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A Certain Togruta

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Thanks @@AshuraDX.


In that case I just don't know how to activate the proper view for it. I think it's version 5, yes. That's okay, though. The important thing is that the model looks and behaves right in-game, and it does. (I know how to activate the wireframe view, but in this old version of Max wireframe looks horrible, really difficult to make out anything, so I find this view is better for showing the topology in a screenshot/render.)

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Nope, I think I've got 5.0. That actually looks more up-to-date than mine. I don't have the computer with me know, so I can't post a screenshot... but it doesn't matter, really, @@AshuraDX. After this project I will be updating my Max to a later version, anyway. This was perfectly fine for me to finish the rigging and final tweaking here.


Does the face look better now?

JAWSFreelao likes this
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Looking pretty nice. Only suggestion I have is to add some simulated lighting to arm straps, belt, back, etc but of course don't overdo it.


That's next, after the skin shading/painting/sourcing (back and arms) and the face texture revamp. Part of the final touches.

Propaniusz, DT. and Asgarath83 like this
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, life's been crazy around here... >.<'


I should be able to get back to this project, finish and release her shortly (within a few weeks).


how about a progress picture ? mostly interested in seeing what you did to the back


As soon as I'm done with shading the arms and hands.


It is probably too late in the process now to even need another photo-reference, but Ashoka's return to Star Wars Rebels shows a variety of new angles and features that could potentially be helpful.


Thanks @, but the Rebels Ashoka is much older, and the design they've used for her is entirely different in that show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Textures and model looks rly nice ;)

Yeah Ashura is right - the eyes should be a little closer to the center . And i see that You used the mirror texture. It is nothing bad but does the light glow on the eyes shouldnt be on the same side of the eye? :P

Nevermind . Awesome work man!

Cerez and Asgarath83 like this
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Thanks @@AshuraDX. I made some detailed comparisons, and the eyes are actually in the right place and the right size for the model and reference:


The wider appearance is due to three factors: first there's the slight fisheye effect from the 3D camera, then there's the eyeshadows I forgot to include that help shape the eyes, and finally there's that pesky iris with the weird lighting highlights and shadows that's been giving me grief from day one.

I've completely revised the iris now, made the eyeballs slightly duller and added more shadows to them. This is the first time I've had to actually tone down the quality of my textures to match the game's lower quality/detail eye textures.


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That's an interesting suggestion, but the new highlights are designed with the mirror effect in mind.


I thought all the Raven models had mirrored textures and mirrored eyes, as do HapSlash's...

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I allways though it looked stupid


why would the eyes show highlights on opposing sides ? there's no explanation for that ;)

I agree with you, but I'm not going to go against the game's design here. My objective for this project is to create an Ahsoka model to go with HapSlash's Anakin comfortably.




What's going on with this? Gap in the mesh? Funky weighting?

Oh, don't worry about that. It's just a software bug between Max and Silo (which I've used for the preview here). The actual model doesn't have any such gaps.


Sharp eyes.  :winkthumb:

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