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I'd like to add Dooku's cape, or a similiar one, to my Revan skin, which is Hapslash's model. The normal cape doesn't look that good, while Dooku's cape can be edited so that it looks like Revan's original cape.


Original Dooku model and skin:




My Revan skin:






I appreciate any assistance. :)

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OKAY MATE, I was actually kinda excited to see this, I just learned how to work with models (Specifically Frankensteining) and would love to help you!!!

I slapped Dookus cape onto Revan, Sorry if it looks awkward, I did not bother sculpting anything to make it better (Again this was made like 5 mins ago)


Here are the pics!








Yes I know there is a floating blob hand there, like I said, this is rough work and if I took more seriously it would probably look much better. The textures on the cape are unaltered if your wondering. 

I hear Blender is good at this sort of thing, but I know nothing of Blender. I *think* @@Jolly might know? Could be wrong.


You posted that JUST as I wrote this out lol. 

ShenLong Kazama and Stoiss like this
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Also the cape you added here looks great too.




However, now i think i'm becoming greedy, because i see the possibility to add Savage's or Maul's horns to this skin:




I didn't even manage to remove the antennea, when i was trying to work on it myself it looked like this:



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