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Rooxon's WeaponsHD

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Rooxon's HD Project - WeaponsHD


News: LAST POST UPDATE on 29. march 2016


You can follow me on SketchFab - my models are uploaded there way sooner than they are released! Nickname on sketchfab: Rooxon


"A mod made in spite of my own wishes, it will bring you each and everyone of the sabers availible ingame with new looks. I thought about coming back to JKA modding for quite some time, just to create a mod that would make others want to play JKA once again!


So if we're in 2015, what's the best way to do it? To change the game by ourselves into 2015 graphics. First off, I will start with sabers and later other weapons, since they're the quickest to create.
That said, I'm announcing that I'll be doing many Rooxon's *****HD Mods, going from map items, effects, playermodels (some will be reskined, some recreated also) and after that we'll see what else is still left to work on
-Written by me in 2014 and updated in 2015

So, that seemed like a nice plan. I fell into the depths of modding once again way back then in march last year, starting out with, let's be honest, horrible things! We all have gotten older, more clever, more ambitious and stayed loyal to our community, which is kinda inspiring me once again!
But, this time, I'm gonna do it properly. I'm gonna take my capabilities and take as much time as I will have to take, restart models, texturing processes as many times as needed. I lost most of my assets during an update to my computer's Windows system, which is why I'd need to restart all these models anyway. In one year's time I got pretty far in terms of my skills. So why not take the mod project a step further as well?

This will be a recreation project for all weapons in the game, playable or unplayable. I will not promise to anybody to keep it ultra-lowpoly, as you may know by know that my models sway around 600-900 vertices and faces since I like doing close-up screenshots and play even the SP Campaing with CamSP closing myself in on the player a bit more. But one more thing I schould mention is that this time around there won't be any personal modifications to the models or personal additions to the textures. This is literary gonna be a recreation of the weapons! Starting off, I'll do a few of the most commonly seen and iconic weapons first, after which there's gonna be a bit of a quiet time, until I get enough models done for a pack release. My teacher and very good friend AshuraDX might feel interested in this and help me out, but I can't promise you anything!


Plans/work already done:

- The Outcast (Kyle's Lightsaber) RELEASED
The Stinger (Reborn Lightsaber) RELEASED
- The Prodigal Son (Luke's Lightsaber)
- The Sith Pack (Sith Scepter, Sith Sword, Alora's Lightsabers, Tavion's Lightsaber, Rosh's Dark Lightsaber, Desann's Lightsaber)

- Single-Sabers pack

- Double-Sabers pack


- Throwables pack
- Guns pack



Old mods:


NOTE: Everything you see is done from a new .max file and a new file in Photoshop with a white background. In other words, FROM SCRATCH, I merely took the originals as reference and created new hilts in their light, with the next updates for the first two packs though, they're gonna be literary recreated!




Misc. Sabers pack (Katarn, Desann (Retribution), Luke, Reborn (Stinger), Sith sword and Sith scepter) (Release 0.7)


Dual sabers pack:



HD Saber Blades:



Additional hilts to-be featured in the final versions of Single Sabers Pack 1.0 and Dual Sabers Pack 1.0, offering a total of 15 single sabers and 15 staff sabers:

Single 10 - The Veteran 


Single 11 - The Descendant


Single 12 - The Rebonder


Single 13 - The Neo


Single 14 - The SlicerSword


Dual 6 - The Marauder



Dual 7 - The Arbitrator




Single Saber Pack 0.1
Mixed Sabers pack 1.0 Final

Dual Sabers Pack 0.5

HD Saber blades 1.0 Final

Barricade24, Bek, z3filus and 8 others like this



Today I've done the arbiter. Right now I just need to try it in-game if everything works as it should, throw together some shader files and voila! One of the tree sabers for the first pack is done! ^^ Though the textures are gonna take the other half of my free evening today... -.-

Circa, Omicron, Bane_Ross and 2 others like this

Very nice! As Barricade said, we'd love to have more help on the Gold Pack. The sabers are the first thing we are focusing on, but progress has halted. We'd love to have these for it.


Check out the Gold Pack project here and the saber thread here.


Oh... Well, if you just want my sabers, feel free to take mine, as long as you give credit.. that's one option. The other is if you literally want my help, than I offer it anyway. I especially love doing new sabers, so I'll do pretty much everything you can come up. :)

Circa likes this

Oh... Well, if you just want my sabers, feel free to take mine, as long as you give credit.. that's one option. The other is if you literally want my help, than I offer it anyway. I especially love doing new sabers, so I'll do pretty much everything you can come up. :)

Perhaps both. :P Have you ever come up with your own designs for sabers before? Take a look at that thread I linked. Perhaps @@ChalklYne can give you what he started.


First, look at my finished texture. I still think like I'll redraw the upper metalic parts... don't know. Also needs mapping fixing a bit... -.- geezluweez. 


And yeah, you will be surprised... Uhm let's see, since these 8 years I started modding JKA, in every single schoolbook I had during this period, is drawn all over the sides, wherever there's room. Weapons. Sabers. I've drawn like a million ideas already, I'm totaly serious. If you need my help, I'll be happy to join in :) 

Oh, and I think with shaders this'll look a bit better... I hope. The texture is made from a white background, it still needs a lot more work, especially it has to look more real... I think. :/

Bane_Ross and Circa like this

Cool. We can discuss the original sabers more later, in the other thread. These recreations are looking very nice!




I think this looks quite ok. Opinions which tex is better? Any further ideas?

EDIT: I added 512x1024 spec-map shaders and metal shaders to the upper and bottom parts... the saber looks simply gorgeous to me. :3 I've forgotten, how do I take a screenshot without seeing the console?

Bane_Ross and Bek like this

A shader will definitely make it look a lot better, but I think darkening the light silver would make it look a little more cohesive. It's a little too bright.

Posted (edited)

Yes I checked with shaders ingame... the darker lines are becoming totally white on parts where the light shines the most. I totally agree.

I think this way it looks better


Edited by Rooxon
Bek and Bane_Ross like this

Hmm. From a design perspective, the two light grey shades collide. One is completely desaturated and one has a bluish tint to it. You should just make the bluish one the same color as the other. Would look more cohesive.


Like this:







could be, it's just this little blue part is made for the sake of the ingame look... You can put it in your base folder and try it yourself, If I leave it blue and even with original shaders, the saber has this one tone more and looks nicer (to me at least). Though today (probably in the evening) I'll try to finish the retaliator and consul, so the first pack is nearly on it's way. Once this happens, I'm gonna do additional skins for each of the sabers, and I can do another "cohesive" one like you want :) Cause if I think about it, there's many things I could yet change to make it more cohesive, especially the material looks.

EDIT: just thinking... what if I made the whole middle part a liiiitle bit lighter for this version, which would look a bit more like the original. And another skin choice made in spite of your ideas... cause honestly, I like both ways they look. I'm pretty sure I'd play for sometime with one skin and also the other, if I'd download this mod. 




Heya guys, just wanted to let you know... I've been preparing for my mother's birthday party this weekend and... well, I'll just say I'm kinda busy. The consul is finished, though the retaliator (as seen in the pic) came out pretty much messed up. So much I think I'll delete this silver part and the upper "shield" (yellow) and just do another ones, it's not so much work in the end.. I just don't really have the time right now. So, I need to remap the retaliator, redo those parts of the hilt and the first pack is well on it's way for you to download. ;)

EDIT: I've been thinking about adding enviromental chrome maps to that yellow shield thingy at the top, and the silver parts. What do you think about this? I think it would suggest the leather thats under them appears real with spec-maps and the metal parts would seem metalish... I think it would look great, but I still have to finish it up so I can actually test this...

Bek and Omicron like this

@@Rooxon don't rush anything. Nobody has expressed that they absolutely need this ASAP, so don't sweat it. Take your time and make it the best that it can be. I honestly think you should just wait and finish them all and release them in one pack together.


Just my 2 cents.  :winkthumb:


you're right :D it's not about that really, but thanks. I'm eager to see the reaction to this mods idea... but well I can't brag, there's not many who actually tell their opinion as I can see.. JKA's modding days are well over, after all..


No, you know, I mean... back in the day, the staff at JK3 had lots of files. Per day. A lot of people commenting, playing MP, modding... it was just wonderfull to me, it's what made me like computers back then. Now it's just a bad fallen-out strain of hair when compared... 

anyhow Circa as you're the only one who's going along, what do you think of this model? I took my time today and done it from scratch.




Oh definitely, it's a tiny portion of what it used to be. I'm not gonna argue with that. :P But it's not completely gone by any means.



Looks good so far. Keep it up! I know a lot of people would be interested in this, they just haven't seen this thread yet.


yes I've taken the same approach as for the Kattarn and Reborn ones and started totally anew... make the same model as originals, looking better and with minor look changes that make it more appealing. And I wouldn't have done so if it wasn't for your advice to take it slow. ;)

Circa likes this

Guys, going forward. I have to say I don't really like the retaliator even now and I'll probably take a go at it a third time from scratch, though I was fascinated as to how good the saber looked with shaders in-game. 

Well, here's a quick-peek at the model from modview and a second pic showing the new consul model and it's map... which means that's probably what I'm drawing over right now hehe. :D




Guys, going forward. I have to say I don't really like the retaliator even now and I'll probably take a go at it a third time from scratch, though I was fascinated as to how good the saber looked with shaders in-game. 


Well, here's a quick-peek at the model from modview and a second pic showing the new consul model and it's map... which means that's probably what I'm drawing over right now hehe. :D



Damn this one looks good!


 I love the Retaliator, one of my favorites.


Hmm. The Consul one looks very odd. You should reconsider the colors you used. They look too unnatural and saturated. I think you should stick with the original colors it had. Maybe even less color than that.

Bek likes this

yes I agree, I also stated before the colors seem wrong.. actually I've already done that. ;)

And if you thought the retaliator is amazing... imagine what the adept looks like, made in style like those sabers before. ;) it's becoming really cool, all shielded and stuff :3 almost done with the modeling

EDIT: Guys I'm thinking about going onward with the modeling of other sabers, anyone wants to give a shot at texturing? I can send you the needed files, I'm so or so gonna do them myself anyway, but.. if anyone wants to take a bit of work off of my hands, I'll just be all the more happy. ;)

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