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FEATURE: OpenGL 3 Renderer

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Arch... Seriously, yes I know this will help. BUT there are so many other things to write and fix up that this has a rather low priority. I have a clear vision of what the final renderer should be capable of, when I'm through with it and obvious things like AA don't need to be mentioned. I really like it when you are helping, but this is rather annoying. This is not helpfull or productive. Sorry, I needed to say that.

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@@SomaZ until you get to integrate AA into GL2, couldn't you force it via your GPU driver?


Tried it some time ago with no luck. I'll promise that I will investigate some implementations, but I can't promise that this will happen in the near future, since I wanted to change the render engine from forward rendering to deffered rendering. Problem is, that AA functions for forward rendering doesn't work with deffered rendering. So. Everything will happen when the time has come.


Sorry Arch, I lost my temper. You are a great help, and you show the most interesst in this. This is very motivating to see people this interessted.

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@@SomaZ - no worries... I think you misinterpret some of what I say... By what I said above-- I'm not suggesting to you that you should incorporate AA to make it better... I know that you already know that. I'm just making a statement that "ah, it will look even better when AA is incorporated" ...stating the obvious-- as we say in English.


Keep up the great work.

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FINALLY figured out the correct shader for using misc_models (the ones that turn into BSP, not static). Only issue now is apparently, misc_models do not show marks for sabers or blasters. @@SomaZ, would this be a q3map2 thing or GL2 renderer?

Neither do misc_model_statics. This is part of the client actually, if I'm not mistaken here. Btw. It actually works on some parts of misc_models, but I haven't figued out myself when or where this can happen. Try adding something like "q3map_material    HollowMetal" to your material in the shader.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not 100% on what you've done. I think you've added lighting from textures? It's late and I'm looking at these on my phone. :P

Oh, I faked some pbr materials, improved the deluxemapping and added some smoothing to the dynamic lights (not shown here). Pictures got really dark. My screen is very good at showing dark areas. I brightened the new screenshot and added some new materials.






I guess I make a video later today. I noticed I need to write something to blend between cubemaps. There are some faces that don't share the same cubemap and "break" at the edge between those two faces, which is ugly.

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Very impressive, can really notice normal mapping now. :D


@@AshuraDX, how are those textures going for 07yun? Methinks SomaZ could use a level with proper PBR textures for tests. ;)

gotta redo the red marble one, a crash corrupted my file and I'm left with an older version.

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@@DT85 could you maybe update the first post with completed features and future additions? Seems like you meant to do that based on the writing in the first post but probably forgot lol.


Just trying to get a general idea of where the render engine is kinda at right now, gonna download and install the latest update tomorrow after work.

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So my status report of the renderer.

(from rend2)
- normal mapping
- specular mapping
- parallax mapping
- HDR + filmic tonemapping
- multisampled antialiasing
- improved texture compression support

- experimential horizon fading support (needs to be put into mtr shader definitions)
- parallax mapping on unlit materials (from ioq3)
- autoload .n .nh and .rmo textures (.rmo only if r_pbr = 1)
- deluxe mapping
- misc_bsp support (by Xycaleth)

- metals gets rendered as nonmetals at cubemap generation (from ioq3)
- getting the right stage for dynamic lighting on multi-layered materials
- force speed trail (not completely fixed, but much better)
- normals and tangents on ghoul2 models for normal mapping
- "invalid src blend state bits" error for the JK2 menu and every material that uses "GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA" or "GL_DST_ALPHA"

WIP (now in order of prioritys imo)
- shadow rendering
- deferred rendering
- real time lighting
- PBR:

  • IBL: done
  • AO handling: done
  • Specular calculations: done
  • Diffuse calculations: missing

- global illumination
- fog (started by Xycaleth)
- weather (started by Xycaleth)
- surface sprites (started by Xycaleth)
- refraction rendering
- realtime light editor mode (cooperation with ezzstreet)

- WATER SHADER (how could I forget something like this)
- ghoul2 marks
- flares
- anisotropic brdf
- advertisements (like making some good videos and flood social media with them :ph34r: )
- screen space reflections
- disintegration effect (???)
- ??

WISHLIST (maybe never implemented)
- procedual sky
- detail normal mapping stage (my personal whish I will probably grant myself ^^ )
- wrinkle maps
- sub-surface scattering

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@@SomaZ - that's quite an impressive list of accomplishments... and planned work. Any chance of adding Real-Time Wrinkle (Normal) Maps and Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS) to your WIP/ToDo List?








Wrinkles are higher priority for me... as I want that for my FACS-based (FACS= Facial Action Coding System) facial rig and new facial.gla.


I will do what I can to help...

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Well, winkle maps shouldn't be a big problem, as long as I can find out which animation is played. I have no idea how this works right now, but I can check that. On sub-surface scattering. I thought on maybe using a technique they used for uncharted 4, but I first want to get lighting done properly and this will take a long time to complete. Also weather is more important imo. Well, we will see.

minilogoguy18 and Tempust85 like this
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Well seeing as we aren't using in-game cinematics (at least for a while or possibly at all), wrinkle maps should be at the bottom of the priority list. Will be great for other mods, though.


SomaZ's WIP list is pretty much listed in order, intentional or not. :P

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