fisher's daughter will star in the film as the young Leia Organa. Most likely as a hologram. By the way, what do you think about Leia learning how to use the Force? I'd like to see her use the force even in an emotional statesay, if Hans Solo was trapped, if he was caught underneath a collapsing cave- she could move a large rock to free him. For example.Let us for a minute, accept the rumour, that Luke has to be calmed down because he's loosing his mind, could Leia have a role in this?? Until we see the film, or anything that truly reveals the plot, we can only speculate, @NumberWan. Nothing is obvious.. as an example; ....what is Sidious never died? Edited November 8, 2014 by zeƒilus
NumberWan Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 @I am positive he will be mentioned - indirectly at least. It is unavoidable, because his very appearance was quite an impact in the Galaxy. All further events would be seen from the perspective that he is gone. This might be noticed by characters as "after the death of the Emperor", because that's how he was known to the most in the OT. I doubt the Rebels ever used Darth Sidious. The Imperials also prefer to refer to their leader as the Emperor (though there was a reason for that in the script in Episode IV - the Emperor was a mere puppet at the time, his role became more profound during production of Episode V). Palpatine would also seem to fade out in 20 years. P.S. Don't forget to add @ before the name of the User, otherwise there is a link to the name only. =) @Well, we'll have to wait until December 2015 - the title might sound different when you actually see it on screen. Wait. I've got an idea. A bit later:Here it is!! You can actually make it here. z3filus likes this
z3filus Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Don't forget to add @ before the name of the User, otherwise there is a link to the name only. =)Thanks - I sometimes forget. I like the old style a lot. BY THE WAY - CHECK OUT THIS LIGHTSABER NumberWan likes this
z3filus Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 So so sorry for re-posting an image, but I just wasn't sure you all noticed the same stuff I did about this certain image;
NumberWan Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 @Seeing that planet in Episode VII would be a very logical move. It has always been iconic in the events of Star Wars: it's where all the story began. It laid foundation and traditions for all other planets, even the ones, which looked 100% different. Theforce.net reported, that we would see a city, which is located near the sea, and both spacecraft and ships would be coming and going into the port. The concept was spotted on two photos, where members of the team are seen (with actual concept art in the background, also Millenium Falcon seen there). Strange, that we missed these two in our discussion (pictures inside): There is also a description of certain characters, which rises the question - how many villains are there in Episode VII? To sum it up: Main Villain Cyborg - is seen several times and discussed the most. Most probably a Force user, probably a Sith or a Sith Inquisitor. Some say he is behind all the bad stuff in the film, and that he might be a son of one of the main characters as well. the craziest thing was that he is Luke Skywalker himself, but I don't buy it - I feel he is more of a man pretending to be like Luke Skywalker.Imperial Aristocrat - A young man, who is not directly a villain, but the one, who would eventually switch sides in the upcoming conflict. He is with the former Alliance guys, but has Imperial ties. Some said he is related to count Dooku somehow, and is obsessed with finding ancient relics, which actually drive him mad and turn to the Dark Side. Or so. This character is rumoured to be played by Adam Driver.Imperial Female Military Officer - though the rank is not known, she is mostly likely to be played by Gwendoline Christie. Some say, she is on the service of the Empire and is hunting the rogue stormtroopers. One of the pics show, that she might be on the side of the good guys at least for some time in the film (she is seen there with Adam driver btw).Possible second evil Female character - not much is known about this one, but she might be played either by Lupita Nyongo or Christina Chong. This might a minor role, as some stipulated. But Darth Maul was also a tiny character in Episode I. Perhaps this one is the apprentice of the bad guy to be killed somewhere in the film - only to be replaced soon by someone else.Someone on cloak with Darth Bane look - that's how the people describe this new rumour-character. He is wearing a cloak and a mask, similar to the one seen on ancient Sith Lords. Some compared him to Darth Revan. He might be the same person as Main villain described before. And we have a list of possible good guys as well. =) The classic team of the Millenium Falcon, though we might see them rather scattered than together - Luke. Han. Leia. Chewie, and R2 and C-3PO. Besides we might see:Kira Solo - the only lead, who even might have a name now. Solo - is more like a speculation of fans, while Kira was leaked a while ago. She will play a major part in the story. My guess is that she is indeed one of the Skywalkers (the new generation), which can be backed by the fact that she looks close both to Carrie Fisher and Natalie Portman. In the past, when I watched the Behind-the-scenes film commentaries for Episode I and II, the Lucasfilm team said, that they tried as much as to choose actors, that would have facial and emotional traits close to Luke and Leia. Daisy Ridley seems to fall into this category as well. Male lead played by Boyega - nothing is known about him, but he accompanies Kira in most scenes.New small droid most unexpectedly we have a new character droid, which is believed by some to be a "descendent" of R2-D2. Probably with feminine character programming.New small alien - the concept art revealed a little guy, who would fill in the role of a mentor probably. Or a guide in the galaxy - he is seen as a guy in oriental clothes with long grey hair. his face looks more like a frog, but one picture showed him as a Gossam (Episode II species). If all this true, he is played by Andy Serkis, best known for his role as Gollum in LOTR.Old veteran - his concept was leaked together with other pics. He might be good or bad, rumours contradict each other. No matter what's his true allegiance, he is an old guy with cyborg legs and arms, who remembers a lot of events in Star Wars, who also survived the Clone Wars. He would be revealing some truths to the younger characters. z3filus likes this
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