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Level 6a: Barons Hed

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Actually i think Telltale Games may have some rights, and i think Disney now controls the rights to every single Lucasarts title. So as for now, i think im just gonna skip over it. Instead ill just put some ammo or shields in that room.

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LucasArts doesn't exist anymore so if they held rights to it they no longer exist.


That isn't how property rights work.



Looks like a decent block out so far. I'd be far less focused on creating a 1:1 copy and more focused on some of the shortcomings in DF2 you could overcome in JKA. (Although JKA has pretty lackluster combat and scripting itself.)


My gut instinct says that the tunnel is a bit long for a JKA style combat slog, although when you add force powers that might not be such an issue. I did feel however when I played DF2, that section felt unnecessarily long for what it really is.


Unless you guys ARE creating a 1:1 copy. In which case, disregard. If you aren't, come up with a list of things you can articulate as bad from the original version, and verbosely address how you will improve these elements.

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So i have been messing around with doing some lighting and such. Of course this was just a test and not how the lighting will end up looking. But i just wanted to see what it looked like with it, i think it makes the level actually look a lot better. I guess that makes sense.


So far i have began work on the part where you cross the bridge, i'm still working on the bridge.

hhunter6 and Tempust85 like this
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So anyone remember that part after you leave the tunnel and you come to the bridge to cross the river/stream? I am having trouble making the bridge, because clipping on brushes that are diagonal are impossible. Rotating it won't work either, nor will moving the vertices. So any tips are welcome. I will just let someone download the level and do that part for me, because I will tear my hair out. Or if someone will be happy to make a model, though I don't see how one can line it up perfectly.

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So anyone remember that part after you leave the tunnel and you come to the bridge to cross the river/stream? I am having trouble making the bridge, because clipping on brushes that are diagonal are impossible. Rotating it won't work either, nor will moving the vertices. So any tips are welcome. I will just let someone download the level and do that part for me, because I will tear my hair out. Or if someone will be happy to make a model, though I don't see how one can line it up perfectly.

I WAS going to say it should be easy to make the bridge but then I remembered that the bridge is at an angle and when you try to rotate a brush group it tends to screw up vertex alignments. So I would say either try building it with curves OR as DT85 said, it could be a model. 

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So anyone remember that part after you leave the tunnel and you come to the bridge to cross the river/stream? I am having trouble making the bridge, because clipping on brushes that are diagonal are impossible. Rotating it won't work either, nor will moving the vertices. So any tips are welcome. I will just let someone download the level and do that part for me, because I will tear my hair out. Or if someone will be happy to make a model, though I don't see how one can line it up perfectly.



Construct your bridge, select all the brushes/curves, save as a new .map file, go into that .map file and make sure the thing is centered at 0, 0, 0 on the grid. ( Best to align an edge, or the exact center of the mass), and then compile/convert it to an .ase. That way you can now use the bridge as a misc_model and rotate as needed.


If you don't know how to make an ASE, you could follow this tutorial. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/67-making-ase-models-with-gtkradiant/


Q3map2 GUI also has some presets for making an ase.

minilogoguy18 likes this
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You can make a mesh bridge, and then use clipping to rotate it (or just rotate it). Sometimes square cylinder helps as well.


I am not sure, but I think I remember the place. As I was creating the map for our mod, I had this place constructed as well, but later cut off, as there was no much need for it. Clipping brushes can also work, if you meant the bridge like in this video - http://youtu.be/g2Nfsfm_A8Q?t=2m36s

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