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Skybox issue

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So I'm using a custom skybox set, well trying to. Problem is in game the sky is the white/grey grid and accouring to the console I'm getting a "Lightgrid mismatch error".

I looked at my shader file and all looks good. I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong.

this is the shader I'm using

 qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
 surfaceparm sky
 surfaceparm noimpact
 surfaceparm nomarks
 skyparms textures/skies/narsh 1024 -

Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]


Is the shader in your shaderlist? If Q3Map2 does not load it, it won't know that it should not create a lightmap, which could be the cause of that error.


I think I would point the shader  to a custom folder, rather than to a default assets folder.

Also if you're making a map, I would personally have all shaders in one common .shader file (but it depends on the size of your project too I guess).


For example



skyParms textures/CustomMapName/narsh 1024 -


But what's really important is what you name the .shader file itself in which you store the sky shader.

If you call it "RavensCustomSky.shader" you have to add RavensCustomSky to the shaderlist. The "skies" entry doesn't matter here, because it refers to the shader file called "skies.shader".

Asgarath83 likes this

I actually thought of that while I was at work. Figured that was my problem. Such a noob mistake too. :( 

Seriously we need a facepalm smiley on here. LOL


Why didn't I think of that?




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