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Hello. My name is ShroomDuck. AMA.


But seriously, I was outraged to find that someone here stole my username! Imposters everywhere! So I'll have to make-do with "ShroomDucky", which now that I think of it, sounds even cuter. Heehee!


So how y'all doin'? :)

Circa and Agent Jones like this

I don't have any questions. Your maps are some of the funnest I've played from the modding community. Why question that? Just let it happen.


Welcome to JKHub! I'm shocked and glad to see you here!


I can always change their username so you can use it. That user registered in 2012 and hasn't been on since that day. :P

therfiles likes this

Thx ya'll.


Circa: It's ok, I don't mind using this name.


It's some pretty interesting stuff that seems to be going on around here. I've been looking around and really had no idea that much of a community was still involved. :)

Circa, ChalklYne and therfiles like this

Thx ya'll.


Circa: It's ok, I don't mind using this name.


It's some pretty interesting stuff that seems to be going on around here. I've been looking around and really had no idea that much of a community was still involved. :)

I'm going to anyway. It's bothering me a lot. :P I'm sure others would agree.  :lol:


ChalklYne likes this

My day was already great, and now it became so much better! Ideal situation.


Oh, and I hope my profile picture doesn't cause any confusion. Nono!


I am also glad you're email still works so I could let you in on what's going on here :)  I hope to see ya around some more although I know you are a busy man nowadays.


Welcome to JKHub, I don't think I have ever played your maps, are they on JK3files?


Hia! Most of them are on that site: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/developer/ShroomDuck;1447


You'll either love them or hate them. I never tried to be a good mapper, but rather a good conceptualist. Creativity and gameplay were always put in front of technical skill and brush prowess.


My only regret is a map I had half-done called "Speed of the Jedi". It was an awesome concept. Basically you spawn on a bus that is going about 80 km/h and... we'll that's it really. Oh, except that you can exit the bus and jump around on the other cars around you. I guess the cool part is that it appears that you are moving at high speed, with the road going by beneath you. I had triggers on the road so if you fell, you were bounced back (and if skill & luck were with you, you would recover at the front of a semi, or the back of a pickup or some other car in between you and the actual death-zone of the highway far behind the play area ). It was a lot of fun having all these different vehicles as static fighting areas, and the traditional 'fall to your death' was limited by what you could do to recover. It made for some frantic fights where the tide could turn very quickly and it always felt fresh and unexpected.

therfiles, Circa, Omicron and 1 other like this

It looks like a bunch had already been added by a "ShroomDuck Imposter" a while back. Finally someone impersonating me actually did something good. :D


It looks like a bunch had already been added by a "ShroomDuck Imposter" a while back. Finally someone impersonating me actually did something good. :D

That's odd... Are you sure you didn't register when JKHub was first starting? It's strange that someone would do that so early on. That was before JKHub went public. The account uses your email from your old readmes.


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