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Cut Dialogue

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Through some rather convoluted means, I finally acquired the master copy of the chars/ folder for both JK2 and JKA. My Fixed VChat mod makes use of dialogue in the master copy which is missing in the original game. There are still many other things which I can fix in the base game (missing jump and land sounds for Jawa), however I am concerned about what we can do with this mod.


As you are probably aware, Raven recorded multiple versions of different lines. These versions could involve different emphasis or just be phrased differently. Some will be included in this mod as alternate dialogue which is picked randomly.


There's a few other interesting things, which I will discuss...


So, Kejim Post. Remember how Kyle has to find three codes to proceed to Kejim Base? He'll say stuff like "Looks like an imperial code" etc. Interesting thing is...those lines are recorded for both Kyle and Jan. Make of that what you will.


Secondly, I wanted to implement a callout system similar to PAYDAY or Left 4 Dead. The player can call out enemies and the AI will target them specifically. Depending on position, some missing dialogue would play ("Jan, behind you!" "More of them, over there!"). Jan can also call out enemies behind you.


Third, I wanted to implement an idle system. When you visit Jan at computers, she may ask you how you're doing ("How are you doing?" "Are you ok, Kyle?") and Kyle will respond based on his health.


Fourth, when finishing killing a group of enemies with Jan, I wanted to make her either praise you or gloat, based on how many enemies each of you killed. ("What would you do without me?" "Nice shooting, Kyle!")


Fifth, there's dialogue for when an NPC is blocked. They'll say something to signal the NPC to move ("Make way!" "Excuse me.." "Get out of the way!")

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I like those bits of interaction with NPCs in JK2 that I feel you miss out on in JA. Moreover I liked how NPCs would work with you in missions more too.


I remember having to quickly hurry back and rescue Jan in the beginning of the Kejim Post mission, and when being teamed up with her I would try to do better than her taking out more stormtroopers but it was hard because her aim was so good. Other times I can think of are... Nar Shadaa with Lando, Bespin carrying those Bespin cops around with you (I felt responsible for them too, didn't want them all getting blasted to bits on my watch), protecting the R5 unit on Bespin, rescuing and fighting with the prisoners on Artus Prime, fighting with the Jedi on Yavin.


In JA you get this in small bits which is nice, but nowhere near enough. Fighting alongside, competing with, and defending allies is fun. One thing that would've made Rosh more likeable in my opinion, is if you got to fight with him.

LucyTheAlien and Bek like this
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Very interesting ideas you have. On kejim when jam unlocks that door, you could choose who goes off to find those codes. Then you both meet at the centre thing to input codes so then you resume as Kyle to punch them in and check out one last area.


Makes me wonder what other source files you can get your hands on. If we had the source to all of JK2's maps...... :D

Sithani and Stoiss like this
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Progress tickers...



7 / 88




10 / 46




9 / 11




0 / 7




0 / 24

(NOTE: Luke has 2 extra lines of dialogue which will require map editing to make sense)




0 / 11




3 / 70




0 / 4




0 / 13




0 / 51




0 / 12




0 / 27



Imperial Workers:

0 / 5




prisoner3: Not started

reborn4: Not started

rebel3: Not started

rodian3: Not started

trandoshan2: Not started


I might also wind up backporting some stuff from JA to give better variety in the Jedi Academy.

Keyten, LucyTheAlien, Circa and 2 others like this
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Updated with stats now from kejim_post.


I figured I'd talk a little about how the randomized dialogue system works.

Let's take a pool of dialogue about a situation (about to enter kejim_base) for instance:


01kyk029 ("Jan, prep the ship for takeoff, I just wanna check out one last area.")
02kyk001 ("Looks like another level here, Jan. I'm going to check it out.")
02kyk002 ("No, stay with the ship. I'll call you if I run into trouble.")
01jao069 ("Meet you at the ship.")
02jao001 ("Want me to come down there?")
02jao002 ("Be careful, Kyle.")

In ICARUS, there are if() statements which you can have things occur at random. Knowing this, we have two potential starting points for the dialogue: 01kyk029 and 02kyk001. All three responses by Jan are valid here, so there's 6 potential options. The two options that exist with Jan saying "Want me to come down there?" open up an additional response from Kyle ("No, stay with the ship. I'll call you if I run into trouble."). From there, there's three more options (01jao069, 02jao002 or nothing at all). Therefore, we can add 6 more options to the original 4 that didn't open up any dialogue.

So in all, we wind up with 10 different potential scenarios to unfold, in a previous situation that would have only played one static dialogue exchange. I call that refreshing. ;)


So for the pseudocode of the dialogue...


if(random(0, 1) < 0.5) {
   play 01kyk029
} else {
   play 02kyk001
if(random(0, 1) < 0.5) {
   play 02jao001
   play 02kyk002
   if(random(0, 1) < 0.3) {
         dowait endingJanDialogue
} else {
task endingJanDialogue:
   if(random(0, 1) < 0.5) {
         play 01jao069
   } else {
         play 02jao002
therfiles, Tempust85 and Bek like this
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