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The old all-in-one TIE-Fighter pack

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This isn't a "please make this for me" thread but rather a "does anyone know where this particular mod has gone" thread.


Back in the old days of PCGameMods, there used to be a TIE-Fighter vehicle pack that had almost literally every single TIE-Fighter variation you could think of. This pack was ginormous, having at least 30+ new models. Most of them were frakensteined reusing Raven's assets, but despite that, the author did a very good job putting together the pieces and reskinning where necessary.


To jog people's memories, this pack included the ridiculous variations like experimental ties from X-Wing Alliance, the tie interdictor from Galactic Battlegrounds, the tie raptor, a few things from Star Wars Galaxies, and everybody's favorite, the tie avenger.


I can't believe I know the names of all those things. Anyways, I used to have this mod on my computer a long time ago, but I've had to clean out my hard drive a few times and probably threw it out on accident. This pack is so old I can't find it on the Internet. I didn't find it when I searched my computer. If anyone has a copy of this thing still around, would you mind re-uploading it, or at least pointing me to where an upload still is? I'm sure I'm not the only one that remembers this thing.

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Have you already searched jk3 files?

I wish it were that simple. Yes, I've searched jk2files, gamefront, jkhub, a few old JKA clan pages, and google. I did mention that this was from PCGameMods, after all, which went down a long time ago. My last hope would probably be someone who has it laying around their hard drive.

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@@DerFürst I think I may have found it. And it's not good news.


The link you posted is ftp://disk.karelia.pro/public/p/pelswik/GTA4/Star%20Wars%20-%20Knights%20Of%20The%20Force/Credits/vehicles/tie_series.txt Which means, this the mod was included in KOTF (the ftp directory is simply someones gamedata folder...slightly illegal, but hey, the FTP was unprotected). I checked on KOTF.com, and on his "credits" page, he references a  "Hatrus, Michael Gummelt,NeoMarz" for the "Tie Fighter Series". So, you may have to download KOTF and extract the models, or find a member who has it to do it for you.

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Found out more information.

This pack was originally made by Hatrus. I found an archived text file here.


Is anyone still in contact with Hatrus? I know that minilogoguy and darth zappa used to, but probably aren't in contact with him anymore.



Do you think what you are looking for can be located here? It looks like 3 of the pk3's are listed but we need someone that can read Polish. The translators don't make sense.



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Turns out that the original files are credited but Tim only decided to use the tie defender and interceptor from the pack, which are already available on jk2files.


No matter. I thought I might have been spared some of the work by finding the original files, since I was planning on using them in a current project. What Hatrus did was a pretty quick job anyway and it would not be difficult at all for me to follow a similar process and make these things myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't seen or talked to Hatrus in years, the community kinda ran him off since he never really made much of anything, most of the things he posted were ported from other places.


@@Zappa_0 may be the only person who still has these since he seems to collect such things and has held onto a lot of mods that are no longer available.

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