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MELEE: Gamorrean Axe

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Yeah, the AT-ST really just needs a death animation which I'm started to want to do something unique like it falling over on it's side. After that it can be put into game, will be busy though the next week getting stuff in life sorted out like making my weekend car road worthy again after sitting in a garage forever since the daily needs some body work after someone hit it.

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Screenshots here are another proof, that JA has so much replayability as well as potential. Just look - a game from 1990s - the Dark Forces - was just a root for a large tree, which eventually turned into a huge and spacious forests. Surely with the fans' help, but still.


I mean, that JA is far from DF2, but the memory of that game still lives with even such minor details like this axe. :)


But that is a discussion, for another time, perhaps, as Kreia would put it.

therfiles and Bek like this
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